This is from an old video, but I never stopped to think about it until I saw the still:
The kinds of customization you'll be looking at. 4 attachments and lots of yummy stats, I think they've said there are 21 weapons or so in total? Plenty of room for experimentation, add to that classes, bodytypes and perks, should be interesting! If I can get a bolt-action rifle with good hip-fire (and a fast-switch high-damage pistol), I'll be in shooter heaven.

The kinds of customization you'll be looking at. 4 attachments and lots of yummy stats, I think they've said there are 21 weapons or so in total? Plenty of room for experimentation, add to that classes, bodytypes and perks, should be interesting! If I can get a bolt-action rifle with good hip-fire (and a fast-switch high-damage pistol), I'll be in shooter heaven.