The Last One
To achieve this result, the e-commerce company focused its efforts on the customer, understanding what its consumers wanted. The initiative improved stock preparation and highlighted the most sought-after categories. The highlight of the year was the PlayStation 5. The item was one of the most requested among ninjas. E-commerce sold the equivalent of the height of ten Eiffel Towers during the four days of Black Friday and in advance of Cyber Monday (last Sunday). In addition, the other top-selling products were: SSD, power supply, VGA, monitor, case, video game, watercooler, processor, robot vacuum cleaner and chair.

KaBuM! vende o equivalente a 10 torres Eiffel de PS5 durante a Black Friday 2023 - PSX Brasil
O KaBuM! conseguiu a sua maior Black Friday da sua história em 2023. Entre 23 e 26 de novembro, a empresa bateu recorde de vendas. Com descontos de até 80% em