Just finished the campaign. Pretty fun but man was that story dumb. Kind of disappointed after how hyped up it was in here. Still, it was an enjoyable experience overall, a lot of really cool/fun levels even if half the time it felt like the game was playing itself.
Clan wars are only for specific modes each week. So if you check the subreddit each clan wars you can see which modes to avoid.I really wish they would scrub clan wars out of public play and into their own lobbies.
It's hateful playing this game when there is a clan war on, 6 clan members against a split lobby, you just get done over.
It's not clan wars, it's just who can fuck over pubs the most, Pit them against other clans, you know, how clan wars should be/used to be on PC games years ago.
Just started this on ps4 and it seems to be stuttering as I enter new areas. It's like how the Halo games would freeze for a second as you got a checkpoint. Is this normal?
So when I'm play split screen on the xbone, and Riot comes up as the map, the game completely freezes about 90% of the time. Does this happen to anybody else?
Activision literally came out and said that online splitscreen wasn't a supported feature and is a glitch that it is even available.
People are constantly quitting in TDM. Good times.
Are you allowed to play with your own guns in ranked play or make your own classes at some point?
I feel like people are just drawing on me wicked fast and even when I am shooting them they just blow me away after two bullets.
Yep, use whatever stupidly OP variant of a weapon you want.
I was going to get into RP this game, but the idea that people can have elite weapons that other players can't putting you at an instant advantage in something that is supposed to be about skill ruins it. No thanks.
Sledgehammer games make some bone headed decisions.
Of all of the things that Sledgehammer tried to copy from Black Ops 2 the only thing that they got remotely right was Pick 13. But the way attachments are unlocked and how they reset with each prestige is so stupid, especially after the separate weapon prestiging in BO2.
You just get the Atlas Tier 1 gear. Nothing special. I'm stopping at prestige 6 to get all of the extra classes.working on 4th prestige.
having to re-unlock attachments for every single gun i want to use/try is super annoying.
does prestiging actually unlock anything good at this point? seems like all you get is equipment and emblems?
You just get the Atlas Tier 1 gear. Nothing special. I'm stopping at prestige 6 to get all of the extra classes.
You just get the Atlas Tier 1 gear. Nothing special. I'm stopping at prestige 6 to get all of the extra classes.
Hey guys, I picked up the AW Xbox One controller but have the game on PS4 - it came with an Xbox One code for a free supply drop. Quote to see, and it's yours (if you are quick enough)
I was just about to quit for the night and I opened a Speakeasy. Guess I'll be at it until 3am again.
Haha I can't believe I had to play against this OP gun for so long. Screw unlocks.
at least once a week this game freezes on me. always seems to be when there is a lot of action going on and i get mele-ed so freaking annoying. have to restart the game. is this a known bug?
I checked the app and apparently there is a NeoGAF clan. Can't tell if it's for the One, though.
playstation and xbox clans and stats are separate...so if you're linked the app to your xbl you're looking at a clan for xbox
I haven't been playing this too often, just got on for the first time in a few weeks and was going to post something about this.
Game froze on me twice tonight.
So are dedicated servers ever coming to this? Popped on tonight briefly, was getting one shotted non-stop.
I was just about to quit for the night and I opened a Speakeasy. Guess I'll be at it until 3am again.
Haha I can't believe I had to play against this OP gun for so long. Screw unlocks.
Anyone else get left stick drift from the dash mechanic ? How much does ms charge to fixit?
Having worse internet is an advantage in all console CODs.Welp, I now have every statistical advantage you can have on a twitchy FPS like this...well except for those ridiculous looking "gamer glasses" that I see people wearing. I have gigabit fibre internet, a SCUF 4PS, KontrolFreeks, Astro A50s and the newest addition: a Sony Bravia KDL-60W630B, which clocks in at 23ms input lag on a 60 inch screen. I have been using my Vizio M-Series 50" 240hz up until now in game mode. I can't find a solid answer online but I believe the lag time on that one was around the 35-40ms range.
Playing different modes with different guns over the past few days and finally decided on what gun I like best. I try to use guns nobody else uses. I used the ASM1 from day 1 when the BAL was the most OP gun in the game. Now everyone is using it so I've switched to the IMR. I lucked out with supply drops and have the thunder tusk and boar strike variants. I've been destroying everyone with the Boar Strike but I did have to slow down my play style from rushing to hanging back and holding down parts of the map. My average KD in TDM went from 1.8 with the ASM1 to over 3 with the IMR.
If I get tired of that, I have the Obsidian Steed, Speakeasy, Goliath, Insanity, and Breakneck to fall back on.
Having worse internet is an advantage in all console CODs.
I hope you're a pro gamer or something, because all that stuff you have for this game, a 12 year old kid with a lag switch can make all of that stuff pointless.
Ive officially given up on codaw, going back to the pre ghosts cods.