So, at last...Cloud, Ryu and Bayonetta amiibos, and then I'm out for the foreseeable future
Amiibos are $10 at Wal-Mart for Boxing Day.
you should be able to ship to post office for free still... I thinkSo will Walmart ship-to-store or FlexDelivery be an option on Boxing Day? I'd be down for an amiibo for ten bucks + tax (hello, Sonic), but I think they charge $6 for shipping under $50.
Did Canada amiibo-GAF receive any amiibo related gifts?
I got Robin, Lucina, and Jigglypuff (shipped from Australia, no doubt), so I'm quite thankful for that :]
My gaf secret Santa gave me a chibi robo.![]()
Did Canada amiibo-GAF receive any amiibo related gifts?
I got Robin, Lucina, and Jigglypuff (shipped from Australia, no doubt), so I'm quite thankful for that :] fans! Keep an eye out early tomorrow there will be a few new #amiibo figures making an appearance online for pre-order.
@Earthworm_Joe Yes. Lucas will also be available. Thx
Sorry for the double, but new news:
It's up. Shovel knight and Lucas.
$18 for Shovel Knight? Bah
I've heard the quality is lower than other amiibo too...
Kicks looks awesome as heck
(God, I hope Project Giant Robot doesn't have a retail release.)
Bah, Shovel Knight already sold out. Oh well, I've got an Amazon order. Got Lucas, though.
(God, I hope Project Giant Robot doesn't have a retail release.)
I still need that Mega Yarn Yoshi. I can't even find it on TRU website anymore.
Has there been any news for when we can preorder ryu and cloud?
Looks like Shovel Knight is delayed to next week sometime: TRU is saying it, and Walmart is only opening preorders Friday online.
Amazon has a page ready for Lucas and the rest of the 1/22 wave but nothing on them yet. EB opened preorders in store today.
Is the Animal Crossing wave as overstocked as it seems, or am I crazy?
I found a standalone japanese Duck Hunt for $19 (incl. shipping) on Amazon! I'm so glad the amiibo craziness is winding down and I can get the characters I was interested in without paying crazy prices (though I must admit I profited a bit from the madness...).
Did Shovel Knight come out on Friday, or was it delayed to next?