Maybe your config file is set to readonly?BloodySinner said:Why the fuck doesn't this game remember my FOV settings? I always have to change it each time I run it.
Maybe your config file is set to readonly?BloodySinner said:Why the fuck doesn't this game remember my FOV settings? I always have to change it each time I run it.
CoD is still a laggy mess.KaYotiX said:360 version was kinda shitty tonight......they REALLY need to get this game running good and fast. I can see the community giving up after a week of laggy crap.
Seems like if your FPS isnt called Halo or CoD, its a laggy mess for whatever reason
JonCha said:Also shocked at the two-star review on GiantBomb. Waiting to see how thoughts develop this week.
I'm going to listen to the Bombcast later, so it'll be interesting. I usually agree with Jeff a lot so I was worried when I saw the review.divisionbyzorro said:I'm not. Jeff doesn't like ET games, and there isn't any single-player content to speak of. If you listen to the latest bombcast, he makes it clear that the lack of content is his single biggest gripe; he simply doesn't think the game is worth $60.I'll leave value judgements to each person, but after getting $25 of credit back from Amazon, I can't imagine not finding this to be a good value.
Offerizer said:Are the unlocks you get from the challenges worth it? I have no real interest in playing against bots but maybe I can power trough it if it's worth it. Can you coop the challenges?
If my ATI card works with the game i'm down for some EU gaf games tomorrow evening.
Sinatar said:Well you unlock all the weapon attachments, some perks and some guns so yea it's worth it. I mean it took me maybe 15 minutes to clear the 8 challenges necessary to unlock everything.
I always do this with 360 games.Raide said:So for the 360 version, install to HDD straight away?
Dina said:Still no news on Getting anxious here.
edit: not anxious, fearful. mad even.
Sinatar said:Well you unlock all the weapon attachments, some perks and some guns so yea it's worth it. I mean it took me maybe 15 minutes to clear the 8 challenges necessary to unlock everything.
ColonialRaptor said:Is it true that this game can't run at 2560 on PC?
Does it really unlock at midnight? It says around 2am on my steam page.mxgt said:Got my retail copy, loaded and ready to go.
Midnight please hurry up![]()
derFeef said:Good to hear, first I plan to equip. Is there an auto-fire shotgun as well?
Do a live chat with a rep and they'll prolly send you one immediately.divisionbyzorro I the only Amazon customer who hasn't gotten their Psycho Pack yet? And did any other Amazon customer get a $5 refund?
divisionbyzorro I the only Amazon customer who hasn't gotten their Psycho Pack yet? And did any other Amazon customer get a $5 refund?
PoweredBySoy said:Is there any sort of indication that a Soldiers Kevlar Vest ability is equipped or working? I unlocked it last night, and while looking at the Engineers Kevlar Plate buff, it says that it will not work on a Soldier who already has Kevlar on, yet I kept having Engineers applying their buff on me. I don't know, something doesn't seem right...
PoweredBySoy said:So, Operatives. Is there any way to identify a disguised Operative?
Aside from shooting him, I don't think there's an ability to reveal hidden operatives.PoweredBySoy said:So, Operatives. Is there any way to identify a disguised Operative?
You could try this for starters: said:Can any of you PC guys give the rest of us PC players all the good config commands for Brink? Like FOV and stuff? Thanks!
Raide said:Shooting them.
Raide said:So keep an eye on players running around not engaging enemies or getting objectives...which could be most players currently.![]()
Ken said:Aside from shooting him, I don't think there's an ability to reveal hidden operatives.
Had a funny encounter yesterday seeing a second me at the hacking objective. No one else shot him though so I guess disguised operatives either aren't as prevalent as TF2 disguised spies or people don't bother shoot-testing everyone because of friendly fire
brettchalupa said:Every time I have had the Kevlar on it there is an icon on the HUD that looks like a vest. Unless that was something else.
You should have been in the TF2 Beta, it was hilarious.f0rk said:The friendly fire must add an interesting dynamic, imagine if pyros in TF2 went around burning every teammate they saw and it actually set them alight.
PoweredBySoy said:Well, not exactly FF friendly, but does shooting them disable the disguise, or do they just take damage while disguised (as in TF2). I don't feel like dropping all my teammates just looking for Operatives, fun as that may be.
Captain Fish said:In the server yesterday I felt the sting of a lack of soldiers more than anything. I've kinda been focusing on operative skills, so I'm not sure how much soldier I'll be able to apply to my main before he reaches cap.
PoweredBySoy said:That's funny, while playing all last night I was seeing the opposite - plenty of Soldiers and Medics, and hardly any Operatives. So for me, that kind of made me want to switch to Operative. I suppose it just depends on server you're on at the time...
Just looking at abilities though, Operatives do seem a little lacking in regard to contributing to the team.
Engineers buff guns though. :/PoweredBySoy said:I'm pretty sure that the HUD icon is for the Engineers buff.
Engineer abilitybrettchalupa said:Engineers buff guns though. :/
Maybe it is a medic buff?
brettchalupa said:Engineers buff guns though. :/
Maybe it is a medic buff?
brettchalupa said:Engineers buff guns though. :/
Maybe it is a medic buff?
XeroSauce said:Soldiers can equip their own Kevlar
divisionbyzorro said:Or it's taking the buff, but not having an effect.