The sound of that shotgun is awesome. Two more days, GAF friends!
Teknopathetic said:"Btw did Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament (entire series) have visual recoil on any weapon? Its been so long since i've played (even 3), I dont really remember."
None that I can remember on either.
TheApatheticOne said:The sound of that shotgun is awesome. Two more days, GAF friends!
Proven said:Posting this again as this is my new favorite Brink vid:
Smart is starting to look good. can't wait to see real gameplay tomorrow night.Proven said:Posting this again as this is my new favorite Brink vid:
Fenror said:This shotgun is amazing:
classicdms said:God that video is amazing. That's what we need more of. Not fucking tutorials on how basic mechanics work. I see video compilations of dudes running all over the map completing objectives being a thing that happens post release.
Hype on a hundred thousand million right now!Proven said:Posting this again as this is my new favorite Brink vid:
Teknopathetic said:"Pretty sure the railgun and the plasma rifle on Q3 had recoil, took ages to realign the railgun the recoil was so overdone."
As I recall, Q3A railgun and plasma has zero recoil on your viewport and thus doesn't affect your aim whatsoever. Unless we're just talking about the animation in which case I'm not sure, I haven't played with weapons visible in awhile.
classicdms said:You know what I just noticed but also like? The yellow radar directional thing when dudes are shooting at you but don't hit you. That shit seems like it would save lives.
You'd be wrong. The Q3 and UT weapons don't have recoil. The animation might look like it does, though. But they don't affect your actual aim.kyo_daikun said:Pretty sure the railgun and the plasma rifle on Q3 had recoil, took ages to realign the railgun the recoil was so overdone.
Pandoracell said:Arg, can't seem to easily order Brink off of D2D. When I try entering either of my phone numbers, I immediately am told to contact customer service. Guess i'll try doing that tomorrow.
Anybody have any experience with them? Can this be resolved quickly?
Mik2121 said:You'd be wrong. The Q3 and UT weapons don't have recoil. The animation might look like it does, though. But they don't affect your actual aim.
This vid really shows off SMART. So much better than all the streams.Proven said:Posting this again as this is my new favorite Brink vid:
I have vague memories of this happening in ET:RTCW. As long as you could see a few pixels of enemy soldier, you could headshot them with your SMG! (more than one shot if you were using a silenced rifleTeknopathetic have people essentially full auto sniping you with a machine gun from across the map.
Teknoman said:So why are people bugging out (not just here, but other forums/comment/video sidebar chats) about recoil?
Teknopathetic said:"I have vague memories of this happening in ET:RTCW. As long as you could see a few pixels of enemy soldier, you could headshot them with your SMG! (more than one shot if you were using a silenced rifle)"
Yes, I don't think there's any recoil in W:ET. Ironically, I believe most ET/QW competitive players actually prefer W:ET as a "competitive" game.
Blizzard said:I have vague memories of this happening in ET:RTCW. As long as you could see a few pixels of enemy soldier, you could headshot them with your SMG! (more than one shot if you were using a silenced rifle)
I think it has to do with the fact that these weapons are (pretty much) realistic, and their real counterparts have actual recoil. It also has to do with the fact that everybody is quite used to recoil already, to a certain extent (ie, the recoil used in the COD games).Teknoman said:So why are people bugging out (not just here, but other forums/comment/video sidebar chats) about recoil? Just being used to the current set of FPS attributes? Or is there something i'm missing (just in case the guns work exactly the same in the PC version)?
Either way, whoo tomorrow night unlock!
Stackboy said:How many maps is Brink going to have?
SneakyStephan said:stuff
weekend_warrior said:That's ridiculous. A game doesn't need to follow some pre-determined "formula" to be fun. If something works, and makes the game fun then go with it. The challenge in Brinks gunplay comes from out maneuvering the other person, getting them into a compromised position where they can't escape before their (relatively) high health depletes. In fact from what I've seen it reminds me of Halo.
Slow speed with high health and high maneuverability. With a large focus on teamwork and classes.
Exactly.weekend_warrior said:That's ridiculous. A game doesn't need to follow some pre-determined "formula" to be fun. If something works, and makes the game fun then go with it. The challenge in Brinks gunplay comes from out maneuvering the other person, getting them into a compromised position where they can't escape before their (relatively) high health depletes. In fact from what I've seen it reminds me of Halo.
Slow speed with high health and high maneuverability. With a large focus on teamwork and classes.
release dayNeverfade said:When's the embargo up for this?
Weenerz said:Does PC GAF have a dedicated server for this yet?
Pandoracell said:Arg, can't seem to easily order Brink off of D2D. When I try entering either of my phone numbers, I immediately am told to contact customer service. Guess i'll try doing that tomorrow.
Anybody have any experience with them? Can this be resolved quickly?
SneakyStephan said:It's not a formula, it doesn't have to follow anything.
I gave 3 examples of what makes shooters more than point and click with a weapon skin pasted over the centre of your screen.
If you have both hitscan weaps And no recoil in a game like this (and you aren't handicapped by analog sticks), then it just breaks the game.
(not to mention how shallow the shooting becomes).
My time on writing out a whole paragraph to spell it out is apparently wasted.
Are you seriously comparing this to halo btw?
Halo has the recharging shields as a buffer (with each weapon being better or worse vs either shield or raw health) and the interesting weapons and power ups.
Give everyone a shotty or smg, remove the shields and low gravity and vehicles and it's not halo anymore.
If you want to compare it to anything, compare it to a slower RTCW/cod search and destroy hybrid with a few new tricks like the resource bar and one button climb/jump/walljump/slide.
weekend_warrior said:That makes no sense. Search and Destroy is a no respawn gamemode, that resulted in a sprint to strategic locations followed by camping. And the developers of Brink specifically said they designed Brink away from the CoD type of low health gameplay. They want people to be able to retreat from combat, which is why I compared Brink to Halo. Halo has recoilless "lazer guns", but plays fine because they're not instant kills gun like CoD.
The M.O.B said:PC Version here, I'm going to be playing all week when it comes out.
Anybody who has steam add my new account
Steam id: titankiller2
Do players really have high health in Brink? It kinda seemed like even the heavy body type died in a few shots in that clip with bots on hard. Maybe it's because bots were on hard that they did more damage? But I was honestly surprised how fast the heavy body type went down.weekend_warrior said:That's ridiculous. A game doesn't need to follow some pre-determined "formula" to be fun. If something works, and makes the game fun then go with it. The challenge in Brinks gunplay comes from out maneuvering the other person, getting them into a compromised position where they can't escape before their (relatively) high health depletes. In fact from what I've seen it reminds me of Halo.
Slow speed with high health and high maneuverability. With a large focus on teamwork and classes.