i'm liking the imr more and more. im ok with the bad hipfire on most maps as it kicks butt from mid to long range. burst pretty much kills if your aim is on point and its like a laser with foregrip
Hope they let me see which killstreak I'm using one day, so I can stop dropping Care Packages everywhere when I just want to use my UAV.
uhh.. it shows you on the bottom right, above your ammo count. you use the dpad to switch between scorestreaks.
On the ps4, the game keeps crashing before I start the mission at the. I tried it a couple of times, with the same result. Anyone else have the same problem?nuclear reactors
Haven't played this for a couple weeks. Did the new patch improve the lag?
Pretty sure they buffed the EM1. It might just be the alcohol but I swear I'm melting faces quicker than before.
Haven't played this for a couple weeks. Did the new patch improve the lag?
Downloaded the latest patch and the lag definitely seems improved. I was definitely doing much better, and consistently, too. Finally.
Might still be too early, though. Will play more games.
Guys I just bought COD and while still downloading, started the Campaign where I am experiencing some stuttering from time to time.No frame drops but just stutter for a second.Is this becauseof the download or its just playing like this?(PS4)
Please tell me I'm not crazy and that there's no way this guy should've been able to kill me
I've been experiencing this more and more as I play and it's driving me crazy. Something just feels off. Like guys don't drop when they should and I'm not sure if it's my connection or the game in general.
Please tell me I'm not crazy and that there's no way this guy should've been able to kill me
I've been experiencing this more and more as I play and it's driving me crazy. Something just feels off. Like guys don't drop when they should and I'm not sure if it's my connection or the game in general.
Please tell me I'm not crazy and that there's no way this guy should've been able to kill me
I've been experiencing this more and more as I play and it's driving me crazy. Something just feels off. Like guys don't drop when they should and I'm not sure if it's my connection or the game in general.
definitly not true, at least on my end.
lag is as bad as it always was and it is especially noticeable in this cod game.
Usually, 4 out of 5 rounds, I start spraying on the other dude and only after half a second or so, I get the hit detection sounds. More often then not, I lose gun battles not because I have worse aim or anything but because my ttk is so long. I wish there was a gun like the scorpion frm blops2 in this game.
Then, occasionally, when the 1 glorios "lag free" round happens, my shots get detected right away and I usually do much better, because the fools drop much faster.
This is really an issue for me, but I guess I'll keep playing. I'm a supply drop addict.
btw: how many supply drops can you "stack"? I earned 4 supply drops and couldn't get a 4th one before I opened the 3.
I've been playing COD for almost 6 years, losing gun battles like I do now is really soul-crushing.
haven't paid any attention to this - how's the single player?
One of the best in the series.
Anywhere from 6-8 hours on normal for me.good to hear, will give it a try - how long did it take you to complete?
haven't paid any attention to this - how's the single player?
Ok, I played this game again after a month.
I'm getting decent, but I still find the maps, guns, and respawn awful.
I still miss the 1-2 shots kill of the MK14 from MW3.![]()
Ok, I played this game again after a month.
I'm getting decent, but I still find the maps, guns, and respawn awful.
I still miss the 1-2 shots kill of the MK14 from MW3.![]()
Shit I've only ever played this with a team and even then I could only stand to get to level 35 or so.I'm about reaching my end point with this game. It's just too frustrating and nothing has been able to capture that black ops feel since. Just too much ganging up nowadays, can only play this game with a team.
You didn't screw yourself. That achievement pops as soon as each mission is completed on Veteran. It doesn't require a complete play through on Veteran.