Haven't play this game since December when what seemed like all of my other friends fell off. Picked it back up yesterday after some more incredibly frustrating MCC multiplayer and I totally forgot how much I loved this game. Are any of the DLCs worth it? I'm not real into zombies (although me and a group of friends had a pretty fun time playing the survival stuff), and am really just looking for some new maps to freshen up the experience.
Also if anyone's down to play anytime, I could use a new group of regulars to play with. I'm on East Coast playing on Xbox. GT: TheOnlyMook
What were Sledgehammer thinking with this free gun. It's seriously OP, every single person in my matches last night were using it.
Hopefully it'll settle down as the novelty wears of but I was getting ripped apart with it.
Anyone else having problems or should I just git gud ?
What were Sledgehammer thinking with this free gun. It's seriously OP, every single person in my matches last night were using it.
Hopefully it'll settle down as the novelty wears of but I was getting ripped apart with it.
Anyone else having problems or should I just git gud ?
but no one knows the name of the gun?
huh I don't see it under specials category. Maybe it drops from a supply crate? Idk. Well this explains why I had no idea what gun you guys were speaking of
Trailer for new DLC. New maps actually look pretty cool, aesthetically speaking anyway we'll see how they play.
Zombies spoilers in the video tho, if anyone cares at all.
So the SAC 1.5 has the same exact stats as the MP11, even the variants have the same stats.
Same damage, range, fire rate, magazine size.
Wow, so SHG are now removing content from the game under the guise of 'retiring' some weapon variants from supply drops and ASD's.
What the hell.
Trailer for new DLC. New maps actually look pretty cool, aesthetically speaking anyway we'll see how they play.
Zombies spoilers in the video tho, if anyone cares at all.
DLC #3 is up! 6.07GB
and I thought I would continue my Massive Chalice today...
now, the Acropolis stage, called SKYRISE or something.. who can remind me the stage that this is based on? my memory fails me right now, but it basically is an old (and good) map
Question on prestiging in AW..
I want to get the Blind Eye calling card, which calls for 200 destroyed enemy controlled streaks while using Blind Eye. I have 63/200 done so far. When I choose to prestige, does that rest to 0?
Also, each gun has a calling card for 500 kills. Does that also reset when you choose to prestige?
Yes, all calling card challenges will reset to 0 if you are within 1 to 15 prestiges. After the 15th Master Prestige, your calling card challenges will not reset, each time you prestige.
I know this because I've been Grand Master Prestige for a while now. (still no Insanity! )
Dang, I might just have to stick out it so I can get that calling card.
Tip: Use Exo Cloak because it shortens the stinger's lock-on time.
Also, shoot down UAV's and see if that counts toward the challenge. I think they must of patched this one.
Yeah, UAVs work. I might have to try that exo cloak. Thanks. Taking out the stinger and getting that lock on takes much longer than in prior CODs, so I welcome anything to boost speed. Would fast hands also help? I might gotta try that too.
Here's a rundown of every match of domination; System Hack, System Hack, Warbird, System Hack, Warbird, System Hack, System Hack
It's a total shit show, it's impossible to play. How many fucking stingers do I have to shoot at a warbird, because more than one is too fucking many considering all the time that goes into a missed shot. Hopefully Black Ops 3 can do a better job.
One of those nights playing AW that felt like it was taking way more than usual hit-markers to kill - but very few to kill me![]()
Hate nights like that. At least the TTK seems to be raised in BO3, so we may actually have a chance to counter.
Just played my first game of CoD on console and did OK actually, 16 - 8 in TDM. I've played every CoD, but on PC, so aiming with a controller is totally foreign to me. It seems to take awhile to find games though, I guess it's because I don't have the DLC. I mainly double dipped to see if I could play CoD on console which I can apparently so I think I'll get BO3 on PS4. I have to say, CoD feels way better with a controller than any other shooting game I've tried on PS4, no idea why, maybe it's the 60fps.
I love AW on PS4 because of the speaker in the controller when opening supply drops, exiting out of menus, etc.