Congrats!Just beat the level 60 dragon with some help. Grief Sword is mine!
I'm at Level 54 now, I should have mine soon [which I'll immediately slap on Lindsey].
Congrats!Just beat the level 60 dragon with some help. Grief Sword is mine!
41 Nimpha
28 Lynda Max LB
26 Hero (Thrash!)
30 Dusty Max LB
It a really shitty lineup. The only reason I got as far as I did is because people were nice enough to add me. The boss fight is literally just me going straight at the boss, if I go for his adds, I'll die before I do enough damage.
I only recently found out the fight ends if the demon dies, so the adds can be ignored. Which is good for me.
Edit: Stage 50 is next for me. I don't see how I can pass that with anything less than 3 Orbs. Haha. DPS is not actually the problem though, it's me dieing. I don't know if the Dragon does more damage than the Demon. Will have to find out.
Is it worth enhancing with 1 and 2 * characters or should I just sell them?
I mean using them to boost my good characters. The exp gained seems very small compared to the gold required.I don't unless I have to (if their quest is at higher level).
I mean using them to boost my good characters. The exp gained seems very small compared to the gold required.
Is it worth enhancing with 1 and 2 * characters or should I just sell them?
Is it worth enhancing with 1 and 2 * characters or should I just sell them?
Is it worth enhancing with 1 and 2 * characters or should I just sell them?
What happens if you don't finish a demon in the hour provided? They just show up next time?
Do I need to reroll until I get those ultra rares they're advertising?
Also wtf is reroll and how do I do it?
You don't have to do that, but it definitely pays off. That's 1 slot on your team you don't have to worry about anymore.
Reroll is doing the tutorial until you can get your free Premium Ticket and 50 Phrysma. You then 2 rolls. If it is not a 5*, then you can do it again by having a second device if you are iOS, you'll have to transfer the data to the other device, and try again. Don't link your Facebook.
It's quite time consuming. Like 8-9 min per 2 rolls.
I think there was a way to get rid of that, but don't ask me how, no idea. Theres some on it here:
My friends Lindsey has ATK8900. Absolutely nasty. Let's see if I can kill the level50 Dragon.
I think there was a way to get rid of that, but don't ask me how, no idea. Theres some on it here:
I wish I had your friends. My best guy has 4300 atk.
I'm on demon 39. The nasty level 40 dragon coming up. I have no idea how I'm going to do it
Well, you can add my Nimpha if you want. She has 5k atk but even then it won't make too much of a difference I guess.
The fight was a joke. It took 100 seconds. I used 3 orbs. Could have done it with 2. I might go in with a healer next time. The main problem was the rest of my team dieing.
You should add me, when I get to 60 I'll try to help you out. I'm not sure if I can get to 60 but I'll make sure you get to 50 as well.
Level7 Lindsey already better than my Hero. Bye Hero.
Nice! What'd you do? Sell the demon arcana?
Finally beat level 50 and got Katarith. For some reason, the level 50 dragon has only about 90k hp while the level 40 one had 154k. So don't throw in the towel just yet. You guys might have more battles in you than you think.
My friend ID is 198 338 591.
Finally beat level 50 and got Katarith. For some reason, the level 50 dragon has only about 90k hp while the level 40 one had 154k. So don't throw in the towel just yet. You guys might have more battles in you than you think.
My friend ID is 198 338 591.
default hero dude is trash, no idea why people keep him
default hero dude is trash, no idea why people keep him
Well 3 souls and the 40 dragon has 71k left lol. That means I can do it in 6. Sigh. Or I might be better off with 200 seconds and more time to just beat on him. Granted he kills off my chars pretty well too.
I guess what I'll do tomorrow morning when I wake up is kick it off then invite friends to help. Maybe one of y'all could chip away at him or even finish him off. At this point its my wall so might as well. I've done what I can with less than a week playing heh.
Got a premium ticket from the event. I guess I should save it until the next rate up?
Does using the characters increase the rewards or just boosts power?
Why not invite someone now?
Yeah I saw, killed it for you. Had no idea that you could only do that on the first try. So is there a limit to the amount of orbs you can use to kill something?
Anyway, the stages after 40 are a little easier again. You should be able to get close to 50 even though it might take a while. I'll keep an eye out for any requests, but currently lacking more orbs than I am AP haha.
It is taking me 2 tries per stage as well now.
Yeah. I took off for work, got there and was ready to knock off a quick vigor fruit and saw it was already dead
Premium ticket for the level 40 reward. Nice.
The 40s are going to be tough too.. I just only did 35k damage to the 41 demon. This may take upwards of 3 souls. Ouch. I think I'm just too low for 50.
Well, that's still progress. If you can get 3 stages a day that way, you can still do it pretty easily.
Your issue is the lack of better friends. My Nimpha is really shitty haha, that being the best friend you have access to is not doing you much favors. You need to find someone that can add you for the duration of the event.
Maybe Merun can add you. His Lindsey is very strong too. You won't be able to 2 orb with that I think, but you can definitely get up to 49 and we'll figure out a way to get that Dragon at 50 down then.
Yeah. I just 2 orbed level 41 and it has 4k hp left![]()
I'm also doing story missions now too to try and get some more xp for my party. If I could get a few levels it'll get easier. I won't get level 40 overnight or anything but if I could bring the average up around 30 instead of 25 it should help.
Up to 46 rings.. Lindsey is close.. very close..
It took me 7 Souls to beat the level 40 dragon. I suck at this game. ;_;