New AMD beta driver out with CoD:AW performance increases and Crossfire support.
Reports that patch is out on steam.
Wow, dude survived a good 20 seconds in the heat of battle somehow. If the game had higher health, I swear it would be so much more fun.
Also, I had a chance to call in a UAV on that jungle map, and oh my god you guys, the UAV was literally picking up enemies who freshly spawned behind me. Battle Theater would have exposed this easily, but I never knew how god awful the spawns were until seeing enemies pop up freshly on the radar.
So some people are not having their campaign progress recorded at about the Antattica chapter? Maybe I'll stay away from the story until that gets patched in.
Do you lose all of the gear you got from supply drops when you prestige?
Resetting progress on calling cards and weapon camo's upon Prestiging is a horrible design decision.
Cant be no worse than the BF4 campaign bug.
Why do people always go prone when they see me. Is this what they call drop shotting? Is that what all the MLG-Pro's do because it looks fucking stupid cause I just jump over them and dive kick their faces in.
yes thats drop shotting lmao
When Battlefield 2 came out we called them dolphin-divers, and the only way to counter them was the noob tube.
Haha 06&vid=38da3275-370c-4afe-8caf-9aba5d8c1084
Gotta love the spawn system. I spawned right there to. 06&vid=38da3275-370c-4afe-8caf-9aba5d8c1084
Gotta love the spawn system. I spawned right there to.
Finished the campaign earlier and put an hour or 2 into the online, and i think this COD is up there as one of the best.. Man these multiplayer maps are quality stuff.
Fucking COD players. I'm done with this crap game. The single player sucked, the service is constantly down, the multi is just frustrating for me because the maps are so small. Even if I'm getting kills I'm still dead dead dead dead deadeadeadeadeadeadead.
*rage quit*
At least it was the most expensive game I have ever bought.
Ah, I remember the honeymoon.
That's cute. Put a week into MP, you'll be wanting a divorce like the rest of us. Lol
It's so silly seeing entire teams do it. Especially in this game where you can LITERALLY FLY AWAY but they instead choose to 'drop shot'.
Ah, I remember the honeymoon.
That's cute. Put a week into MP, you'll be wanting a divorce like the rest of us. Lol
Anyone check how many people are on the Xbox One leaderboard for CoD? Really interested to see how many people are playing globally.
They got rid of the global heatmap with current player numbers![]()
Drop shotting still works in CQB situations. I always run past people and have to pull a 180 drop to avoid the hipfire.
Outside of that, dodging or just hopping to a platform is much better.
I'm a big KC guy, but I think I just found my new favorite game mode: Momentum
On PS4 it's 2205404.
Title Update: PC
All below updates live as of 11/10/2014, 16:00 PST.
Adjustment to the in-game chat names notifications placement.
Fixed Prestige reset issues, including emblems and challenges.
Fixed Marksman and Camo challenges to not reset when you prestige.
Connectivity optimizations for game servers.
Fixed issues with Ping Bar not updating correctly.
Fixed stats not accumulating towards leaderboards after prestiging.
Adjustment to challenges to unlock Camos for weapons.
Fixed round-based game modes, affecting Win/Loss ratios.
Implemented ability to unlock eSports Rule options in Private Match.
Fixed weapon reloads counting as speed reloads in certain circumstances.
Added description to reload informing that you can double-tap to speed reload.
Fixed double xp splash, so it doesn't show up in private match, combat readiness program, or survival mode.
Showing 4x or 2x based on whether a loot double xp item exists
Add double XP icon to medal splashes when double xp is active.
Fixed rare save game issue affecting playthrough progression
KC score limit increased to 85 per match.
Oh my...PC patch notes:
Fixed issues with Ping Bar not updating correctly.
PC patch notes:
Fix for weapon reloads counting as speed reloads in certain circumstances.
whats your ping like?