Are European steam preorders preloading yet? It could be that.
weekend_warrior said:Tuesday, when the game comes out.
I have fully preloaded on Steam, yeah. Kinda mad about that D2D deal I did not know of.Teknopathetic said:Are European steam preorders preloading yet? It could be that.
derFeef said:I have fully preloaded on Steam, yeah. Kinda mad about that D2D deal I did not know of.
I bought it on Steam. Me idiot.Corky said:Huh, what about it? I've bought it from d2d but I havent figured out how/if I'll be able to preload it on steam yet since I don't have the key. Have I missed something?
Good riddance, I hated all the streams so far except for the weapon and character customization parts. I hope the devs know that all they have to do is release video of their internal tournament and the need for streams would be gone. Seems like a pretty easy solution and yet they don't do it for some reason.weekend_warrior said:all streams nuked from orbit.
Starfish_Oxide said:Lame. That worries me, dont know if il preorder then....
Bethesda (Zeni Max) also has taken down A LOT of youtube stuff. Yeah, I don't get it as well. Even Bungie allowed streams of Reach from people who got it early.rac said:Good riddance, I hated all the streams so far except for the weapon and character customization parts. I hope the devs know that all they have to do is release video of their internal tournament and the need for streams would be gone. Seems like a pretty easy solution and yet they don't do it for some reason.
MMaRsu said:Plenty of amazing games had embargo's till release date.
What will reviews reveal about this game other than what can already be gathered by what we know about the game? You need a number to tell u if u like an objective oriented team based shooter?Starfish_Oxide said:Lame. That worries me, dont know if il preorder then....
rac said:Good riddance, I hated all the streams so far except for the weapon and character customization parts. I hope the devs know that all they have to do is release video of their internal tournament and the need for streams would be gone. Seems like a pretty easy solution and yet they don't do it for some reason.
No local coop/splitscreenblazinglazers said:Hyped for this, can't wait for tuesday!
A question: does the game support local co-op / split screen?
Officially, no. Unofficially, yes.Strider2K99 said:Sorry if this has been asked before, but has it been said if this game supports 360 controller on PC?
We don't officially support any controllers on PC, so we aren't required to support the X360 controller either.
Thanks for the clarification. So if you support a Windows controller the GfW certification requires you also support X360 controllers?
If I read a little deeper can I also assume that mapping via the console (as in ETQW) is classed as "don't officially support"?
Pretty much spot on.
Ah, too bad. Thanks for the info.jhawk6 said:No local coop/splitscreen
No system link/ LAN support either on consoles at least
jhawk6 said:What will reviews reveal about this game other than what can already be gathered by what we know about the game? You need a number to tell u if u like an objective oriented team based shooter?
We know all the mechanics in the game. We know the type of game it is. We've seen the AI in action through the gameplay vids that are out there.
The only legitimate concern people are having is if people will play the game in a team oriented manner and whether there will still be a community a few months from now. Neither of these can be evaluated by any reviews that show up on Tues.
Darkshier said:Officially, no. Unofficially, yes.
From the Splash Damage forums...
Brink's Associate Producer
To which someone replies....
Brink's Associate Producer
So yeah, I don't know what that means other than no native controller support. I don't think you will just be able to plug and play. It seems you will have to map the controls via the console, but I really don't know.
Starfish_Oxide said:A review embargo, lack of demos and removal of all non-official game media doesn't bode well in my opinion but come Tuesday and we will see
All these statements lead me to believe you're getting the PC version, you can be 99% sure that it has LAN-support, I'm just not sure if they've said it outright.SneakyStephan said:No lan support? fuck it then,what fps pretends to be competitive mp then doesn't even bother with LAN support.
(and yes, I still regularly play at LAN with friends, it's not some arbitrary reason to not want the game).
No demo, review embargo, no clarification on pc recoil, taking down streams (which looked slow paced and dull to begin with) aren't good signs anyhow.
I don't care if other publishers or devs do it too, if they had nothing to hide they wouldn't.
I am pretty sure the PC version lets you set up a LAN server at some sort and play it with your friends. There are tools out thereSneakyStephan said:No lan support? fuck it then,what fps pretends to be competitive mp then doesn't even bother with LAN support.
(and yes, I still regularly play at LAN with friends, it's not some arbitrary reason to not want the game).
No demo, review embargo, no clarification on pc recoil, taking down streams (which looked slow paced and dull to begin with) aren't good signs anyhow.
I don't care if other publishers or devs do it too, if they had nothing to hide they wouldn't.
