So I see some people saying the bows are OP in this game (at least early on), so would it be wise to give my thief a bow, or dual wield two daggers?
Also similar question to what was asked and not answered on the last page, should my white/black mage be dual wielding staffs?
So I see some people saying the bows are OP in this game (at least early on), so would it be wise to give my thief a bow, or dual wield two daggers?
Also similar question to what was asked and not answered on the last page, should my white/black mage be dual wielding staffs?
Do support abilities come active for free if I'm on the class they're from? Like is it redundant for a knight to spend support ability cost on knight support skills like Two-Hander?
Also, where do I go to buy the created shop items from Norende reconstruction?
P/M. Attack versus weapon proficiency. Which is of higher weight?
Two things in this game I think are objectively bad
1 - All the bonuses for winning in 1 rd / unscathed. Promotes the absolute most boring gameplay ever through grinding insanely easy enemies through auto-battle instead of fighting anything remotely challenging.
2 - All spells being locked to town progression. Just makes a lot of the mage classes really, really pointless until almost end-game. Meanwhile all the non spell buying classes are getting all their relevant abilities.
Nuuuu two of my characters finally Mastered their first job.
Naturally I swapped them.
The dagger special requires the use of FIVE ITEMS. Can you think of a time where your Thief used five items in a single battle?
which chapter are you even at
Well, in regards to one you really want to be owning enemies that are just inside your damage level. If you're just grinding garbage it'll take forever to earn anything.
Unless the dagger one is different, it doesn't have to be in a single battle. None of the other ones need to be, that I've seen.
Did you utilize rebuilding Norende for really good equipment, friend summoning, ABlink for better abilities, special moves, and SP? Their recommendations will go along with their tools of play.Wtf is up with the suggested levels in the nemeses fights?
Went against the level 20 guy at 23, one fira later (on the first turn) and I had lost both ringabel and agnes, with the other two under 100 health each
That went poorly
Last night I figured "may as well do this proper" and started grinding while listening to In Search of Sunrise 2.I haven't been addicted to a game like this since... well a very long time. And it sucks because I don't have a lot of time to play it. But I think about it before I go to sleep and then think about it sometime after I wake up.
I think I have a problem.
1.) you got to equip them. The only passive skill you get for free is the proficiency.
2.) From the Adventurer/Save guy
Well, in regards to one you really want to be owning enemies that are just inside your damage level. If you're just grinding garbage it'll take forever to earn anything.
Think I leveled up the special moves shop instead of the actual weapons shop lol, which explains why he had nothing to sell.
2 more questions:
Say knights get support ability to raise sword aptitude to S but sword aptitude is naturally S for the job. Any reason to take that ability as a knight?
How do I fast forward the in game time to night time?
I walked through all Level 10's at 17 without much of a problem. I tried them at 10, that wasn't even funny.Still haven't tried fighting any Nemeses after getting slaughtered by the octopus baby. Should give it another go now that I'm like 10 levels higher... lol
You do know that some weapons can be used as items? I don't even have the thief job yet and I already found a dagger with an item ability.The dagger special requires the use of FIVE ITEMS. Can you think of a time where your Thief used five items in a single battle? Maybe you have, and in that case maybe it's worth it.
You do know that some weapons can be used as items? I don't even have the thief job yet and I already found a dagger with an item ability.
I usually switch at 9 when the huge JP jump happens.
I walked through all Level 10's at 17 without much of a problem. I tried them at 10, that wasn't even funny.
Did you utilize rebuilding Norende for really good equipment, friend summoning, ABlink for better abilities, special moves, and SP? Their recommendations will go along with their tools of play.
That said, I beat Beelzebub at lvl10 without help of friends, ablink, or sp.
I haven't fought him yet myself, but I did a quick search out of curiosity...How? Man he just kills my whole party with that acid attack even while defaulting at level 10.
How? Man he just kills my whole party with that acid attack even while defaulting at level 10.
At 9? Geez where are you grinding for JP? I'm struggling to get past lvl 5.
If its any perspective, I haven't really grinded at all and I'm at about level 17-18 at the same spot.
At 9? Geez where are you grinding for JP? I'm struggling to get past lvl 5.
Anyone have a good spot for grinding JP in early Chapter 3? I want to clear all of these Belphegor's out of my village but I have no casters and only one Spell Fencer.
I haven't been addicted to a game like this since... well a very long time. And it sucks because I don't have a lot of time to play it. But I think about it before I go to sleep and then think about it sometime after I wake up.
I think I have a problem.
Well, just got my copy after a small scare that it was misdelivered. The CE box was a bit squished, causing a crease along the spine and a dent on the front cover over Airy's face. Meh... At this point, I'm just relieved that I got my copy and it wasn't sent to someone else.
I'm guessing the crushing was because I got free shipping, so they default and give me the bubble mailer. Did anyone who ordered from Amazon with 2 day shipping get it in a box or a bubble mailer?
All hope is lost!
The strategy for killing this boss is todefault until he uses Glutton, then pump him full of more healing than he can handle. After a couple thousand he explodes and instakills himself.
When you use weapons as items, do you lose them?
Wait... That's a thing? I don't know what boss you're talking about (I haven't even started!) But that sounds freaking awesome!The strategy for killing this boss is todefault until he uses Glutton, then pump him full of more healing than he can handle. After a couple thousand he explodes and instakills himself.
Good armor, good weapons from norende, specialsHow? Man he just kills my whole party with that acid attack even while defaulting at level 10.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?The strategy for killing this boss is todefault until he uses Glutton, then pump him full of more healing than he can handle. After a couple thousand he explodes and instakills himself.
Weird. This is actually the 2nd time it's happened to me.