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Brazilian retailer KaBuM! sold "10 PS5 Eiffel Towers" during Black Friday (around 30k+ PS5)

i don't know if people are too sensitive, but as a brazilian i didnt get offended by anything that was said is this thread, if some ppl are been stupid, just educate them or ignore it and don't get offended by everything on the internet, maybe i m too old to get all fired up because someone that i never ever have seeing in my life made a wrong asumption or is talking trash about my country, there is a lot of more important things in this world to get upset for.
Sorry, i'll not be a boomer babysitter.
u dont need to be, ignore it, just dont be a fragile snowflake.

Man, take care of your life, i didn't ask your help.
I hate when people diss my country with lies and worst, xenophobic behavior.

And you, don't be a coward and fight for what is RIGHT. A real man don't ignore, they face the opponent.

"The silence kill innocents"
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Lokaum D+

Man, take care of your life, i didn't ask your help.
I hate when people diss my country with lies and worst, xenophobic behavior.

And you, don't be a coward and fight for what is RIGHT. A real man don't ignore, they face the opponent.

"The silence kill innocents"
Mano, que oponente ? ta maluco ? vc ta esquentando a cabeça com nego que vc nunca vai ver nada vida, deixa os cara falar merda, vc falou pra mim "cuidar da minha vida" e que não pediu minha ajuda e aqui vc está, dando xilique em um forum gringo por causa que alguma pessoa desinformada falou alguma besteira, é isso mesmo ?

que porra é esse de o "silencio mata os inocentes", para com as drogas mano, faz mau pra saude, voce quer "combater o inimigo", "ser um homem de verdade" ? levanta a bunda da cadeira e vai pra rua, como eu disse, ficar em um forum gringo dando xilique e chamando os outros de xenofobicos não vai combater absolutamente merda nenhuma.

Translated by Google bacause i feel too lazy to write in english.

Bro, which opponent? Are you crazy? You're worrying about someone that you ll never going to see in your life, let the guys talk shit, ignore it. You told me to "mind my own business" and that you didn't "ask for my help" and here you are, complaining on a foreign forum because some uninformed person said something stupid that hurt ur feelings, is that right?

What the fuck is this "silence kills the innocent", stop doing drugs bro, it's bad for your health, you want to "fight the enemy", "be a real man"? Get off your chair and go to the street, like I said, being on a foreign forum bitching and calling others xenophobic is not going to change shit.
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Mano, que oponente ? ta maluco ? vc ta esquentando a cabeça com nego que vc nunca vai ver nada vida, deixa os cara falar merda, vc falou pra mim "cuidar da minha vida" e que não pediu minha ajuda e aqui vc está, dando xilique em um forum gringo por causa que alguma pessoa desinformada falou alguma besteira, é isso mesmo ?

que porra é esse de o "silencio mata os inocentes", para com as drogas mano, faz mau pra saude, voce quer "combater o inimigo", "ser um homem de verdade" ? levanta a bunda da cadeira e vai pra rua, como eu disse, ficar em um forum gringo dando xilique e chamando os outros de xenofobicos não vai combater absolutamente merda nenhuma.

Translated by Google bacause i feel too lazy to write in english.

Bro, which opponent? Are you crazy? You're worrying about someone that you ll never going to see in your life, let the guys talk shit, ignore it. You told me to "mind my own business" and that you didn't "ask for my help" and here you are, complaining on a foreign forum because some uninformed person said something stupid that hurt ur feelings, is that right?

What the fuck is this "silence kills the innocent", stop doing drugs bro, it's bad for your health, you want to "fight the enemy", "be a real man"? Get off your chair and go to the street, like I said, being on a foreign forum bitching and calling others xenophobic is not going to change shit
Funny as hell lol!

You also won't change me, so... :)

Bye man!
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Lokaum D+

Like i said, just ignore stupid ppl guys, ur mental health ll thank you



We are not a jungle... a lot of people here have money to spend on Ps5 and consoles in general .. also Brazilians are not well known for money saving and management... and we have a lot of payment plans avaible so .. it is what it is.

Xbox got a lot of momentum in the 360 era because of piracy.. and its been declining since then ...
Sure... Every slum dweller is just lazy leftist can't even enjoy vanity stuff, right?
Fixing your post to help you from getting annoyed. There are too many posters here who will 'catch you' in a trap if you bring out politics(especially when they didn't) or veer too far from what they're saying.

