KF5 sucks...
It shatters all the other SMGS.
I have to force my self to use MP11 for the fun factor.
But KF5 and especially with rapid fire dominates every other SMG
KF5 sucks...
The only weapons you need:
Bal27 or KF5
Not touching this game until they've nerfed above or made every other weapon useful.
Also dedicated servers added to PC, can't stand the p2p
Whats so powerful about the BAL apart from just having SMG style hip fire???, BAL users coulnt stop me when i use the Godlike HBRa3, they coulnt stop me when i first started using it, they cant stop me now.
I got this game on XB1 and I am really, really impressed with the campaign. I will not touch multiplayer (I usually hate COD multiplayer).
The visuals are fantastic. And the story and cinematic sequences have been great so far. When the main character had his. The game play is the usual COD stuff - not great, but good and gets the job done.prosthetic arm plugged into a computer and a scientist was telling me to move his fingers, I couldn't help but smile. That was DAMN cool
Also, surprise, surprise, the Press F To Pay Respects sequence was the complete opposite of laughable. Funny what context can do, huh?
It does everything very well. It hipfires like a SMG but it only takes 3 shots to kill at close range. Accuracy is great. Good range. Fire rate is better than HBRa. I have the Obsidian Steel variant and it boosts damage +1, it's a beast. It's the only weapon I use, besides a shotgun in a couple maps.
The HBRa is decent but I don't like the slow fire rate.
Exo survival is awesome. I'm doing it solo mostly and it's really satisfying when I can flip a map by myself.
How hard is the final map for one person?
WTF? Why'd they do that?i havent tried exo survival for a while but i think you will do good by yourself, its too hard online, matchmade teams cant make it past wave 10
The zombie wave is something like 225 levels in.
Exo survival is awesome. I'm doing it solo mostly and it's really satisfying when I can flip a map by myself.
How hard is the final map for one person?
da faq?
WTF? Why'd they do that?
I already didn't do that since I don't like that you can't pick the map (aside from the 2 choices they give you, or random.)
Anyone else having difficulty aiming PRIOR to going down the sights?
The game moves the aiming reticule so damn far apart that I can't tell where I'll be pointing once I do pull up my sites. I'm to the point where I want to put a tiny dot on my tv screen right in the middle of the reticule.
Why do people always vote for terrace? It's the worst map ever conceived.
do you have any of those gelatin blood splats you stick on windows left over from halloween? :3
Terrace isn't Solar.
I absolutely loathe Solar.
solar is good. Terrace and Instinct are garbage tier COD maps, but at least the rest of the maps in the game are really solid.
B flag on Solar... worst B flag in any CoD to date IMHO.
B flag on Solar... worst B flag in any CoD to date IMHO.
Solar is a horrible map.
I am really annoyed with this matchmaking. I can go on my alt account and it will easily find a game in the classic playlists because of a neutral KDR, but since my main account has a good one, it will not find a game.
This shit is just ridiculous. Whoever thought that matchmaking should be based on KDR should never work on CoD games again, or at least with the MP.
Swap Ascend for Riot and that's my list.Solar is a horrible map.
Retreat, Recovery, Defender, Ascend, and Detroit are the only good maps in the game.
Solar is a horrible map.
Retreat, Recovery, Defender, Ascend, and Detroit are the only good maps in the game.
Detroit is terrible. It's a map not designed for exo-skeleton movements. Belongs in traditional COD. Even then, it's a small and plain boring map.
The problem with many maps is that they were over designed for exo movement. Detroit is a good map because it doesn't force you to rely on exo movement to navigate successfully like Instinct, Greenband, or Biolab does.Detroit is terrible. It's a map not designed for exo-skeleton movements. Belongs in traditional COD. Even then, it's a small and plain boring map.
Detroit is terrible. It's a map not designed for exo-skeleton movements. Belongs in traditional COD. Even then, it's a small and plain boring map.
So skill based matchmaking is in?
It all makes sense now...
Wait, is this something that was just activated or what? Cause I just played a couple of matches and I ended up with 2.5+ kdr in them all so I wonder if the game thinks I'm utter shit lol
I really don't know but from what I've seen, it's totally in.
My original try hard account has a 2.0 K/D and I swear I'm playing in sweaty lobbies all the time. So damn competitive.
I made another account that has a low ScorePerMinute and K/D ratio.
Don't even try and I'm winning most of the time on that one. So something is up. Shame as the matchmaking should be purely based on connections.
How can people be upset @ skill based MM. Do you want get shit on by a super clan?
How can people be upset @ skill based MM. Do you want get shit on by a super clan?
Skill based MM is fine, so long as it's server based connections.How can people be upset @ skill based MM. Do you want get shit on by a super clan?
QFT. Add to that the sound design is poor so an enemy will be hopping, boosting, going crazy all around you and you'd have no idea until he begins shooting you.
Do we really know if we're all playing on p2p connections though? I've seen posts from people who've ran tests on this stuff and they claim we're all actually connecting to dedicated servers. So if that's the case, then it has to be poor netcode, or over aggressive lag comp, that's causing the problems. What's weird though is I don't Sledgehammer has come out and confirmed, nor denied, that there are dedicated servers in place. I can't really figure out why they're so silent on the subject either.
Advanced Warfare employs game servers hosted at data centers globally on all platforms and listen servers as part of our proprietary matchmaking system. Our goal is to ensure the best possible connection and greatest gameplay experience regardless of location and time of day.
How can people be upset @ skill based MM. Do you want get shit on by a super clan?
Exo survival is awesome. I'm doing it solo mostly and it's really satisfying when I can flip a map by myself.
How hard is the final map for one person?
Exo survival is awesome. I'm doing it solo mostly and it's really satisfying when I can flip a map by myself.
How hard is the final map for one person?