edit2: oh, I know. Whenever I start a colo match I get stuck in the loading screen, so I reset my data/wifi connection and that allows me to continue to the match. However, once I finish said match, no matter wether I win or lose my rank doesn't change. Is there any other way around it? Due to this shitty bug I got knocked to rank ~10k and can't climb back up.
Congratulations for second Musica
As for the problem. I literally made ticket 10 minutes ago to Gumi:
Oct 21, 15:39
Hi. Problems started saturday (around 1h before colosseum reset). Iam using Android version 5.1.1, phone is Sony Xperia Z2. In these pictures problem still exist, these are taken wednesday. around 50 mins before Colosseum reset. Basically refreshing opponents or choosing opponent freezes CC. Only way to reset freezing is changing to Wlan or from wlan to mobile connection. This freezing only occures in Mystery Island (Colosseum & Gauntlet), nowhere else in the game.
1. Colobug1:
- Idid push challenge opponent "Tgsky"
- Connecting logo appeared but its not flashing / moving / doing anything.
2. Colobug2
- I waited many minutes, nothing happened. Switched from Wlan to HSDPA mobile network and Connecting logo vanished. See the time difference.
3. Colobug3
- Started battle and game froze to "Loading" screen, its not flashing nor doing anything. Now I have to be quick or my Colosseum battle wont count (even if I win, due to time limit in battle).
- Quickly switching from HSDPA network to wlan and getting next screen pic
- Tips screen and its loading normally after network change (HSDPA -> Wlan)
- Total time it took me for one battle from start to finish
- I was fast and it still took over 5 minutes
Please fix this problem. Colosseum is unplayable cause fights take so long. I know that on iOS there is no this problem at all. I have lost many battles due to beign not able to take part to them. I would like to have compensation in HT & Prysma.
Thank you.
ps. Dont send me an answer and suggestion to try restarting application. It wont help at all.
Those 5 Colobug pics:
In order you to actually win the battle within timelimit you need to 2x speed it through and still it may be too slow.