My Tigre is LB0, Elza would dilute manaCode:Main Skill - White Impact (Mana: 2) - "Hey! That nearly hit me!" - Deals moderate damage to a single enemy in Connely's row. - 11x Damage. Ability1: Knockback Bow - A devastating bow skill that harnesses the White Hare's power. Normal attacks sometimes inflict poison, and sharp eyes pick out weakened foes and deal more damage to enemies suffering from blind. Connely's unique ability. - Attacks have a 20% chance to inflict poison, and 10% more damage to enemies suffering from blind. Ability2: White Hare's Protection - Offers divine protection handed down from the White Hare. Increases movement speed during battle, and raises Atk when HP is at 100%. Connely's unique ability. - Attack power rises by 17% when HP is full.
Party will be at later demons / more waves (when I need Musica):
Teresa, Musica, Connely, Frau, s.Vienta & s.Phoena
I'm going knight/archer this raid, to take all of the people who get raid Freya/Robyn into account.
I'm thinking Elza, Juliana, Musica, Chantel (1 mana/20% attack dancer), and friend raid char, with a Vienta/Phoena sub party. I lose Roxanna's 50% buff, but at least I still have 3 buffers.