LOTS of games for $8 at the Promenade Mall WalMart in Toronto!
I was there yesterday, and I saw like 2 dozen different games, for all platforms (except Vita, PS4, and XO, sorry guys

), they include:
Wii U:
007 Legends (The ONLY one, was tempted, but it was rated HORRIBLY,and took fucking Eurocom down :'( )
COD Modern Warfare 3
COD World at War (one copy)
Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2011
Cabella Shadows of Katmai
Cabella's Adventure Camp
Cabella Dangerous Hunts 2009
Dual Pen Sports (developed by indieszero)
Splinter Cell 3D
F1 2011
Cradle of Rome (or was it Egypt?) 2
Crush 3D
Carnival Games Wild West
Aliens Infestation
Transformers Prime
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions (bu\y the fucking Shinobi 3DS team! Kinda regret not getting it!)
Spider-Man Edge of Time (this instead was by Other Ocean, likely not good)
Call of Duty 4
Sim City DS (one copy)
Perfect Dark Zero Collector's Edition (was going to get this as a collector's piece, but sites have it for quite cheap so it's likely not that rare)
Blue Dragon
uDraw bundle (would've snatched a Wii one on the spot, they didn't even have that in stock and the 360 ones weren't stickered)
There's even more than that, but sadly I can't remember them all of the top of my head!
I know most are crap aside from the 360 stuff, but hey you might find something you like for a steal!