Secret best news is that the Prat Cam will be back as well as the original Max Damage dude.

Secret best news is that the Prat Cam will be back as well as the original Max Damage dude.
They should put that on the front page!@ Trawl Name: Yes, the Pratcam is coming back. Weve already got mad Tony booked for his comeback.
From the comments section where they've been answering questions:
They should put that on the front page!
What are your plans for other platforms if you exceed your goal?
We plan to produce a Mac OSX version shortly after the PC release, with Xbox 360 and PS3 following as soon as possible afterwards. (And on to even more platforms, as funds and time allow...)
If the game comes out on multiple platforms, which version will I get?
You will be able to choose which platform.
What about Censorship?
If it's censorship by territory, then although you mustn't do anything that's illegal in your country, modding your game might provide a way to alter content that it's okay to change within the laws of your country.
It's possible that closed platforms (console) may not be as permissive, but we've got plans for slight gameplay tweakings in these circumstances that will allow the game to still be great fun.
Will there be a non-Steam version?
We'll be using Steamworks for our online services on PC, so we require Steam. Steam is lovely!
Will there be LAN play? Online play?
Yes! We love LAN play, and we’ll make sure you can play without an internet connection. If you have intertubes, there’ll be online play too!
Will multiplayer modes from the old games return?
Absolutely. We’ll ship with a core set, and over time, more will be added. Some will feature playing as a ped!
What about mod support?
Supporting the mod community is really important to us. The game is built with mods in mind. We'll be releasing tools for the community to use (based on the ones we're using here to make the game), at the earliest opportunity.
Do the original games belong to Stainless now?
YES!! We now hold the rights to EVERYTHING in the Carmageddon Universe. Mu-wa-ha-haaaa!!
Will you make the originals work on current hardware and available to buy?
Stay tuned!
What is your primary development target?
We’re leading on Windows PC.
What engine are you using?
We’re using our in-house engine, Beelzebub. We’re adding new features for Carmageddon, including support for DX11 hardware.
Secret best news is that the Prat Cam will be back as well as the original Max Damage dude.
The pledging slowed down significantly, I think they'll need a Republique-tier boost if they want to make it. :\
@ Trawl Name: Yes, the Pratcam is coming back. Weve already got mad Tony booked for his comeback.
Stainless Games said:Hi again guys!
Okay, our 2 hour Reddit AMA is now scheduled. It's going to be happening on Saturday, 19th May, and here are the times in Internationalspeak:
10pm UK time
11pm Central Europe
5pm New York/East Coast
2pm Pacific/West Coast
Join us there, and we'll try to answer all your questions!
Yes, the Pratcam is coming back
Pratcam is coming back
Carmageddon Kickstarter said:Announcing a NEW Reward item, which will be included at the $150 tier. Were going to get a pair of cute little replicas made: The original Eagle, and the new Eagle*. These sweet collectors items will be available exclusively to Kickstarter backers, to be received by anyone pledging at any $150 level or above.
oh wow. this is steam only for pc.
We've planned Carmageddon: Reincarnation as an iterative development project. This means that if we just make it to the $400k target, we'll be able to deliver Release #1 in February 2013. Kickstarter backers of $15 and above will receive Release #1 plus all subsequent releases.
Which makes sense given releases will be iterative:
Once the game is complete, I imagine Stainless will expand its distribution footprint.
Oh yea. They've already said they want to release it on other platforms including maybe a DRM free version down the road.
Oh yea. They've already said they want to release it on other platforms including maybe a DRM free version down the road.
Do I have to choose between that or C:R beta access as they're both $25 reward tiers? If so, I'll opt for the latter and pay for the originals when they show up on GoG (and Steam, hopefully).
All the backers of the OTHER $25 Reward tier will get this FREE voucher too.
From the VIP description:
Poor old subversus.
Excellent news about Carma 1 and the splat pack. Shame they are using gog (I'll never deal with them again after they pulled that stunt). A friend is going to get that free code then.
Great news. But the last time i tried to run the original Carmageddon on DOSBox, it was a a pain And don't get me started on the PC accelerated Glide version... I could never get it to run under Dosbox or virtualization, despite my best attempts.
How can you still be bitter after all the great games they've brought back since then!
Besides you don't really have to deal with them, well, not like Steam or Origin etc. Yes, you need an account for the website to download the game, but that's true of just about any website selling stuff. Once you have use the free promotional code, you download the .exe installer, and throw it on a HDD or USB key, and never need to access GOG again!
I'm not sure, but it sounds like they might get voodoo/glide wrappers built in the installer too, allowing for higher resolution gameplay.
They've hit 450K with 12 days to go.
How/where did you find this? I still have the original CD so the data itself shouldn't be an issue, I just want to play it. Need to get that bastard ray happening in the middle of that football field again. Oh man.I'll check that out, but I got the original working in Windows 7 using some ddraw.dll file made by fans. It works great, forgot how awesome the game is.