M_Night said:Should we revive the review thread?
I'm sure there's a lot of people who are waiting for review scores before they dip.
Why does there need to be a seperate reviews thread from the OT? That's kind of weird...
M_Night said:Should we revive the review thread?
I'm sure there's a lot of people who are waiting for review scores before they dip.
Yeah, and if you've got some long cut-scene to watch, get ready to enjoy it over and over and over and o...ultron87 said:Wait, so if I save, and then use all my retries, I then will always have no retries when loading from that save?
That sounds awful.
I guess on the plus side it can keep reviews discussion out of the OT.Giolon said:Why does there need to be a seperate reviews thread from the OT? That's kind of weird...
toythatkills said:Yeah, and if you've got some long cut-scene to watch, get ready to enjoy it over and over and over and o...
toythatkills said:If you run out of retries, it's game over. You can start from your save but you'll have no retries left, which means you'd probably need to be reloading the game about fifty times on some levels.
Giolon said:Why does there need to be a seperate reviews thread from the OT? That's kind of weird...
M_Night said:
M_Night said:Should we revive the review thread?
I'm sure there's a lot of people who are waiting for review scores before they dip.
richiek said:I'm also not fond of sitting thru uber long cut scenes either, tho the storyline seems intriguing.
Offline leaderboards and offline co-op.
Atlus also fixed an issue with the online leaderboards where players not appearing in the rankings and modified text to reflect the balance changes. If you dont like the changes you can reset Catherine back to its original state by pressing R3 and L3 (or both analog stick buttons on the Xbox 360 controller) at the same time.
dili said:The game has no online what so ever? Not even the leaderboards? Then why have i been reading the game has online leaderboards elsewhere?
cj_iwakura said:I have them in the OP for a reason.
They spoil this game with reckless disregard.
You can always get the alternate boxarts (unless you want the special edition) - that's partially what they're for. I'm going to be doing that. I don't exactly need my younger cousins seeing the normal boxart on my shelf...Lord Error said:I played the demo for this last night, and was surprised how much I liked it! I almost didn't give it a chance because of the, less face it, a bit embarrassing looking box art, that makes the game seem more like a bonus disc for the Maxim magazine.
After I started reading about it, everything was pointing to a game not being some raunchy crap but a nice and intriguing (mystical?) story about relationships - and the demo makes no mistake about this, it sells this intrigue very well. Even the block pushing puzzle gameplay which I thought would stick out like a sore thumb, actually felt perfectly right in place. It made it seem like you're playing though the nightmare, literally, what with some gravitational illogicals, earth under you crumbling as you struggle to go up, and typical banal nightmare symbolism that you can only shake your head at when you wake up (OMG, the girlfriend is chasing me to stab me down - commitment! - she's so huge and overpowering!). I like that the puzzles require you to think quick on your feet, and make you have an *aha* moment every once in a while.
Everything about the demo was great or at the very least endearing. I even liked the somewhat awkward dialogue pacing, and funny facial expressions. Liked how the animation mixes serious with goofy - it's like they got what's good about some of the anime, but eliminated what's horrible about it (or at least I hope so, from the demo it seems like that anyway). Humor works well, and characters are instantly likeable stereotypes just waiting to be used in some unexpected plot development. I think this is a game that people would love playing with their significant other, as it seems like a type of game where the second player can contribute a lot (figuring out puzzles, deciding together how to compose text messages), and enjoy the story along. I really like it, and I really wish the box art wasn't something that I'd feel I'll need to hide as far away from the view as possible when the guests are around. I'm literally worried that a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in the game would gloss it over because of this, even though their intention was mostly likely the opposite - to attract people on cover sex appeal alone.
Lord Error said:I played the demo for this last night, and was surprised how much I liked it! I almost didn't give it a chance because of the, less face it, a bit embarrassing looking box art, that makes the game seem more like a bonus disc for the Maxim magazine.
I'm literally worried that a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in the game would gloss it over because of this, even though their intention was mostly likely the opposite - to attract people on cover sex appeal alone.
cj_iwakura said:I have them in the OP for a reason.
