Nah don't do this.
Lol I won't, he read my post wrong. I meant sell my ps4 so I'd have money to pick up cod for XB1. Probably something I would regret doing.
Nah don't do this.
Mine is stuck at 100% Updating for about 30 minutes now. According to my router conection it is downloading something (probably the whole game again ffs..).
Lol I won't, he read my post wrong. I meant sell my ps4 so I'd have money to pick up cod for XB1. Probably something I would regret doing.
The $99 version on PSN lists a couple of extra weapons it comes with. These aren't exclusive weapons, right? One video I watched said there are 350+ weapons now, and I hear that there are tiers of weapons or something. So are these 2 exclusive weapons just variations of the weapons everyone else has?
I'm on the fence about which version to get. On the one hand, $99 puts the season pass at $40, $10 less than usual (and some other free content). On the other hand, I almost never buy more than one dlc before I so playing these games.
It's going up tomorrow according to the news bit in the Ghosts app.Is the companion app going up tomorrow on the app/google play store? I got the PSN version so I'm not sure if it's an app available to everyone or if it's a voucher type of thing.
Lol I won't, he read my post wrong. I meant sell my ps4 so I'd have money to pick up cod for XB1. Probably something I would regret doing.
Lé Blade Runner;137012965 said:That's crazy. But I'll watch! 5 hours to go until unlock.
Thoughts on PC for this game? my understanding (and some experience) is that the PC game usually gets hacked pretty early making online play kind of miserable...
Yes, they do. There are no support streaks, but there are modules that you can attach to the UAV, Care package and I think another streak which doesn't reset your score towards a scorestreak that has that attached.Does anyone know if Scorestreaks reset when you die, like the old Killstreaks?
I'm an old git (comparatively) and I do love a bit of CoD action - but the odds of me surviving in one life to get a streak are slim...
I was one of the few who really appreciated the introduction of support streaks.
Thoughts on PC for this game? my understanding (and some experience) is that the PC game usually gets hacked pretty early making online play kind of miserable...
2 players like Ghosts.Guys i've asked before but hadnt get a response, does the game has local split screen? If so, 4 players or 2 players like 2 ghosts?.
Mine's doing that. It's not really the whole game again, is it? Took me forever to get it once already.
Yes, they do. There are no support streaks, but there are modules that you can attach to the UAV, Care package and I think another streak which doesn't reset your score towards a scorestreak that has that attached.
Do you want a disc? That's the only difference.
Does anyone know if Scorestreaks reset when you die, like the old Killstreaks?
I'm an old git (comparatively) and I do love a bit of CoD action - but the odds of me surviving in one life to get a streak are slim...
I was one of the few who really appreciated the introduction of support streaks.
The countdown in OP is not correct, its late by 1 hour. Has this been mentioned?
How are people playing already in the US?
It is still downloading, my conection is crap (4mb dsl) i went to internet usage seting and it already download almost 3gb so i guess it is the full game donwload again..
But that progress thing is bugged, it says updating 100%. So, unless its a big day one patch im afraid it is the full game.
Ah cool. I thought something was wrong with my PC time, checked if its synchronized and its the same. The time in OP is actually out by 1 hour and 5 min.
Is it fixed now?
Lol TheRace game 1 gets a bug that doesn't let them respawn.
So, even if you didn't pre-order the Day Zero Edition, Best Buy is still selling any version of the game on Monday right, or am I mistaken?
Aw crap.
Can't get into any MP games, just sits there finding best match. Thinking it's due to the vpn. Anyone else getting this? (PC)
It's still broke.Is rest mode still broken on ps4? I'm still trying to decide which console to buy it for, do they only have the $99 version available?
it's fixed if you turn usb power to always on. I did that and haven't had an issue sinceIs rest mode still broken on ps4? I'm still trying to decide which console to buy it for, do they only have the $99 version available?
Is rest mode still broken on ps4? I'm still trying to decide which console to buy it for, do they only have the $99 version available?