Forgive me for asking, but when was the last time it was? MW2, Black Ops 1 maybe?
Ghost. I used a sniper with ACOG on every map while Grifgor went the traditional sniper rifle route. Great fun until they got nerfed. I think we had something like a 5 to 1 win loss ratio.
Yeah but fuck Ghosts.Sniping was pretty easy in Ghosts.
The other comments can be construed as your opinion, but I think this is objectively wrong. At least on the PC, the skill gap is massive. Everyone moves much faster than previous CoDs. If you can't aim and react quickly the top players will feed on you because they will be in your face the entire round. Even camping doesn't guarantee you easy kills for that reason.No cycle. I've never considered Ghosts to be as bad as most people here.
I gave a more detailed explanation as to why Ghosts is so superior to AW in a previous post of mine and some people agreed with it, but to sum it up:
-More appealing looking game, not in the graphics department (let alone in performance) but in color palette and art design, as opposed to the overblown usage of browns and greys in AW, resulting in a bland and highly unappealing look in Sledgehammer's game.
-Higher and more diverse weapon and perk selection.
-...which results in every playstyle being viable, as opposed to AW where only running and gunning will get you anywhere.
-Better map variety and bigger map size. While people complained about the big size of Ghosts' maps, this eased the spawns problem, which is worse than ever in AW. Map design also factors in the fact that more playstyles are viable.
-Snipers and LMGs are actually useful in this game. Scratch that: Ghosts has the best balanced snipers this series has ever seen. Also, very good weapon and perk balance overall. You'll only get anywhere in AW using an AR or SMG; and the latter one's usefulness is already questionable.
-The game actually differentiates between good and bad players. While every COD is chaotic and random to some extent or another, never has the series been as stupid or as much of a clusterfuck as AW is. Skill is effectively thrown out the window.
-Better netcode and hit detection. Actually: The best netcode and hit detection this series has hever had. When you shoot people, they die. This is not the case in AW, and this point alone would put Ghosts on top for me. What's the point of playing an FPS where your shots don't even register properly, and where confrontations are won almost always depending on connection?
Just off the top of my head. Now, if I had to name the aspects where AW comes out on top, I would mention graphics and performance, map design (though the flow of the matches is still fucked up, Ghosts' being better in that regard), and... Yeah. Can't think of much else. Exo-mechanics are actually a horrible introduction to the series (won't get into that now, but if someone wants to discuss that I'll give my arguments), but I suppose you can count as a positive over Ghosts the fact that they at least tried to spice things up a bit in the series.
Some people would say that map design alone would put AW on top, but again, when the flow of the matches is so messed up I'll take Ghosts' maps any day of the week.
If anyone wants to see an absolute beast, watch this dude Aunnest:
He has like a 4.60 K/D and 50.00 W/L. Ranked 7th in the world. His movement and accuracy with the exo is damn impressive.
The other comments can be construed as your opinion, but I think this is objectively wrong. At least on the PC, the skill gap is massive. Everyone moves much faster than previous CoDs. If you can't aim and react quickly the top players will feed on you because they will be in your face the entire round. Even camping doesn't guarantee you easy kills for that reason.
Camper extraordinaire. And quite annoying as a person.
I don't see how the other points I made are subjective. Ghosts having better net-code, hit detection, more and better balanced weapons/perks or a less chaotic and random flow is as objective as we can get when comparing two games.
As for the point that you made, I suppose it depends a lot on what game mode you play and what your connection is. Maybe if you are not on the receiving end of the game's shitty connection problems then it does reward good players, to some extent. If you play search and destroy, you're also bound to be less affected by the game's chaotic and idiotic nature. From my experience as a long time fan of the series that almost exclusively plays TDM, though, there's so much garbage and randomness in this game (what with the spawns, flow of the matches and the horrible connection) that it hardly ever matters how good one is. There are no ways to anticipate most of the crap this game throws at you, making most deaths unavoidable, and that right there is the sign of a game that doesn't distinguish between good and bad players.
And don't get me wrong, Ghosts was kinda bad in that regard too. But not anywhere near this bad.
MW2 was the last COD I felt I could really snipe on since I use to run around with just a sniper rifle and pistol... For like every map. Then MW3 had the Model which was the last good shotgun which also served as the last good sniper rifle.Forgive me for asking, but when was the last time it was? MW2, Black Ops 1 maybe?
Thank god I'm not the only one who does this. My friends say I'm stupid, but it's great. Doing it with the Lynx right now.Ghost. I used a sniper with ACOG on every map while Grifgor went the traditional sniper rifle route. Great fun until they got nerfed. I think we had something like a 5 to 1 win loss ratio.
