No undo would be nice, but this game would be way worse without a time limitI Push Fat Kids said:Would've preferred:
a) slightly tighter controls
b) no undo
c) no time limit
No undo would be nice, but this game would be way worse without a time limitI Push Fat Kids said:Would've preferred:
a) slightly tighter controls
b) no undo
c) no time limit
Archurro said:Can anyone explain how to get all the endings? I got themy first time through, but I'm not exactly sure how I got it. Does it have to do with difficulty, or purely on good/bad/neutral?true lover with Katherine ending said:Can anyone explain how to get all the endings? I got themy first time through, but I'm not exactly sure how I got it. Does it have to do with difficulty, or purely on good/bad/neutral?true lover with Katherine ending
Archurro said:Can anyone explain how to get all the endings? I got themy first time through, but I'm not exactly sure how I got it. Does it have to do with difficulty, or purely on good/bad/neutral?true lover with Katherine ending
Kambing said:If the game reaches or exceeds Atlus' sales expectation, do you guys think we will see a sequel for the game? Maybe not a direct sequel, but something in the vein of Catherine? This game was just so epic man. With a few tweaks to the mechanics and slight alterations to level design, the second iteration of Catherine would serious blow my fucking mind.
Fuu said:The undo feature is a non-issue, you can just ignore it if you don't want to use it.
Once in a while I'll, for example, accidentally push instead of pull some crucial block and being able to undo makes the game flow much better than having to restart everything.
Obviously there's everything is tied up and there's no real room for a direct sequel, but I think they mentioned that Catherine was a big release for them. The article makes it sound like they want to make it a big franchise in terms of future iterations, but I think someone said that was a mistranslation and more that they hope this game gets the type of sales that a big franchise would receive.Kambing said:If the game reaches or exceeds Atlus' sales expectation, do you guys think we will see a sequel for the game? Maybe not a direct sequel, but something in the vein of Catherine? This game was just so epic man. With a few tweaks to the mechanics and slight alterations to level design, the second iteration of Catherine would serious blow my fucking mind.
Papercuts said:I doubt we'll see something like this again, atleast in the same style(with the block puzzles). I REALLY hope they use this engine for more games though, it'd be a crime against humanity not to.
iconoclast said:Babel is hard. The section right after 100-110 steps on the first stage is pretty tough to get past.
Papercuts said:I doubt we'll see something like this again, atleast in the same style(with the block puzzles). I REALLY hope they use this engine for more games though, it'd be a crime against humanity not to.
meltingparappa said:Obviously there's everything is tied up and there's no real room for a direct sequel, but I think they mentioned that Catherine was a big release for them. The article makes it sound like they want to make it a big franchise in terms of future iterations, but I think someone said that was a mistranslation and more that they hope this game gets the type of sales that a big franchise would receive.
Between this and the block puzzles in Nocturne, there is certain a mad genius on staff who loves designing more puzzles, so I'm sure if they let him go wild he could certainly make a billion more.
If a spiritual or direct sequel to Catherine means an intimate story about actual adults with actual adult emotional problems and there are no guns, berserk-sized swords, bald space marines or lolis with eye patches, then I'm all for it.
Papercuts said:I doubt we'll see something like this again, atleast in the same style(with the block puzzles). I REALLY hope they use this engine for more games though, it'd be a crime against humanity not to.
Papercuts said:I doubt we'll see something like this again, atleast in the same style(with the block puzzles). I REALLY hope they use this engine for more games though, it'd be a crime against humanity not to.
Someone should absolutely add that character to that (apparently unsearchable*) awesome mugen-style SMT fighting game character selection screen mockup.Kambing said:Although, in relation to an ending in the game,it would be cool as fuck if they built something around Catherine's true ending, with Vincent himself becoming a demon.
Watanabe Kazuma said:Wasn't it mentioned sometime ago that this was a 'test' of sorts so that Atlus could flex their muscles with this engine in preparation for the next Persona game?
I'm sure it was in an interview.
Net_Wrecker said:I love the game, block puzzles and all, but I'd flip for a Catherine spiritual sequel that took the nightmares in a different direction like a platformer or a Zelda style action adventure, either of which would retain the creepy atmosphere and crazy bosses.
meltingparappa said:Someone should absolutely add that character to that (apparently unsearchable*) awesome mugen-style SMT fighting game character selection screen mockup.
...and then make that game.
*Here is a consolation after 10 full minutes of searching with no avail:
Papercuts said:I pretty much avoided everything about this game beyond the initial trailers, so I'm not sure. Hope so, though!