Phthisis said:95% of games have review embargoes.
Teknoman said:As for things looking boring, image everyone only being able to play as a Soldier or Engineer from TF2 at the moment.
Only when its humans v humans and lots of body types/classes/weapons in play will things get lively...I hope.
Starfish_Oxide said:Till release day? Not likely.
Anyway, will there by a good amount of PS3 gaf buying this? Seems like a game where clans or at least some teamwork should be useful, but hopefully it is good because I need a good multi to keep me going for the summer.
Starfish_Oxide said:Till release day? Not likely.
Anyway, will there by a good amount of PS3 gaf buying this? Seems like a game where clans or at least some teamwork should be useful, but hopefully it is good because I need a good multi to keep me going for the summer.
Portal 2 did.Starfish_Oxide said:Till release day? Not likely.
Then you're not aware that if you're any sort of self-respecting gamer you'll be doing all the SMART stuff manually which will give you an edge in movement if you do it right.SneakyStephan said:Cmon man, you can't compare soldier to this.
You run faster in tf2, you can rocket jump and your rockets have a travel time to the target (and can be deflected).
These 3 will always keep playing soldier interesting and challenging.
I'm not even that much of a tf2 fan (though it's a really good game).
Classes and weapons are a lot more interesting gameplay wise.
Hitscan point and click weapons and slow movement are a completely different thing.
I enjoy strafejumping speed modifiers, rocket jumps and momentum applying to fps gameplay, the movement is half the game in many fps games.
Even cs lets you strafejump with a speed modifier to great effect and incorporates footstep sounds/walk modifier.
The movement here seems slow, simple and shallow,I'm aware of the smart system but that too seems shallow ,just a button you hold down that makes the game automatically manouvre you over stuff in the direction you are facing.
Perhaps the light body type will be able to do really neat stuff, but we haven't seen that yet.
Q: Do the pre-order weapons have their own, unique stats, or do they share the stats of other weapons, with a different model and skin to represent it? How do they balance out against the stock weapons?
A: All of the pre-order weapons mimic the stats of guns that are already in the game. The pre-order weapons do have new looks and in some cases new sounds. Also, since this has been asked quite a bit, if you have multiple pre-orders codes for different offers, you can use all of them in one copy of Brink to get all of the goods.
Starfish_Oxide said:Till release day? Not likely.
Being a steamworks game you will probably have to be online to play locally though.Danne-Danger said:All these statements lead me to believe you're getting the PC version, you can be 99% sure that it has LAN-support, I'm just not sure if they've said it outright.
Grayman said:Being a steamworks game you will probably have to be online to play locally though.
You will get that for sure because the server app is freely available.SneakyStephan said:I don't care about having to be logged in to steam, it's about being able to all play on one router so we can enjoy 0 latency 0 packet loss 0 choke.
That's the whole and sole reason to have a LAN.
steadfast said:Just this year, off the top of my head, Dead Space 2, Portal 2, and Mortal Kombat all had embargoes. It's becoming the norm instead of the exception.
People need to really get over the embargo thing; it's meaningless.
Sad but true. They're better for learning what features a game has while they don't get down to the gritty details too often. It's like a summary of what the game is mixed with only one or two criticisms instead of really judging a game.Teknopathetic said:Embargoes would mean a lot more if game reviews were actually well written, detailed, thorough, or insightful instead of just regurgitating all the stuff you could find on the back of the box.
derFeef said:Bethesda (Zeni Max) also has taken down A LOT of youtube stuff. Yeah, I don't get it as well. Even Bungie allowed streams of Reach from people who got it early.
divisionbyzorro said:People knew how to play Reach because of extensive time with Halo 3 and the Reach beta. It sounds to me like nobody knows how to play Brink yet and are doing a good job of making the game look bad (or at least boring). It doesn't have me concerned about the quality of the game overall, but it actually is making me worry about its longevity - if it's really that difficult to play, how long will the community stay active (from a console player's perspective)?
X-Frame said:If they want to remove streams and videos from early buyers you would assume they'd have content to replace it with.
I'm still baffled as to why they didn't get SD to play their own game and record it while in-house or at a gaming event playing against other players, maybe with some commentary?
Just like Halo Reach. And Brink is a brand new IP .. so there should be an overload of quality content pre-release, not just low-quality streams of poor players.
Crazy man.
Teknopathetic said:Embargoes would mean a lot more if game reviews were actually well written, detailed, thorough, or insightful instead of just regurgitating all the stuff you could find on the back of the box.