Late game spoiler:
After losing your brother, I felt super alone. The way the game controlled especially amplified that. I really felt like I was missing half of myself.
Great game, definitely worth the $15.
Also, Heart of Darkness (that PSone adventure game) crossed my mind during a particular segment early on.
I got the PC version. Definitely the recommended way to play I can see... it looked stunning artistically, was smooth as butter and had no hiccups at all like tearing.
My only major complaint, really, is one particular gameplay segment that sort of bothered me. It has to do with a rope, about mid-game...
what the this game just got way more unexpectedly dark
fuckinglynchings, maybe some guy trying to commit suicide 'cause his family was burned to death? Or did someone else burn his family to death and then try to hang him? Either way, I was a little surprised at this level of bleakness. I mean it's cool, but I just didn't expect it lol
Just finished this a couple of hours ago. I honestly feel like this game out-Journeyed Journey. Though not the technical marvel Journey was, the quest was at least equally memorable, simarly grand in scope, and I'd say even more heartfelt given how immediately relatable the protagonists were. It's spectacularly beautiful in many areas and I found the puzzles hit a wonderful balance between forcing you to think yet never becoming frustrating. My single story-related qualmStill loved practically every minute of the game. As others have said, well worth the asking price. Played on 360 and had no major visual quirks or technical hiccups.was with the spider villian, namely that she came out of nowhere with (almost) no foreshadowing and played far too important a role for her quick reveal and subsequent dispatch. I had no issues with the "ghosts" because they're handled with sufficient grace as to be interpreted as merely figments of the younger brother's imagintion. In fact, without them the story would be almost unbearably grim. Hell, the ending was heart wrenching, yet I applaud that they had the courage to carry it through as it felt genuine.
I thought the fact that she was being sacrificed by the crazy people was foreshadowing enough. She was the damsel in distress, but I knew something was up when she was flirting with the older brother.
Just finished this a couple of hours ago. I honestly feel like this game out-Journeyed Journey. Though not the technical marvel Journey was, the quest was at least equally memorable, simarly grand in scope, and I'd say even more heartfelt given how immediately relatable the protagonists were. It's spectacularly beautiful in many areas and I found the puzzles hit a wonderful balance between forcing you to think yet never becoming frustrating. My single story-related qualmStill loved practically every minute of the game. As others have said, well worth the asking price. Played on 360 and had no major visual quirks or technical hiccups.was with the spider villian, namely that she came out of nowhere with (almost) no foreshadowing and played far too important a role for her quick reveal and subsequent dispatch. I had no issues with the "ghosts" because they're handled with sufficient grace as to be interpreted as merely figments of the younger brother's imagintion. In fact, without them the story would be almost unbearably grim. Hell, the ending was heart wrenching, yet I applaud that they had the courage to carry it through as it felt genuine.
No doubt, this scene shocked the hell out of me, particularly because ofmy gut response to help the guy. There was a real urgency to that moment. Though I only played through it once, I take it that it's quite possible for the guy to die if you don't act quickly enough. Quite impactful.
I just reckon it's as simple asOne thing that I thought would get exposed wasthe invisible snow giant. Like, what was it really? Did it freeze that army of guys? What happened? Then again, it took (almost) the attention away from how superhumanly agile and strong the girl was, so maybe it was designed to just be a red herring.
The one qualm I have with the game was the lead vocal in the main theme. I found it quite grating and mixed too high some of the time. It especially didn't help when that tune kicked in during the emotional peak of the game.
Fine game, but I don't understand "GOTY!" comments here. Yes the game is beautiful looking and has some great soundtrack and exciting and sad moments. But it has slightly more gameplay than Journey and it's 2.5 hours long. Movie costs less than the game, you might as well not waste money. I'd give it 6 out of 10 (Journey is 3/10)
I recently got this on PSN. Played for 15-20 minutes but i didn't like the controls and the stillness of the game. Should i keep playing? Does it worth it? Seriously i can use some help.
It's one of those games where if you go through it expecting a plot twist or something and you're analysing every little detail to try and work out what the twist will be, yeah, you'll probably have some ideas what might happen.
Maybe just sit back and enjoy the ride instead?
Oh by the way, has anyone mentioned how much more affecting the experience is if you play with someone you're close to and they use one half of the controller while you use the other?
I did this with my sister, and as a result the experience had far more impact. The way it worked, it really felt like we had to work together, and being that me and my sister are close, the themes between the two brothers resonated with us. Additionally, when the ending cameand you lost control of the older brother, my sister was extremely emotionally moved by this - she started crying and said when I was unable to control my character anymore, it was like she lost an arm. The game no longer felt right to her and it was like she really lost someone important to her. She cried a lot. I had to agree, too... there was a certain punch to the experience that playing in close proximity with someone you love on the same controller really adds to.
It also worked completely perfectly, so it actually felt in a way like true co-op.
Apparently some guy called TotalBiscuit posted a video on Youtube praising Brothers and now the game has jumped from being 70th-ish on Steam to being the 6th best selling game! I'm happy to see some well-deserved success for Brothers, but who is this guy and how can he have so much sway over what people buy?
Apparently some guy called TotalBiscuit posted a video on Youtube praising Brothers and now the game has jumped from being 70th-ish on Steam to being the 6th best selling game! I'm happy to see some well-deserved success for Brothers, but who is this guy and how can he have so much sway over what people buy?
I thoughtJust finished it. Manly tears were shed.
That alone was beautiful. It is a crowning achievement of game design if the press of a button alone triggers emotions. Man. What a game...That moment when you realize how to swim at the end.
He's basically a game pundit, he commentates SC2 matches and does early impressions of games, coverages of cons. He's PC oriented and been getting more and more followers. Not exactly liked though, especially on this site, lol. But for reasons, I still like his WTF though.
My only major complaint, really, is one particular gameplay segment that sort of bothered me. It has to do with a rope, about mid-game...
I recently got this on PSN. Played for 15-20 minutes but i didn't like the controls and the stillness of the game. Should i keep playing? Does it worth it? Seriously i can use some help.
Was a really nice touch with the owl bird appearing at the end, I thought it was dead? It must have been exhausted.
Re: your story related qualm.
.Before you get down to where the guys are chanting in front of the tied up woman, you can see cave paintings depicting humans fighting spider creatures. I think that's adequate (and beautifully subtle) foreshadowing of the spider situation.
Loved the second darker half of the game.Holding up the suicidal guy and launching the giant arrow were cool moments.
Yes, this is what I will ultimately remember Brothers my standout moment of this game.Helping the hangman
Crazy too thatyou can fail at that. I did my first time, and then died on the cliff, only to replay it and succeed.
Me too - restarted from last checkpoint as soon as I could.Then I knew, the game was special.I expected some kind of videogame-y reward for helping him. But he just sat there and cried.
Ah, but then you can, which at least draws a line under that little scene. Very touchingGo into the ruins of his house and bring back a memento of his family, after which he gets his shit together and gives them a proper burial![]()
The one qualm I have with the game was the lead vocal in the main theme. I found it quite grating and mixed too high some of the time. It especially didn't help when that tune kicked in during the emotional peak of the game.
Just finished it. Manly tears were shed.
That alone was beautiful. It is a crowning achievment of game design if the press of a button alone triggers emotions. Man. What a game...That moment when you realize how to swim at the end.