If they hit the face with the ugly stick I can still get behind the character as long as they don't uglify her legs to body proportion. Ciri is tall and slender not short and stumpy like new Lara.
Much better in the ingame shot which isn't a surprise since the CG trailers are different from ingame cutscenes. It was a similar case in FFVII Remake where the ingame cutscene of Tifa looked better than the CG trailers within the game. They should just stop doing CG scenes since ingame cutscenes are good enough in today's age. Hope this game comes out soon, it's one of the games I'm looking forward to the most along with GTA VI and Elder Scrolls VI.
Yeah I'm sure he's straight-up lying, and they did, in fact, change the face of the model to make it prettier under pressure of True Gamers. That's totally what happened.