I've been waiting to get a variant of the Atlas 45, but I keep getting the other pistols...I wish there was a way to actually get the gun variants you want, purposely. This whole random drops for mostly doing bad thing, blows. Especially considering I had some really good games these past few days. I got maybe 4 supply drops in a 20 hour or more, period.
OK, but what about in a public scrim where comms are, well, non-existent at best, what is the best way to use team-mates to your advantage?
My favourite, and one of the best tactics, is using your team-mates as 'bait' which means you use one of them without them knowing to move through a door or an area first. After he dies you'll know where your opponents are and you can take them out. Don't feel bad, if you get a 30 kill streak because youre sacrificing your team mates. Who cares?!
theres a 95 percent chance in pubs you'll have a team-mate that has an addiction for dying over and over again, especially around Christmas time, where younger players get Call of Duty for the first time.
I see some players that can almost always end up on top of the leaderboard in a lobby, so their connection is either consistently better than every other person on the server, or they are. If skill wasn't important then the scores would be a random distribution every match.I don't see how the other points I made are subjective. Ghosts having better net-code, hit detection, more and better balanced weapons/perks or a less chaotic and random flow is as objective as we can get when comparing two games.
As for the point that you made, I suppose it depends a lot on what game mode you play and what your connection is. Maybe if you are not on the receiving end of the game's shitty connection problems then it does reward good players, to some extent. If you play search and destroy, you're also bound to be less affected by the game's chaotic and idiotic nature. From my experience as a long time fan of the series that almost exclusively plays TDM, though, there's so much garbage and randomness in this game (what with the spawns, flow of the matches and the horrible connection) that it hardly ever matters how good one is. There are no ways to anticipate most of the crap this game throws at you, making most deaths unavoidable, and that right there is the sign of a game that doesn't distinguish between good and bad players.
And don't get me wrong, Ghosts was kinda bad in that regard too. But not anywhere near this bad.
If anyone wants to see an absolute beast, watch this dude Aunnest:
He has like a 4.60 K/D and 50.00 W/L. Ranked 7th in the world. His movement and accuracy with the exo is damn impressive.
I really want the ASM1 - Speakeasy. I wish there was a way to actually get the gun variants you want, purposely. This whole random drops for mostly doing bad thing, blows. Especially considering I had some really good games these past few days. I got maybe 4 supply drops in a 20 hour or more, period.
Putting game-changing weapon variants behind RNG-wall is the dumbest thing to come to COD. Oh great someone can outgun me because he got a lucky drop. smh
I've been looking around for changes with the patch, but can't find any.
Edit: Seems matchmaking is a disaster now.
How did you even get in a match to check. I get to 2 on the countdown and then it tosses me back into matchmaking.
How about EVERYTHING you said above is wrong and you're out of your mind? AW crushes ghosts in every way possible. You think the color variety in ghosts is better? What? It's all brown and gray with the exception of the large castle match which everyone passes on because it's terrible. This a troll post right?
I see some players that can almost always end up on top of the leaderboard in a lobby, so their connection is either consistently better than every other person on the server, or they are. If skill wasn't important then the scores would be a random distribution every match.
The networking has to be tested and measured before we can know if it's objectively better or worse than Ghosts. We need hard data and I don't mean killcam footage. Weapon balance isn't something you can easily quantify unless the weapon stats are incredibly bad. Some people might prefer the faster pace of AW to Ghosts, so an evaluation on map flow is certainly subjective.
No patch notes?Is there a detailed changelog for this patch?
EM1: damage increased
That thing was OP already and they increased it's damage?
Do these people play their own game?
BAL is dead with a double nerf![]()
Weapon Balancing Updates (Note: Adjustments affect base weapon and all loot variants):
Bal27: damage reduced, max damage range decreased, recoil adjusted
HBRa3: max damage range decreased
ASM1: max damage range increased
MP11: max damage range increased
EM1: damage increased
EPM3: damage increased, ads time decreased
XMG: damage increased, lockdown mode increased
Ameli: damage increased
Pytaek: damage increased
They should have buffed the range or damage of all the smg's and shotguns at least a little bit.
The smgs that needed a range buff got one. Shotguns are in a good place IMO besides the S12(gun is awful). I suppose the AMR9 could use a damage buff. I'm pleased with this patch.
I'm only seeing 1 smg buff in the patch notes. Are you saying others are noticeably changed that aren't in the notes?
That thing was OP already and they increased it's damage?
Do these people play their own game?