You're welcome, it's from Apocalypse Now, it's fully recommended.I don't know what this is from, but thank you! I needed the laugh.![]()
You're welcome, it's from Apocalypse Now, it's fully recommended.I don't know what this is from, but thank you! I needed the laugh.![]()
Did they fuck with the netcode at all because now I am getting all sorts of bullshit deaths. Literally this whole night I have not been able to go positive in any match. My kd dropped from a 1.35 to a 1.3. And I have noticed that the bullshit I pump 5-6 bullets into them and they just turn around and shoot me once shit is starting to happen now for me.
Just sold this sorry excuse for à game on kijiji for 50$ good riddance with your Awful net code[/QUO
Sorry to hear that, Been playing for a few hours on pc today and not having any lag.
Netcode is so bad on the xbone I'm probably going to trade it in for dragon age soon.
It's a pretty nice set of gear. Though I prefer to use the yellow accented shin guards and boots instead of the Sentinel recon ones.i think you just unlocked the Sentinel Recon character set
Lag out the wazoo all the fucking time. Worst CoD netcode yet.
I really miss CoD4.
I wish there was a Dom and Momentum only GW playlist.Ground War is pretty fun in this game. I died a lot, but I also got lots of points.
Do people purposefully bork/slow their connection to receive lag advantage?
I don't know what it is, but I just can't really get into the multiplayer in this. I was having a blast at first, but now, I can't even conjure up the energy to play more than a few matches in a row before becoming a bit bored.
maybe they should change to a system where people host lobbies and people pick and choose which ones they want to play in. you can see the host's connection quality, map selection and everything.
Not that I'm aware of. Did you happen to improve your internet recently ?
Shitty connections are rewarded handsomely in this game.
urgh. Decided to give the MP game another chance but I just end up feeling cheated and quitting in frustration.
The maps really are my biggest issue with the game, lag aside. There's too many lanes into everywhere and you never feel as if your in control. One has a hall area with a craft hovering that has SIX corridors as well as a glass roof that people can shoot at you through. How is this fair by anyone's standards? Greenbelt - shapes for shapes sake and again a myriad of ways around the map. Zero flow. Anyone can and will get you from anywhere. Pretty much all the maps are designed like this. They are just too open. I'm sick to death of being gunned down from anywhere I care to go. I'm watching a door and some steps and another door, but it doesn't fucking matter because I've been shot from above. I consider myself an above average COD player. I learn the maps, understand the choke points, take advantage of certain areas....there's nothing like this in AW and it's probably due to the exo suit. I'm not even sure you could successfully merge the exo suit abilities with tighter maps....
I'm out I'm afraid. I'm level 44 and I've given it a fair shot. It's getting traded in.
Pretty much why I hate this game online. The actual game design in multiplayer is trash. There are no choke points on maps, no areas that have a higher concentration of battles, everything is way too random. Aside from that most of the scorestreaks are manually controlled and not fun to use at all. And because I never feel safe ANYWHERE on ANY map, I never even want to use the scorestreaks because I know I'm just going to get killed while probably not even getting a kill with the streak.
The randomness to where everyone spawns throws out any reason to have so many game modes in the first place as every match in every mode plays out the same. No consistency to anything.
Black Ops 2, while having some of the same issues as AW like lag comp, at least had memorable and well designed maps, and I actually felt like I was in control of how well I did in that game.
Do people purposefully bork/slow their connection to receive lag advantage?
It's a pretty nice set of gear. Though I prefer to use the yellow accented shin guards and boots instead of the Sentinel recon ones.
I know what you mean. For me at least, the game becomes pretty redundant fast.
dont know what to say to BAL users, i do average everytime i use it, i gotta go with HBRa3, it just feels good to me
Feel like I just wasted 60 bucks. I can't find any games... not even a full week into release. Steam version.
Pretty much why I hate this game online. The actual game design in multiplayer is trash. There are no choke points on maps, no areas that have a higher concentration of battles, everything is way too random. Aside from that most of the scorestreaks are manually controlled and not fun to use at all. And because I never feel safe ANYWHERE on ANY map, I never even want to use the scorestreaks because I know I'm just going to get killed while probably not even getting a kill with the streak.
The randomness to where everyone spawns throws out any reason to have so many game modes in the first place as every match in every mode plays out the same. No consistency to anything.
Black Ops 2, while having some of the same issues as AW like lag comp, at least had memorable and well designed maps, and I actually felt like I was in control of how well I did in that game.
I'm pretty sure there's a revenge spawn system. I keep dying and then getting immediate payback.
HBrah3 all the way. It's like an M4/ACR/SCAR.I'm with ya, H-Bro. While I do think the Bal might be the best gun in the game statistically, I just don't enjoy it. Rather use my HBR or AK.
Feel like I just wasted 60 bucks. I can't find any games... not even a full week into release. Steam version.
Feel like I just wasted 60 bucks. I can't find any games... not even a full week into release. Steam version.
At this point, terrible spawns are a part of Call of Duty's DNA.So how much longer until the next patch where we see server/spawn/balance fixes?
Still hoping for a TTK tweak, but I'm sure that will never happen, but at least server/spawn/gun balance should alleviate some of the frustration
Exo movement? You can create your own pathways now.I'm still trying to figure out how the fuck you're supposed to be strategic in this game. I could always out position or out smart people in other shooters but in this it seems impossible.