Yes, there may or may not be an underlying statement, but until they actually say it, you can't prove it. So you'll end up looking like the wrong one and because of this it's best to engage with things at face value.
the only thing i know is in that some of these countries, including brazil, the playstations sell for much more than they do in the USA. i was looking to maybe buy a PS5 when I was in Eastern Europe earlier this year. it was around $800 i think. I'm not sure of the reasoning but I know many economies out there just aren't like a lot of western countries. Cost of importing etc. Brazil is not a country in famine lol, or even a 3rd world country (unsure / don't care) - but i know Brazil has a huge population and there are a lot of gamers there. It would be cool of Sony could somehow increase their supply to these countries so they don't cost more than something like I would pay in the USA. anyway, someone with more knowledge on why it costs more will know much more than me about this.
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According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
Xbox One destroyed the spirit of the Xbox community. It was crazy how they fell apart.
They had a dedicated community, I'll give you that, but PS4 sales were just too strong.
I talked with some acquaintances who sold video games, and they all said that it was just too hard to sell an Xbox One, not to mention its games.

Ev1L AuRoN

If Microsoft can't win here, they are doomed everywhere else. Gaming is expensive here, and game pass is just perfect for the average Brazilian gamer, still, I don't know the real numbers but from my anecdotal experience here, all my friends have PS5's, I know one guy with a series s and one with a series x gathering dust as he vastly prefers playing on PS5. I'll be not surprised if the market share around here is PS4>>PS5>Switch>>>One S>Series S>>>>>Series X...


If Microsoft can't win here, they are doomed everywhere else. Gaming is expensive here, and game pass is just perfect for the average Brazilian gamer, still, I don't know the real numbers but from my anecdotal experience here, all my friends have PS5's, I know one guy with a series s and one with a series x gathering dust as he vastly prefers playing on PS5. I'll be not surprised if the market share around here is PS4>>PS5>Switch>>>One S>Series S>>>>>Series X...
You are right but we also have lots of gamers who buys lots of physical games so they can finish them and then flip them on Facebook/OLX/ML and recover most of the money back.
Used games are huge here too (and I’m surre PS5 Digital sold much less than the full PS5)



According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol
Full of shit.

Xbox was dominant in the 360 Era, some of you love to live in the past, in can't be good for mental health.

I've seen many people also saying UK is where Xbox is competitive... Competitive against what? It's being demolished, it's not competitive.


It's actually a serious problem that deforestation is being used to create pastoral land so cattle farmers can raise beef for export. However most of exported Brazilian beef is sent to China, which accounts for almost 50% of beef exports. Most of the rest goes to other Asian countries. The West is by and large not responsible for Brazilian beef imports which destroy the Amazon rainforest, although ultimately it doesn't matter if it's China or anyone else, the rainforest is still being destroyed.
I am sorry for the off topic post, but:

The USA is actually a competitor to Brazil (and also Australia) in selling meat.

Brazil, USA and Australia are the top 3 meat sellers of the world. Can you guess how they achieved that?

Going off topic since a lot misinformation is being spread: The pollution and deforestation talks always makes some Europeans and Americans pointing fingers at Brazil, China and India, as if they were the biggest villains in the world.

This video is really relevant:

Also, is important to point that while under the previous government the deforestation of the Amazon forest on Brazil had exponentially increased, under the current administration things have changed:

Obviously, it isn't enough, both administrators are pieces of shit, but at least the current one likes to pretend that he is doing the right thing.

And finally, the Amazon forest is not only in Brazil, while countries like Colombia are also trying to decrease the deforestation, countries like Venezuela are destroying everything they can:

Again, I am sorry for the off topic post.
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Full of shit.

Xbox was dominant in the 360 Era, some of you love to live in the past, in can't be good for mental health.

I've seen many people also saying UK is where Xbox is competitive... Competitive against what? It's being demolished, it's not competitive.
I feel like Xbox is "competitive" where they are outsold like 2 to 1 "only". That's why Uk is still a competitive market.


the only thing i know is in that some of these countries, including brazil, the playstations sell for much more than they do in the USA. i was looking to maybe buy a PS5 when I was in Eastern Europe earlier this year. it was around $800 i think. I'm not sure of the reasoning but I know many economies out there just aren't like a lot of western countries. Cost of importing etc. Brazil is not a country in famine lol, or even a 3rd world country (unsure / don't care) - but i know Brazil has a huge population and there are a lot of gamers there. It would be cool of Sony could somehow increase their supply to these countries so they don't cost more than something like I would pay in the USA. anyway, someone with more knowledge on why it costs more will know much more than me about this.
Basically importing + taxes... Brazil taxes are killer and can eat up to 50-60% of some products prices... is insane ...

There is also what we call "brazil profit" ... Brazil situated companys and business culturally take up more profit then the normal margin you would expect to take in other countries... a lot of business work with 200% profit margin.. wich is also insane. But is part of the culture of exploration and also reflective of the vry high costs of maintaining any business here.

Its a beautiful and very good but also fucked up contry in many ways.


From Kabum? Places like Mercardolibre and non-online sellers(like sellers you find in Sé for example), must have cleaned up.

On Kabum right now it's R 3,720(US 763), Series X is R 4,600(US 943), OLED Switch is around R2,000(US 410).

With the new import taxes in place, it's pointless to buy and import in anyway, so it must have been a good sales period for these consoles, or will be better going into Christmas.

