I wasn't sure if I wanted the Pixel Mario
Then I saw the Modern Colour variant...
Imagine a Pixel Mario instead of a gyroid, though
Ugh, this is getting out of hand.
I dunno how much longer I can fend off the wife aggro. I'm going to run out of excuses soon.
Skylanders amiibo editions - Wii U version for DK and 3DS or Wii version for Bowser - AMAZON CANADA
Here's the package for the 30th anniversary mario.
Video from the E3 show floor showing all the new amiibo
There's actually two versions of this...
I wish there was a more structured pre order process in place so I don't have to have anxiety about pre ordering all these.
As if the amiilanders are only with the sets, that sucks big time. I could care less about the games
Here's the package for the 30th anniversary mario.
There's actually two versions of this...
Also more then 4 Animal Crossing amiibo...
And yes...this is WAY out of hand.
And wow those8 Bit Marios are HUGE!
I'm retreating into backlog.
he's not gonna appreciate that
I feel like Nintendo's going to run Amiibos into the ground. The casual consumer won't mind: they'll get their Mario and Pikachu amiibos and call it a day. But I weep for the collector who wants to catch them all.
he's not gonna appreciate that
God damn, I thought I fixed that typo in time...
I said fuck it and just got wave 5 from Japan, it's already shipping to me, who knows when the hell we will even be able to attempt to buy it here. Same with yarn yoshis, got all 3 Japan ones pre-d. I'm sick of the lines and crazy hours up all night hoping to get an order in before the sites die.
You don't enjoy those sleepless nights? The challenge? The forged will to collect? lolololol Okay, I didn't have to go there. I don't blame you. If I had the money to import I would.
he's not gonna appreciate that
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Bundle - Best Buy Canada
got the AC amiibo bundle and Happy Home Designer at BB.
lemme just say eff all y'all for forcing my hand and eff me for having no restraint.
did u at least get the 20% off (does it even work on the bundle lol) ?
I said fuck it and just got wave 5 from Japan, it's already shipping to me, who knows when the hell we will even be able to attempt to buy it here.
Am I the only one that finds it extremely disturbing that Nintendo is forcing games down the throats of those who just want the amiibos? It's complete crap really.
Am I the only one that finds it extremely disturbing that Nintendo is forcing games down the throats of those who just want the amiibos? It's complete crap really.
Am I the only one that finds it extremely disturbing that Nintendo is forcing games down the throats of those who just want the amiibos? It's complete crap really.
I find it more disturbing that a company that usually build games around solid game mechanics is now building a game around gimmicky amiibo features instead of it only being a "bonus" feature.
I agree, the least that they could do was provide a better AC game and it wouldn't be as bad or make the game free if they are going to provide a game like the one that they showed.