It's how you get the summons once you get the Summoner class. You just need to have one character survive, so just equip abating skills.
I wish that the characters had (chapter 6 major spoilers yo)questioned the reasoning/purpose of reawakening the crystals earlier than chapter 6. One of the (other) major writing flaws in this game is that the Eternian forces are written in a way that gives a sense of moral ambiguity due to their dedication to their cause and that they don't seem completely evil. Yet the heroes never seem to question it, and when the light pillar thing fails the first time they just say "well that sucked, lets do it again!" without question. Meanwhile I was already wondering if this was the right thing to do before I had even beaten chapter 3. The writers tried to cover for this by making reviving the crystals a good thing and making all the bad guys comically evil but it just doesn't work.
Of course, this maybe wouldn't have happened had the people who actually knew aboutthe harrowing told the protagonists what was going to happen. The sage even said that he knew that Airy was a bad guy when they first met, but he didn't say anything because of Agnes or something stupid like that. Speaking of Agnes, she might be one of the worst protagonists in any RPG ever. Her conviction to do all this stuff and belief that the Eternian forces are wrong without question is the entire fucking reason shit is about to go down next chapter. Fuck you Agnes.
Basically the writers were like "believe these guys are 100% evil" but then wrote them in a way where they weren't and it screws up the plot completely (and makes the protagonists look even dumber than they already are).
Is there a list of missable asterisks?
Just started Chapter 4. Need help. Spoiler:how do I beat the ice giant blocking the way into the town?
Also random enemies are owning my party even though they're all lvl 58.![]()
I'm in need of some friends that have this game, add me on 3DS. 2779-0474-7637
Just quote me with your fc.
You can't miss asterisks, although one doesn't show up until chapter 6 andbecomes harder to obtain the longer you wait (per chapter)Vampire
I love this game and just reached Chapter 5. Now I'm gettingHaruhi Suzumiya Endless Eight PTSD flashbacks
End of chapter 4/sidequest
Wow, dat Vampire quest. So much backstory revealed and the boss fights were epic even if the dragons started getting a little repetitive. So DeRosso is the author of D's journal using the Angel's prophecy? I like that more than any of the other possible explanations :lol
One thing though, and this kinds of goes back to my problem with no one in the party seemingly knowing who Edea was even though it was discussed a hundred times during her conversations with the Eternians. Did DeRosso not just tell everyone that Airy is tricking them into awakening the crystals? I'm pretty sure that he did but instead of going "WHAT! YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" everyone is just like "...oh, OK." :/
What the hell???
DeRosso isn't the author of D's journal, keep going dude
I'm getting an invalid friend code. Can you check yours to make sure its accurate?
You can't miss asterisks, although one doesn't show up until chapter 6 andbecomes harder to obtain the longer you wait (per chapter)Vampire
Well this meme has officially done everything haha
edit: guys if you're going to spoiler something try and make it clear what chapter it is so people don't risk clicking and getting a huge spoiler. If you really want help that is, as I refuse to click something if it doesn't specify what chapter it is
Ugh fighting these 6 dragons sucks so bad.
If you want to make things ridiculously easy just The breath attacks are considered physical and they never brave twice so you'll never get hit.
I am, but I still have to chew through their health.
I am, but I still have to chew through their health.
I am, but I still have to chew through their health.
I hope in Bravely Second enemies have, say, 60% less HP. You'd think the designers would have seen the flaw in their combat system when they had to revise combat speed multiple times, then add in 2X/4X fast forward
you want to make the main game even EASIER?
Giant HP doesn't really equal difficulty in my mind. It largely just equals "another 5 to 20 minutes of spamming the same attacks ad nauseum," especially if your skills are set up such that you're never taking damage anyway. It drove me nuts in FFXIII (especially on the bosses that have huge life bars AND take no damage unless staggered,) and is especially maddening here
Recent Japanese meme, read more about it here
Oh wow, didn't take long to sort that out. And it was what I was afraid of :/er....
DeRosso isn't the author of D's journal, keep going dude
play your (insert console here) while having it on auto battle!![]()
Question - how good is the (chapter 3 job)When would it be better to use that over like Two-Handed from Knight? What jobs would make the most use out of that?Dual Wield support ability from Ninja?
Yes, it's better than Two-Handed, but only slightly.
I've found it's good for doubling buffs (like dual-wiedling Fox Tails gives you 40 Agility!) and getting two specials if you mix and match weapons.
Ninjas are great with it, of course, as well as Pirates and Freelancers (when all jobs maxed).
has anyone found a need to use bravely second or summons? As hard as battles are I've never told myself "I can't beat this guy unless I do bravely second"
As to summons, I now have that guy from GAF with like a 99999 attack. Ultimate feel dirty maneuver.
Are the only side quests the blue sub quests? I just want to make sure I'm not going to end up missing anything.
So I just ran in toI got demolished by it, should I just grind to beat him I am around lvl 13-14. Or is there a special way to beat him? My team consists of monk, knight, white Mage, black Mage.the dragon in front of the rainbow thread