13 maps is too little.
Aim Assists on Gamepad for PC is available
Not if they're all/mostly quality, which is what early impressions have been noting.
Especially as you can go pick it up for the reals in less than 12 hours. 2 hour trip with the associated transportation costs for the sake of 10 hours? Not for meCheers. Nearest store is in Edinburgh which would be a two hour round trip. Guess I'll just have to wait. Shouldn't be too hard, should probably read some reviews first anyway.
Review embargo?
Game modes & game types > # of mapsQuality of maps does not magically increase the number of them. I expected them to ship with at least 20 maps by now considering most people buy COD just for multiplayer.
where are you?just over 35mins till it unlocks on my PS4. didnt play Ghosts last year, but looks like its better than recent years.
Game modes & game types > # of maps
Titanfall shipped with like 20 maps and 3 game modes, that's why a lot of people threw that game in the bushes
watching the stream.
people die faster than ghosts and the guns sound like paintballs.
where are you?
"House of CODs"
3 hours 23 minutes till unlock (UK Gaf, bought on HK store).
If you're going by that logic, that would mean the net code in MW2/MW3/GHOSTS was horrendous because there is no way all that 'no damage screen, just instant death ' was supposed to be that intentional.All COD's have had essentially the same TTK. Any perceived difference is down to netcode, hit detection and lag compensation.
That's exactly what I expected the game to be. They're never going back to MW1's amount of health for multiplayer.
Is the weapon unlock system classic COD or is it the same as Ghosts where you get points to unlock whatever?
If you're going by that logic, that would mean the net code in MW2/MW3/GHOSTS was horrendous because there is no way all that 'no damage screen, just instant death ' was supposed to be that intentional.
Fuck it grabbing a copy tomorrow after work
Halo / SO / COD
watching the stream.
people die faster than ghosts and the guns sound like paintballs.
Is this confirmed? We have the same hour in Portugal and we bought in HK too, so guess thats the same for us.
Local gamestop making their midnight release finally coincide with US East (I'm US Pacific). First time ever here for us...
Now, do I buy this bad boy or not? Decisions.
Is this confirmed? We have the same hour in Portugal and we bought in HK too, so guess thats the same for us.
Played the multi for 3 or so hours today.
The paired-down way they've done killstreaks but added a lot of potential modifiers to each killstreak is cool, seems like each modifier could really change up the gameplay implications.
Titanfall-esque movement options feel tacked-on at best, doesn't make you feel any more mobile (compared to Titanfall. No momentum conservation system or wall-running, etc). Game actively punishes you for using exo maneuvers. Don't expect miracles here, it's COD with double-jump. Most of the exo abilities in general are pretty "fluffy," in fact, not just the mobility stuff.
Game looks great single player, exactly like Ghosts in multiplayer.
With small pool of players it's tough to judge TTK, too much latency. Seems nearly imperceptibly longer than Ghosts, definitely not Black Ops level.
Maps are better than Ghosts/MW3.
why do you guys buy your games from the Hong Kong store?
Game costs 69 here, and 38 there. What would you do?
Quality of maps does not magically increase the number of them. I expected them to ship with at least 20 maps by now considering most people buy COD just for multiplayer.