23/24 jobs obtained, Norende complete, level 68, start of chapter 5, 52 hours played.
Digging it.
Digging it.
I actually really like Agnes. Yeah, at times you wanna just smack her, but it's not like she whines about EVERYTHING, she just really doesn't like burdening other people. Also, "Unacceptable!" is hilarious to me.
Beat it. Now to mindlessly level up my job classes.
How many chapters?
Don't read for fear of spoilers.
8 chapters plus a Finale chapter, depending on whether you destroy the crystal for Normal ending or awaken all the crystals through Chapter 8 and go on for the true ending.
Quick question regarding theIf I get themultiple endings:can I go back on the same save file and get thenormal ending,or will I have to starttrue ending,to get both?a NG+ save file
Sometimes this game is really wordy when all I want to do is go out and grind jobs or explore. Not sure if it's more wordy than the Golden Sun games but it might be close. At least I can turn cut scenes on auto and just watch. I'm on Chapter 2 and really enjoying the game. Just that it's a bit wordy sometimes.
Also leveling jobs is addicting. New spells in the shop? Better level that job so that I can use them! I still have not set goal yet. I know I want Agnes to be my healer but the other three I could go any direction.
Quick question regarding theIf I get themultiple endings:can I go back on the same save file and get thenormal ending,or will I have to starttrue ending,to get both?a NG+ save file
Chapter 4: Accidentally discovered a pretty broken setup whileI had Tiz as my Ninja, and had him use the dodge a physical attack move at the beginning of everyone of his turns. I gave him a Red Mage ability that raises BP points when an attack is dodged, gave him the ability that raises his defense and attack every time he dodges, and also gave him the one where he counters if he dodges.defeating the six dragons
The dragons have no magical attacks, as long as Tiz goes first and uses the dodge move he wont able able to be attacked ever and will always counter attack while gaining BP and stats. It only works if he is only if Tiz is the only one alive, as otherwise his dodge won't have him counter attack if other party members are targetted.
At this point in the game there aren't really 'broken' set-ups as long as you're using skills you can realistically get by yourself [aka not abilinks] which the ones you described can easily be done by oneself. Coincidentally, you could alsouse spiritmaster to make everyone not take damage for 2 turns, keep using it when it ends. You could make Tiz learn taunt alongside the ninja skills or simply keep defaulting and use the thief skill that does 9999 damage with a speedy character.
At this point it's simply smart planning. If you want to talk broken set-ups, talk about a Pirate/swordmaster. Free lunch+amped strikex4 can have you do like 32K with 4 attacks.
At this point it's simply smart planning. If you want to talk broken set-ups, talk about a Pirate/swordmaster. Free lunch+amped strikex4 can have you do like 32K with 4 attacks.
Free Lunch is for the weak
real pros use MP Free in a Pinch
At this point in the game there aren't really 'broken' set-ups as long as you're using skills you can realistically get by yourself [aka not abilinks] which the ones you described can easily be done by oneself. Coincidentally, you could alsouse spiritmaster to make everyone not take damage for 2 turns, keep using it when it ends. You could make Tiz learn taunt alongside the ninja skills or simply keep defaulting and use the thief skill that does 9999 damage with a speedy character.
At this point it's simply smart planning. If you want to talk broken set-ups, talk about a Pirate/swordmaster. Free lunch+amped strikex4 can have you do like 32K with 4 attacks.
At this point in the game there aren't really 'broken' set-ups as long as you're using skills you can realistically get by yourself [aka not abilinks] which the ones you described can easily be done by oneself. Coincidentally, you could alsouse spiritmaster to make everyone not take damage for 2 turns, keep using it when it ends. You could make Tiz learn taunt alongside the ninja skills or simply keep defaulting and use the thief skill that does 9999 damage with a speedy character.
At this point it's simply smart planning. If you want to talk broken set-ups, talk about a Pirate/swordmaster. Free lunch+amped strikex4 can have you do like 32K with 4 attacks.
Free Lunch is for the weak
real pros use MP Free in a Pinch
It helps if you have a WM w/ Dispel. It'll stop his regen and make him waste turns re-casting it.
But if I remember he has three attacks: Punch, 1000 damage w/ poison, and instant kill attack. All single target, but he does brave when he gets to lower health. Nothing you can do about the instant kill attack but if you put Star Pendants on everyone then he's going to have a hard time doing enough to wipe your party. Otherwise just chip at his health and don't go into negative brave points.
Just got to Chapter 5, are the side quests here actually worth doing? I am leaning towards no.
I did one of the boss fights and the steal was just some garbage ass Turbo Ethers so not seeing a lot of reasons to do all of these again.
Alright that's it. WHo in the hell thought THAT was a good idea... are you kidding me.
YesI'm assuming story spoiler?
I've just about done all of the chapter 5 sidequests and it doesn't seem as awful as people have made it out to be. Probably helps that I'm annihilating everything anyway. The problem is thatit makes no sense for Edea and everyone to have the same dialogue with some of the generals, the swordmaster being a primary example of being the exact same thing.
Chapter 5
There's a subquest marker in Eternia Central Command but I've already beaten Victoria and Victor. What else is in there?
Huh? What chapter? I don't recall anything like thatWait, did I just see a precursor to a sex scene?
Check the prisoner dungeon
Chapter 5
There's a subquest marker in Eternia Central Command but I've already beaten Victoria and Victor. What else is in there?
Just beat chapter 5. What the fuck.
I am in awe right now.
Just beat chapter 5. What the fuck.
I am in awe right now.