What shelves are those? The seem perfect for Amiibo.
What shelves are those? The seem perfect for Amiibo.
Same, I was wondering how they were able to cancel my order twice.
If the first email was just a warning that makes more sense.
*continues to F5 the play-asia Chibi Robo page*
An automatic cancellation email will follow this one shortly.
If anyone is looking for the Splatoon 3 pack, check TRU in store. My local one had at least 4 left after I grabbed one! The one I went to was the Pointe-Claire location.
You know what I'm looking forward to now? The two month downtime. It was nice being super active in shipping talk, and the bullshit that is retail exclusive Amiibo, but time away from the madness does the wallet and mind some good. The only Amiibo I would want now is Wario and I'm sure we'll see that restocked in a couple weeks or before the month is out. I MIGHT get a Jiggly Puff, if only for trade bait purposes if it springs up at Wal-Mart again.
This is getting out of hand quickly.
I still believe Wario will hard to find shortly. With the smb Wario expected, it'll take the current one and there won't be any need to restock it.
This is getting out of hand quickly.
I've got all of the GoT Pops so far, thought about mystery minis because they're so cool, but the randomness is kind of a turn off.Oh! Game of Thrones Pops! I have series one and two I've been meaning to sell. I switched over to mystery minis instead (i have an extra full set of commons from wave 2 as well). If you'te looking gor it even more out of hand...
I've got all of the GoT Pops so far, thought about mystery minis because they're so cool, but the randomness is kind of a turn off.
My gut was telling me to preorder him instead of Pac-Man but I was really liking Pac-man's moveset in game at the time.
Also, and here's the great part, you don't have to worry about MIMB figures because the only way to know what you to open the damn box!!!Stress...relieved.
Looking to trade a Robin, Lucina, Wario, Pac Man, Charizard, or Splatoon three pack for a greninja. Only one I am missing from my set currently, if anyone is interested please let me know.
I may take you up on that, depending on the condition of my other Splatoon 3-pack. I do need Robin and Lucina as well so we might still have something at that point... those two and Ness are the only ones I'm missing, so.
If you get another trade offer, though, feel free to take it - I might be a while yet waiting on that other pack to arrive. (Edit: As a note, I'm in NB.)
I managed to secure the ones I wanted as soon as they went on sale so this went rather stress free. If I stumble across a Wario or Charizard I may pick them up, otherwise I am good.
It's good to not be trying to collect them all.
Just waiting for those next two waves now.
I'm so ready to tap out of this fiasco lol. I originally just wanted to collect my favourite Nintendo characters and then something triggered to me that these might become a hot commodity so I just preordered everything. Now it's just becoming a pain, once I have the entire Smash series that will be the end......unless they come out with a Legend Of Zelda series which would be epic and suck me back in! Who doesn't want a Chocobo Amiibo, Goron, or Deku amiibo! lol
Ordered the 3-pack splatoon amiibo from Amazon yesterday and got it this morning. Here are the packaging picks. It arrived from their Mississauga warehouse.
Near perfect condition, except for a slight bend. Too bad I don't care about packaging
And that's how they look on my desk. Pretty satisfied with their quality too![]()
Squid turned into a monkey?
And DAMMIT! What is Amazon doing? I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about them cramming figures into a small box as I have the whole flippin' set coming from them in one box (including singles of splatoon and silver mario). But I guess I might want to be concerned with them having a big enough box.
Gah! *patiently waits*
I'm looking for a nice looking small desk shelf (white if possible) to display my amiibo, any recommendation? Planning to buy this one but goddamn the shipping/import fee...
Honestly...I don't think you'd be happy with that. It's too deep. And with the shelves that close together, anything that's not in the front row would get totally lost. Did you check any options at Ikea?
Picked up Robin and Lucina from The Source yesterday. Of all the retailers, that's the only one I managed to get Wave 4 from.
Definitely keeping Lucina since she's my Smashwaifumain. Undecided on Robin for now.