Tempted to pull, but not sure if the pool is still saturated with other characters who aren't supposed to be there.
They did remove 1-2* units. Also Amille is removed from Gacha. Sadly those 3 not so good 5* units are there + Hati of course
Tempted to pull, but not sure if the pool is still saturated with other characters who aren't supposed to be there.
They did remove 1-2* units. Also Amille is removed from Gacha. Sadly those 3 not so good 5* units are there + Hati of course.
Okay thanks. I'll buy another 3 just in case^^With 19 revival fruits, I think you'll make it. Remember to get close up to bosses when using Yuni's skill though.
Tempted to pull, but not sure if the pool is still saturated with other characters who aren't supposed to be there.
Had enough for 6 pulls. Got 3x3*, Hassan, Roxanna. And on my last pull, I got Hati!
Really, Hati's rates seem pretty great ATM. In less than 5 pulls each, I got 1 Hati, brother got 2. Most others are 3 and 4 stars.
He and I have never BOTH got a raid chara before. Was funny we got at the same time. Looking forward to this raid now, ha.
Meruru it is then! Just feel free to ask for any of the above if the going gets tough.
I'm actually kinda amazed by Totori's potential. You can practically use her skill at the beginning of wave 4, start a new chain in wave 5 and actually MAX chain Meruru when Totori's skill ends. Besides, her scaling might be plain silly, I have to try to use Cheery as her Kizuna and see what the skill boost does to her attacks.
But yes, I have been trying your Sterk and the self-buff is amazing.
I don't think Rox would be worth pulling for unless you want a full dancer + event unit friend team, since Talibiku is a better Rox. Still, with SR tickets out there, it's worth giving it a shot if you get one of those. Having Talibiku, Rox is the consolation prize when pulling for Musica.
I have been thinking about adding Tsuru myself, specially since I put Mimi in the subparty for the slow. I definitely think the total damage output during the last wave would be higher, but in exchange the rest of the waves will be harder.
In the end I decided against adding a warrior to the main party (and Max chain with either Totori or Meruru, if I have more than 4 mana), but I might readjust once I reach the harder stages.
I've passed level 100 in the jpcc raid and can still get by using one soul, but probably not for much longer. I'm using Totori, Mimi, Rox and Pino with Tsuru and Phoena in the sub party. Sterk or Meruru friends when available.
Totori has become more useful further in to the raid. There are fewer shields to deal with now and I can use her skill twice to clear the mobs and get the mana bonus. The second bonus occurs during the boss wave as well.
man, the Atelier demon raid in JPCC is so amazing
only got up to level 108 in demons and already MLB Rorona~
got all three of my extra copies from the demon gatcha and none of them were even one of the guarantee copies either
even more amazing I'm still one-souling the demons, but it's pretty great to get such a casual demon raid for once
I'll probably just keep going for more premium tickets, but nice to have something not super necessary to do
to add to more good luck of mine:
got the new fortune ring gatcha character after like 50 rings
don't really like her skills, so one copy is fine
Phew, I made it through the 30 waves quest. Took me 10 Fruits. That one wave with a boss, 2 healers and 2 giant pumpkins (who got an ATK boost from the boss' Special) and whatnot was the hardest for me. I had to use 3 (or 4) Fruits just for that one.
@SuperStiltzkin: Your Yuni was a great help. Her Special Attack made a lot of damage. Thanks a lot.
This raid will be the first one I'll probably come very far. Is the demon good?
I have done some cleaning in my friend list and i have 7 slots.
Feel free to add me (i have a lvl 60 hati as leader for the raid).
No luck with Hati.
I still have a few more Premium Tickets that I may/may not spend, but I'm relieved to see at least a few people here get lucky and pull her.
I can agree with that!GUMI should give us 2 more tickets as compensation. Its two more chances to get Hati
I have done some cleaning in my friend list and i have 7 slots.
Feel free to add me (i have a lvl 60 hati as leader for the raid).
I have 5 free friends slots if anyone wants to add me. My Hati is level 57, but she should be 60 in a bit. Been burning stamina fruits on the advanced wizard quest on Dawn Isle to power level Hati and my other wand users.
Is there any reason to keep the starter units around now that their upgraded versions are here? Kain, Michida, etc.? What about the hero?
Since it seems like there are a lot of Hatis to go around, would people rather I make Hati or Musica my leader this week?
Same here, have a lvl 70 Hati and 75 Musica to choose from. Also have 5 friend spaces for those who need it.
Are you stigaf?
I think a 70 Hati is more useful and easier to manage than a Musica, I don't have Hati though so I am biased.
4 tickets gave me 12 rings, ya?
I did around 11 pulls with my Premium Tickets and got Elemia [dupe], Vienta [dupe], 2x Phillip [dupe and dupe], Sonya [new, at least] and a bunch of rings. :/I did a few pulls and didn't get Hati either. Two Airis, 1 Hassan, 1 Bernadette, and 1 Roxanna. I suppose it's better than getting a bunch of 3 stars at least. I wish one of them was an Elemia so I could finally get her last story quest. >_>
I did a few pulls and didn't get Hati either. Two Airis, 1 Hassan, 1 Bernadette, and 1 Roxanna. I suppose it's better than getting a bunch of 3 stars at least. I wish one of them was an Elemia so I could finally get her last story quest. >_>
I did around 11 pulls with my Premium Tickets and got Elemia [dupe], Vienta [dupe], 2x Phillip [dupe and dupe], Sonya [new, at least] and a bunch of rings. :/
I have a few more tickets and Prysma, but I'm saving those for Ocean's Dawn Tavern, especially after my luck today.
did three pulls over the day
got ryubia twice and then hati lol
Oh, nice. I guess I'll LB her then!Elemias 2nd ability needs LB1 Elemia. Obviously mage missions do give 1 Elemia.
Oh, nice. I guess I'll LB her then!
Not sure what I'll do with my Vienta/Phillip. Vienta is used mostly for her sub party ability, so her stats don't really matter and Phillip isn't anything special. I might sell em' for rings, since I already have a copy of each.
Oh how troll. I used the 2 prem tickets from maintenance and he first one was "this is it..." And a mage popped out..... Lilo. Dammit.
Those 7 wave Demons are hard, I one shot everything and I'm still grasping for time.