I am happy you liked the game but I wish I could see it the same way. The game is a bad, boring, slow dead space rip off that does almost nothing well.
Resdent Evil 2 remke should be 100/10 if You rate this 8.2

I understand it was a dry year but the game barely deserves a 5 or a 6.
Finished this fucking game. I am happy I got the ps5 disc version. Selling this turd or throwing it out of the window.
IT WAS TERRIBLE. 7s and 8s ?! MY ASSSSSS. The game is crap.
+Great graphics
+Pretty good 30fps mode. Not the slowest very delayed like in Forspoken and other 30fps games on ps5. Actually finally 30fps mode I felt ok with playing this gen like tlou part1 and uc4 remaster.
+Performance mode looks cleaner than quality mode... quality can be grainy but performance looks a bit flat and shadowless at times. I only checked it near the end and wish I switched to performance earlier. Game looks cleaner and runs 60fps.
+Fantastic motion blur but a bit heavy even for me
+Absolutely no gradient banding at all which is a rare sight nowadays
+Good dualsense use and good 3d audio with headphones
+No bugs and crashes (ps5)
+Enjoyable exploration at times.
+Cool sc-fi setting... and that's it.
-Combat is terrible. Utterly annoying, tedious, spongy and boring. Dodge is straight up broken. Even with auto dodge from accessibility settings. It is a dodge that is boring and you can't rely on it.
-Terrible story that is cliche and is just boring
-terrible characters. You don't even feel sorry for them
-Terrible UI and inventory...
-Broken HDR with raised black levels. Looks washed out
-Worst weapon switching system ever. They have the whole fucking dpad and they make tou press right, then select and confirm weapon or quick swap to other preconfigured weapons. It is so bad in combat.
-terrible slow movement. No quick turn 180
-You crawl and shimmy for good 30% of a game. I am not kidding. And nothing ever happens in the vents.
-Cheap baby scares and random noises.... you stand in 1 spot and spooky noises generator makes noises around you.... ooof.
-Seriously... you are 10 hours into the game, crawl through the vent and they still make that monster run in front of you or body gets dragged away. or you open a chest and the larva comes out for 15th time. cmon.
-The usual objective of restoring power at least 5 times.
-Crappy DLC bait ending
-Some of worst checkpointing ever. Added at least 1 hours to my game...
-redundant weapons. 2 shotguns? 2 pistols? why... have some creativity
-The grip glove barely works. It's stolen from dead space and dead space did it better
-You stomp very single body... every single one.
-LOUD NOISES like a cheap horror movie.
-NO. I did not wanted to grab the bucket. I wanted to grab that propane tank or that enemy. GRIP never pick ups what you want.
-That one boss gets reused 4 times.
-you cannot skip cinematics
-no ng+
-No 40fps mode or unlocked fps mode... but fair enough - 30fps mode was ok.
-The Daeth animations take FOREVER if you happen to die too often
-Combat with more than 1 enemy at the time is the worst thing I've experienced this year. Camera is very close, something is happening behind you and you are decapitated. Full health. Other time, that monster will just spit at you.
I did not enjoyed this game. I was frustrated and annoyed at how random and spongy the combat feels. I got tired of dodging and grip glove was very unwieldy... 5/10
Edit: Seriously. I enjoyed the game at first but it went down the drain. Reviewers need to grow some balls and criticize the games more. Same with Forbidden West. That game got way too high scores...