They spoil this game with reckless disregard.
This can't be stressed enough. I was just trying to shuttle through it quickly to see their final score, but I happened to catch a spoiler along the way. Even with no context, it was clearly a major plot reveal. I don't know what the hell they're thinking sometimes.cj_iwakura said:I have them in the OP for a reason.
They spoil this game with reckless disregard.
cj_iwakura said:Just watched the GT trailer to confirm.
Yep, spoilers. Not as major as the import preview(which spoiled damn near everything), but it does show clips from one of the more major scenes in the game. Nothing dire, though.
Which plot twist? I think you will notice that if you have completed the game... I think...eshwaaz said:This can't be stressed enough. I was just trying to shuttle through it quickly to see their final score, but I happened to catch a spoiler along the way. Even with no context, it was clearly a major plot reveal. I don't know what the hell they're thinking sometimes.
faridmon said:Which plot twist? I think you will notice that if you have completed the game... I think...
lol they always do.cj_iwakura said:I have them in the OP for a reason.
They spoil this game with reckless disregard.
Bebpo said:Sucks about the lack of J-voice. There's really little excuse for Atlus on this when companies like NIS are releasing everything dual audio and even Sega did the same with RoF. There's plenty of space on discs this gen and if the j-audio is not lip-sync'd who cares, it isn't even sync'd in 99% of anime/games in japan. The Japanese cast for Catherine was a really stellar collection of high profile actors and the whole point making Vincent look like Spike from Cowboy Bebop and then getting Spike's voice actor to play him is kind of lost otherwise and that's a shame. I'm sure the dub will be fine, but Atlus should've gone the extra mile and given the option.
Meh, that is not a plot twist. I mean, its just a plot devolopment and the players are actually expecting that to happen onw way or another.cj_iwakura said:The knife fight between Catherine and Katherine.
Atlus said:#Catherine is getting her passport in order... #whatcouldthismean
Yeah, But I am guessing It is gonna be a 2012 release. They always screw us like thatSallokin said:Atlus tweeted that Catherine was getting her passport ready. So glad to hear that.
Bebpo said:I only read the first page or two, but you can change difficulty mid-game. Just hit start at the bar intermission and you can change. So feel free to start on a tougher difficulty and the drop back when it gets too tough. I'd recommend doing normal as far as you can and then dropping back to easy to finish it on your first run.
Sucks about the lack of J-voice. There's really little excuse for Atlus on this when companies like NIS are releasing everything dual audio and even Sega did the same with RoF. There's plenty of space on discs this gen and if the j-audio is not lip-sync'd who cares, it isn't even sync'd in 99% of anime/games in japan. The Japanese cast for Catherine was a really stellar collection of high profile actors and the whole point making Vincent look like Spike from Cowboy Bebop and then getting Spike's voice actor to play him is kind of lost otherwise and that's a shame. I'm sure the dub will be fine, but Atlus should've gone the extra mile and given the option.
polyh3dron said:lol they always do.
after uncharted 2, never again.
Check a few posts above yours, in the tags.ReturnOfTheRAT said:What did they spoil?
cj_iwakura said:Here's an avatar I'll contribute, whoever wants it.
That was from some promo art collectibles for the JP release.
Hopefully it's in the artbook we get.
Seriously, only xbox?Azure Phoenix said:Confirmed that Catherine is coming to Europe:
I'm a little concerned it might be 360 only however, since so far only the 360 version has been rated by USK and MrPointyHead has also tweeted about it. Supposedly a message on Twitter that was hastily deleted also said an October release.
Hopefully there will be a full blown statement in the coming days, that way I can keep my Love is Over version sealed and just wait on the EU release.
Hmm. The press-release said consoles (plural), but yeah, they didn't specify.Azure Phoenix said:Hopefully there will be a full blown statement in the coming days, that way I can keep my Love is Over version sealed and just wait on the EU release.
Minamu said:Are there any complete achievement lists out there that show the hidden stuff? Wondering about difficulty achievements specifically, since they are not really mentioned in the non-hidden stuff.