I applied to be in the GAF Clan but I don't think I was accepted in! :O
Got a chance to try out another person's Inferno yesterday, and I must say it felt good. The higher rate-of-fire with no penalty felt amazing. After one of the two ARX variants, this gun would be really high up on the desired, list. I have the Steed, but the Inferno felt more like "me".
As I posted earlier, I have the whole Maelstrom set. All I need is my fly purple Royalty Gloves and my Fashion-Duty will be complete. The Face-Hammer is a monster. I got destroyed by someone with that a few times. Within a certain distance, there is absolutely nothing you can do.
It's fun (from the times I picked it off dead players) but it's not the best of the ASM1 variants. The best are the Magnitude and Rigor.![]()
Would love to get my hands on a Steel Bite or Pwner. The EM1 in particular's gotten pretty viable since the patch.
Idk. I have the magnitued as well and I still take the Speakeasy over it. If you play aggressively, being able to kill half of a team without reloading is a lot more valuable than extended range. Run it with advanced rifling and you'll often dominate on maps like Urban.
Still hoping an HBR insanity will drop for me soon.
my left arm has vanished on the pc after patch lol my hand is still on the gun but the arm has completely vanished
wait, the PS4 patch is up?
HBRa3 has returned....
HBRa3 has returned....
Masks don't reset on prestige, right?
What I still don't get is how Heavy Weapons are even a thing with an exo skeleton.
Its not really. You can still run around, dash and double jump like all you are holding is a pillow.
The slower walk speed is pretty much the only superficial difference.
It's no fun when everyone is quick scoping in the new maps. I just hopped on yesterday to see them and it was very annoying. Why is everyone doing this?
It's no fun when everyone is quick scoping in the new maps. I just hopped on yesterday to see them and it was very annoying. Why is everyone doing this?
Probably people who spent most of the time playing one-shot hopping over into the new maps.
Haven't seen many in Urban or Core, but I see them often in the other two maps, and it's because they're fairly open.
ADS time too, which is what really kills them.
Hoping Quickdraw Grip will really help with that.
I've been playing around with the +damage Ameli ("Subverter"?), and the quickdraw grip seems to bring it to an almost instantaneous ADS. Still haven't settled on a sight for it--I actually think I might like the thermal a bit. Seems to ADS nice and snappy, and nobody ever seems to run Cold Blooded.
All in all though, I don't think it's an especially competitive gun. Ditto for the Pytaek. The EM1 seems to be the most viable heavy, from what I can tell.
Wait for QDUsing the Chicanery and it seems to be working pretty well, ADS is what is killing me.
Haven't been able to play online MP for the last few days (PS4, Australia).
Just keep getting "The call of duty Advanced Warfare online services are not available at this time" error message.
Anyone know what the deal is?
The new maps eventually get rotated in with the other maps right?
I'm tired of having to choose between just the four new maps, or the old ones. Plus I hate getting shoved into Uplink matches when I don't want to play TDM.
Typical, but not surprising after the purchasable class slots in BO2.New micro DLC items dropped on Xbox, now you can buy extra armoury slots for $1.99 as well as extra create-a-class slots at $1.99.
Bravo Activision.
New micro DLC items dropped on Xbox, now you can buy extra armoury slots for $1.99 as well as extra create-a-class slots at $1.99.
Bravo Activision.
I'm there. Customizing and making classes is an addiction for me, and you bet your ass I bought it for BOII.Typical, but not surprising after the purchasable class slots in BO2.
I haven't touched FFA all this game yet but I've been playing Gun Game. Jesus the spawns are a mess.
Sucks when you get to the S12, you basically have to be in knifing range, and end up getting melee'd more often than not.
Also the connrctions are almost always terrible in gun game.
I had a litle bit of sputter here and there. But you don't have to be THAT close for the S-12. Also, just mash the shit out of the fire button. No way they will be able to knife after 4 blast to the face.