(I took the risk of checking a wiki so I'm answering myself for anyone who may also be wondering about this and is jumping on the thread now.)Fuu said:Will I be able to play Rapunzel nonstop at some point or will it always be limited to the amount of credits you get per night? Or is it possible already and I'm just missing something?
I know I could just check a FAQ but I have bad history with looking for light info and being hit with spoilers.
meltingparappa said:Someone should absolutely add that character to that (apparently unsearchable*) awesome mugen-style SMT fighting game character selection screen mockup.
...and then make that game.
*Here is a consolation after 10 full minutes of searching with no avail:[/IMG[/QUOTE]
DUDE, that would be so epic. His design looked really bad-ass too!
[B]Also, I have a feeling this takes place a good deal in the future.[/B] One of the later cutscenes shows a timer on the street that tells when the rain's going to stop. A sign in the bar says '2060 wheels', but could it be that far ahead?[/QUOTE]
Yeah i also think it takes in the future because some couples were talking in the bar about going on a space trip for $50,000. This game man, soooogood.gif
thetrin said:I'm pretty much done with this game. Even on easy, the game is frustratingly hard. I'm on 6-3, and I have pretty much no desire to play any more. I love the story. That's the really unfortunate part. I really love the story, and I really really wish the block puzzles were not in the game. If it was just the conversation stuff, this game would be brilliant.
I'm probably going to sell the game this weekend. I've had enough of it.
I'm youtubing it, and still don't even understand how they figured it out. I'm youtubing entire levels now. At this point I'm not even playing the game. I don't even understand why I'm not just youtubing the story instead and selling this game.Zerokku said:For the sake of getting through the story, just youtube some of the solutions.
While I am loving the game, I have had to do that a couple times now >.>
thetrin said:I'm pretty much done with this game. Even on easy, the game is frustratingly hard. I'm on 6-3, and I have pretty much no desire to play any more. I love the story. That's the really unfortunate part. I really love the story, and I really really wish the block puzzles were not in the game. If it was just the conversation stuff, this game would be brilliant.
I'm probably going to sell the game this weekend. I've had enough of it.
Is it really? I've been able to do all the other levels without any help, but 6-3 is so insanely obstuse, I don't even understand how the designers came up with it.Kambing said:If you are frustrated, i think you should try looking at this video: Catherine 6-3
I am sure it will help you, because i used the video to get some gold trophy and the guy playing is such a beast. He can finish a level in like 3 minutes. If you follow his moves it might take at most 10 minutes. On the note of 6-3, if i am not mistaken, it is one of the hardest levels in the game, so perhaps stick to it.
Hopefully with this you will at least be able to progress with the story.
I feel bad for you.thetrin said:I'm youtubing it, and still don't even understand how they figured it out. I'm youtubing entire levels now. At this point I'm not even playing the game. I don't even understand why I'm not just youtubing the story instead and selling this game.
thetrin said:I honestly just wish this game was an RPG attached to the rest of the game, not obtuse gothic block puzzles created for spacial savants.
thetrin said:Is it really? I've been able to do all the other levels without any help, but 6-3 is so insanely obstuse, I don't even understand how the designers came up with it.
thetrin said:I honestly just wish this game was an RPG attached to the rest of the game, not obtuse gothic block puzzles created for spacial savants.
I do agree it would thematically clash, but it doesn't mean you can't have an RPG where your abiities are not used to attack and kill your enemies, but avoid and evade them.BigJiantRobut said:I feel like having a combat-oriented anything attached to this kind of game would sorta clash with the intimacy of the story. Having it be dreams where you run away from a falling doom fits pretty thematically. That and I am one of those spacial savants who looooove block puzzles, haha.
Still, I sorta agree - I can't wait to see what Atlus does with their next RPG on this wizard of a Gamebryo dealie.
cj_iwakura said:Also, I have a feeling this takes place a good deal in the future.
BigJiantRobut said:I neeeeeeeed a full soundtrack. The awesome trip-hop song that plays in the baris soooo good.on the last two nights
cj_iwakura said:I believe that's called Lamb Game Between Man and Woman.
ULTROS! said:Regarding the endings, how do I get the?Just Like Old Times trophy
Are you just saying that because of his love for Sake?cj_iwakura said:It takes place in America. The only one who might be of Japanese-descent is Jonathan, but that's just speculation.
pelicansurf said:Are you just saying that because of his love for Sake?
cj_iwakura said:That's the Katherine/Lover 'Good' Ending.
cj_iwakura said:It takes place in America. The only one who might be of Japanese-descent is Jonathan, but that's just speculation.
Or maybe not...cj_iwakura said:It takes place in America.