Phife Dawg
I am trembling in fear (if they actually can hack my Steam account through this, which I highly doubt).Tworak said:how does Brink handle online accounts, because;!/LulzSec/status/79912148557512704
I am trembling in fear (if they actually can hack my Steam account through this, which I highly doubt).Tworak said:how does Brink handle online accounts, because;!/LulzSec/status/79912148557512704
internet shitheads said:Greetings Internets,
This is a story all about how we made Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax
Media, and everything they own, our bitch for life.
As you should know, The Lulz Boat stores vast amounts of booty;
much of this booty we don't release as it's simply too shiny and/or
delicious. As of late, certain inferior sailing boats have discovered
flaws in Brink (, thinking themselves exciting and new.
Too late. The Lulz Boat controls this ocean, chumps.
Some weeks ago, we smashed into Brink with our heavy artillery Lulz
Cannons and decided to switch to ninja mode. From our LFI entry point,
we acquired command execution via local file inclusion of enemy fleet
Apache vessel. We then found that the HTTPD had SSH auth keys, which
let our ship SSH into other servers. See where this is going?
We then switched to root ammunition rounds.
And we rooted... and rooted... and rooted...
After mapping their internal network and thoroughly pillaging all of
their servers, we grabbed all their source code and database passwords,
which we proceeded to shift silently back to our storage deck.
Please find enclosed everything we took, excluding one thing -
200,000+ Brink users. We actually like this company and would
like for them to speed up the production of Skyrim, so we'll
give them one less thing to worry about. You're welcome!
Please keep making awesome games, guys, and you should
totally add an official LulzSec top hat to new releases.
But anyway, bwahahaha... >:]
Pylon_Trooper said:Good Lord, I hope there's some sort of operation or sting to infiltrate these clowns. Grating teenage behaviour.
zlatko said:Fuck operations. Find them and put one between their eyes. They deserve no long drawn out jail experience. Just dead and forgotten.
Mr. Snrub said:This game needs a patch, fast. I feel like it's dying. Nothing fun about hopping into a server and being mauled by Light's with Carb-9's.
I've not played in the last week or so, but..JonCha said:Hm. So my friend picked this up yesterday and we go into a bit of a discussion over why I didn't like it and why he did etc. I've checked out reviews and the general conclusion seems to be its average, but has nice moments. Assuming there is some kind of GAF tag, I may pick this up. I have a few questions:
1) Is lag still bad in this game?
2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?
3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?
4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?
5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?
5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?
derFeef said:I kinda stopped playing it because all matches seem to be one big spawnpoint shootout. The maps dont' get used to its fully potential, it just feels unbalanced.
JonCha said:Hm. So my friend picked this up yesterday and we go into a bit of a discussion over why I didn't like it and why he did etc. I've checked out reviews and the general conclusion seems to be its average, but has nice moments. Assuming there is some kind of GAF tag, I may pick this up. I have a few questions:
1) Is lag still bad in this game?
2) Have the texture pop-ups been fixed?
3) Do weapons fail to differentiate themselves despite the customization options?
4) Do the maps differentiate themselves?
5) Is S.M.A.R.T. really not necessary?
5) Finally, are the glitchy aspects of the game still present?
Fixed invisible players sometimes (dis)appearing
Combat Intuition no longer gets triggered by disguised players
Flash Bangs no longer affect spectators
Fixed being able to collide with grenades as a spectator
Fixed drag-to still applying when enemies respawned
Enabling cheats now disables character saving and stats reporting for that session
Team switch delays now get reset on map restart
Vsync is now enabled by default
Fixed 3rd person animation when hacking as an Operative
Fixed server/client aim issues
Fixed dark shadow-band on narrow FOVs
Fixed potential crash during map load on client if heavily lagged right before a map change
Fixed potential crash if disguising on a dedicated server
Fixed odd line appearing during some cinematics
Fixed overtime when repairing the crane on Shipyard
Fixed overtime not ending when Hackbox is removed on Reactor
Fixed Container City lab door sometimes appearing closed for clients
User Interface
Added better chat support for match results and during midtro/outros
Added improved Stopwatch mode end-game review screen
Added options for VOIP volume in settings menu
Fixed navigation issues on menus with password fields
Disabled chatting when in solo mode
Added support for up to 4 deployable icons
Fixed being able to click invisible filter buttons when the filters panel is collapsed
Tweaked several weapons (full details below)
Added body type health to Netvars for future tweaking
Added map spawn timers to Netvars for future tweaking
Optimized networking to reduce snapshot sizes
Optimised light-rendering
Minor performance improvement to static AO rendering
