Hilarious how hideous the menus are. The jittery, low-res footage in the background is beyond abysmal. This game has the budget of a small country. How hard can it be?!
Yea not a fan.
Hilarious how hideous the menus are. The jittery, low-res footage in the background is beyond abysmal. This game has the budget of a small country. How hard can it be?!
There was a report that the PS4 version also had slight framerate dips. Was this confirmed/debunked?
If competitive multiplayer is your calling, Advanced Warfare has you well covered on both platforms - each servicing gameplay with a strong 60fps delivery that only occasionally flakes out. In the Xbox One's case this is due to a shader effect, and on PS4, it's from alpha buffers overlapping during a kill-cam replay. In both cases, gameplay is not impacted, with each console handing in a broadly like-for-like experience
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Y u dropshot?
Hackers in multiplayer on PC are making this not so fun for me....
Initial impressions are kinda....meh....
- guns sound bad
- graphics are pretty flat in multiplayer
- a lot of shit used to pop up before when getting kills. Now it's a TON of shit.
Yeah the medal pop ups are just stupid big too.
Initial impressions are kinda....meh....
- guns sound bad
- graphics are pretty flat in multiplayer
- a lot of shit used to pop up before when getting kills. Now it's a TON of shit.
Same here. Was disappointed that the AMR was burst fire.Best SMG?
I was hoping the AMR9 was going to be good but the five round burst feels super awkward.
Hilarious how hideous the menus are. The jittery, low-res footage in the background is beyond abysmal. This game has the budget of a small country. How hard can it be?!
Wow, my K/D dropped quite a bit after playing some rounds in Hardpoint. I do laugh when the team that wins generally seems to have a worse K/D average than the team that loses, mainly because they probably actually play to the objective, first and foremost.
The AMR9 is complete garbage!
Are there any redeeming factors to this POS?
Best SMG?
I was hoping the AMR9 was going to be good but the five round burst feels super awkward.
Sledgehammer had three years to work on it and did the single player. Raven Software was responsible for the multiplayer, according to Wikipedia. Not sure how long they worked on it.The most discouraging thing about this game is that it SUPPOSEDLY had a three-year cycle.
But playing the game, I just don't see it. So much lag in MP. Glitchers already ala the Horizon map. Small maps.
Where did that extra year go??? Or is it just bullshit?
Sledgehammer had three years to work on it and did the single player. Raven Software was responsible for the multiplayer, according to Wikipedia. Not sure how long they worked on it.
I'm picking this up with the Target sale. Is there a consensus on which platform suffers less lag or are they pretty much both suffering equally? (PS4 vs Xbox One)
Initial impressions are kinda....meh....
- guns sound bad
- graphics are pretty flat in multiplayer
- a lot of shit used to pop up before when getting kills. Now it's a TON of shit.
Kf5 is best all around for me. Although I just got an elite mp11 with -3 handling and +3 damage and its pretty beastly.Best SMG?
I was hoping the AMR9 was going to be good but the five round burst feels super awkward.
Sledgehammer had three years to work on it and did the single player. Raven Software was responsible for the multiplayer, according to Wikipedia. Not sure how long they worked on it.
That's definitely not true.
Made my dude look like Snake Eyes from GI Joe makes this game alright in my book!
And god damn do I love the grungy look of the Nigerian Exo Suit!
If these guns sound bad, what about the ones in previous CODs?
Can you post a shot of it? I want to see if its worth playing veteran for.
Play the campaign and you'll learn all you need to know about exo suit.Just got the game, played MP for an hour and I like it. Last CoD I bought was Black Ops 1
Only problem is that I suck at CoD. Any tips for the exo suit controls?
Just got the game, played MP for an hour and I like it. Last CoD I bought was Black Ops 1
Only problem is that I suck at CoD. Any tips for the exo suit controls?