For Reference, on US Amazon, a PS5(Spiderman Bundle) costs US 500, it costs US 618 for shipping and import fees(this is seperate, in total it costs around US 1,118). You could use Aliexpress and you might slip through, but that pretty much closed with the import tax laws(well, they were always there I guess, but I suppose they are more strictly enforced now).
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According to Ree, XB is the dominant platform in Brazil. I’m kinda shocked by your insights lol

Let me tell about Xbox's dominance in Brazil: it was what people could afford during the beginning of the PS3 era (PS3 was 599 dollars, imagine how much it costed in Brazil). It was mostly used with pirated games though, so the software sales for X360 must've been abysmal here, in spite of it being the 'dominant platform" for a while.

As soon as PS3 became reasonably affordable around the release of the first Slim though, everyone flocked to it. It was still the object of desire of most people, which was never the case for any Xbox console, they were merely what people could get at the moment.

And by the way, that move to PS3 coincided with when most people started actually buying games instead of pirating everything.
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Basically importing + taxes... Brazil taxes are killer and can eat up to 50-60% of some products prices... is insane ...

There is also what we call "brazil profit" ... Brazil situated companys and business culturally take up more profit then the normal margin you would expect to take in other countries... a lot of business work with 200% profit margin.. wich is also insane. But is part of the culture of exploration and also reflective of the vry high costs of maintaining any business here.

Its a beautiful and very good but also fucked up contry in many ways.
It is even worse than that!
II + ICMS can add up to 92% of the original price!
Let me tell about Xbox's dominance in Brazil: it was what people could afford during the beginning of the PS3 era (PS3 was 599 dollars, imagine how much it costed in Brazil). It was mostly used with pirated games though, so the software sales for X360 must've been abysmal here, in spite of it being the 'dominant platform" for a while.

As soon as PS3 became reasonably affordable around the release of the first Slim though, everyone flocked to it. It was still the object of desire of most people, which was never the case for any Xbox console, they were merely what people could get at the moment.

And by the way, that move to PS3 coincided with when most people started actually buying games instead of pirating everything.
Yep, people confuses success with online debate


It brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it. It's an audition of some sort. I can't find the original, but the audio is also comedic gold.

Takes me back. Seeing/listening to "It's my life" video clip and trying to download the song by right-clicking on the videoplayer :messenger_tears_of_joy:


You seem so sure of your facts, maybe you should "fix" the Wikipedia article then because they seem to think the Amazon rainforest has lost 26% of it's original volume since 1970

Wikipedia is a shit source no matter how many articles they have that might be correct. I have ublock origin set to filter all Wikipedia articles out of my search results.
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Yeah, they have no idea what they are talking about...

I don't want to get a warning, so i will stop talk offtopic or politics, but those lies and xenophobic morons are on their place now.

I also think mods should not permit xenophobic stuff or offtopic replies in threads about sales or etc etc.
Is this some sort of satire? If not, anyone using the term "xenophobic" unironically should be banned.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm genuinely shocked that Brazilians can afford a luxury such as a PS5.

Haven't they been playing Sega Master Systems for the past 30 years?
I'm genuinely shocked that Brazilians can afford a luxury such as a PS5.

Haven't they been playing Sega Master Systems for the past 30 years?
Yes, and we are having Ed Boon here this weekend on CCXP Brasil with trailer reveal.

We are monkeys! Brazil is an entire country of poverty, dirty and slums! Right ?

Get out of that bubble man, learn about the world, not only YOUR country.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Yes, and we are having Ed Boon here this weekend on CCXP Brasil with trailer reveal.

We are monkeys! Brazil is an entire country of poverty, dirty and slums! Right ?

Get out of that bubble man, learn about the world, not only YOUR country.
Bud, you need some thick skin. People talk about the US all the time and they can, who cares.

I mean I spent my life in the Marine Corps getting called a GED, jar head, I even sometimes on other bases get crayons from other services because they think we eat crayons because we are so stupid, all while calling us bullet sponges for the Army because we usually go in first because the president doesn’t have to ask congress to send us in to mess stuff up for 30 days. I get to hear all this after I’ve had friends lay their lives down

All of it matters not, it’s how people are and they make fun of everyone in every country. Laugh. It isn’t that serious my friend.
Bud, you need some thick skin. People talk about the US all the time and they can, who cares.

I mean I spent my life in the Marine Corps getting called a GED, jar head, I even sometimes on other bases get crayons from other services because they think we eat crayons because we are so stupid, all while calling us bullet sponges for the Army because we usually go in first because the president doesn’t have to ask congress to send us in to mess stuff up for 30 days. I get to hear all this after I’ve had friends lay their lives down

All of it matters not, it’s how people are and they make fun of everyone in every country. Laugh. It isn’t that serious my friend.
I know, i need to chill, but man...At least one thread i had to say something about those comments...
My sense of justice is bigger than me... Lol

But after this thread, i promise i won't respond anymore to that.
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