Added conditional to sun-rendering to speed it up slightly in case of all shadow
Fixed sunlight when indoors in Security Tower
Added support for dummy files to improve loading times
Dedicated Servers
No longer disconnect server if Steam connection is lost and grace period ends
Added listClients server command
Disabled missing mesh/sound/image warnings on servers
Disabled character compositing on servers to reduce server size
All pistols: Knockdown accuracy increased
Tokmak spread reduced to be more even
Tokmak recoil reduced
Tokmak pistol reload time slightly reduced
Kalt spread is tighter
Kalt recoil increased
Kalt pistol reload time slightly reduced
Sea Eagle slightly less accurate
Sea Eagle spread made more even instead of being tight
Sea Eagle pistol reload time slightly increased
Sub Machineguns
Kross max spread slightly increased
Tampa max spread slightly decreased
Tampa slightly more jittery when fired
Tampa SMG damage slightly increased
Carb-9 SMG damage slightly reduced
Carb-9 has even spread, instead of clustering towards the centre
Carb-9 recoil slightly increased
Carb-9 slightly less accurate
Assault Rifles
AR base ammo + 1 magazine, except Rockstedi
Gerund recoils more quickly under sustained fire
Rhett recoil now more manageable under sustained fire
Frkn3k damage increased
Frkn3k refire rate increased
Frkn3k triple burst recoil changed to make the weapon behave better
Frkn3k accuracy changed to act similarly to that of the other ARs when moving/not in ironsights
Euston max spread increased for some stances (crouch, standing, walking)
Euston spread rate slightly reduced overall
Rokstedi slightly more accurate in ironsights
Hjammerdeim heavy shotgun heavy shotgun damage increased
Hammerdjeim heavy shotgun magazine increased from 8 to 12, where the modulo is 3. Ammo count changed to reflect new magazine size
Hammerdjeim recoil reduced
Hjammerdeim reload time slightly reduced
Hjammerdeim refire rate increased
Mossington spread is now more even, along with the Hammerdjeim (used to be almost ring shaped)
Mossington initial spread is increased but doesn't grow as much per shot
Mossington has slightly more recoil
Grenade Launchers
EZ-Nade splash damage radius significantly increased Lobster grenade punt damage significantly increased
Lobster reload time increased
Lobster splash damage radius increased
Lobster running accuracy reduced to be the same as walking/crouch/ironsight
Heavy Machineguns
All HMGs: Minimum spread while running reduced to be the same as that for walking
Chinzor HMG damage slightly increased
Chinzor HMG recoil slightly reduced
Maximus HMG damage slightly increased
Maximus HMG recoil slightly reduced
Gotlung minigun damage significantly increased
Gotlung minigun reload time slightly increased
Gotlung Minigun minimum spread increased to work in line with its damage increase
You forgot to bold the CARB-9 nerf. :3Mr. Snrub said:Patch deployed on Steam!
Yes, and what? How can it be compared?Proven said:Did they really just update the same day as the TF2 update?
The_Player said:You forgot to bold the CARB-9 nerf. :3
Yes, and what? How can it be compared?
Thanks, finally I will engage in firefights which are not solely CarbMr. Snrub said:Patch deployed on Steam!
Use Kalt for the great justice. It's awesome!Grayman said: Sea Eagle slightly less accurate
Sea Eagle spread made more even instead of being tight
Sea Eagle pistol reload time slightly increased
Guess I'ma use the Richie now.
Well, recent news tell us the DLC is only free for two weeks, which is messed up.Pandoracell said:I'm curious as to where that DLC is.
I need to get back to playing this one of these days. I just sort of stopped once we were unable to get people into the gaf server.
derFeef said:Well, recent news tell us the DLC is only free for two weeks, which is messed up.
Uriah said:Only 2 weeks? That's ridiculous. They are going to kill whatever small part of the community remains on the PC side. PC DLC should be free. Maps packs don't sell, unless your game is Call of Duty.
Huh? Still having no problems finding populated servers with good pings (Europe). This game was never bound to have a huge active community to begin with, similar to other SD games.Mr. Snrub said:PC is already dying. Starting to regret my purchase. When it comes to launch, speed of patches > size of patches.
RTCW and Enemy Territory were pretty bigPhife Dawg said:Strange choice with the DLC, this certainly won't help growing the community if that's what they're intending. Barrier of entry should be as low as possible imo if you're not a super-popular game (CoD).
Huh? Still having no problems finding populated servers with good pings (Europe). This game was never bound to have a huge active community to begin with, similar to other SD games.
Really? Never felt to me that way. More a dedicated, small fanbase. Certainly not as big as Q3 back in the days for instance and most certainly not comparable to CoD and the likes.Mik2121 said:RTCW and Enemy Territory were pretty big![]()
Genesis Knight said:With Brink being bomba on all platforms, I wonder what the outlook is for Splash Damage. I haven't touched my 360 copy in weeks.![]()
Neuromancer said:Disappointing, very disappointing. Some basic squad commands might have made it work but oh well.
I might try again with some friends against the bots some day, I think it would probably make a huge difference.