Has anyone bought the light or dark packs for this game yet? I'm thinking about getting one or both, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. PEACE.
They're basically a skin and some Occuli. Nothing much to them.
Has anyone bought the light or dark packs for this game yet? I'm thinking about getting one or both, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. PEACE.
They're basically a skin and some Occuli. Nothing much to them.
I didn't care for the dark pack, but I preferred the light pack skin and found a bit of use for the heal spell.Has anyone bought the light or dark packs for this game yet? I'm thinking about getting one or both, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. PEACE.
The light pack gives Aurora a heal spell.
I didn't care for the dark pack, but I preferred the light pack skin and found a bit of use for the heal spell.
the only reason you'd need that is if you're doing an Aurora only run or something.
Obviously, that's why it's included in a pre-order DLC.
that's not why it's included in the pre-order, it's included so you'll pre-order the game.
So? What are you even arguing?
Same. I've avoided this thread for fear of spoilers but I've been itching to see GAF's response to the game. Glad to see it's been generally well received. CoL deserves it.Loved this game, might even be my favorite game this year thus far. Looking forward to doing New Game+.
Same. I've avoided this thread for fear of spoilers but I've been itching to see GAF's response to the game. Glad to see it's been generally well received. CoL deserves it.
I've really enjoyed it. I have a feeling there aren't any real spoilers though as the story is more akin to a child's storybook. Still I can't help but really enjoy the battle system. That said, man you can get caught out of rhythm and have to really work hard to get on the right side of the timeline.
I love the game so farbut now my inner monologue won't stop rhyming.
Does anyone know the pre-order DLC for the PS4? All I noticed was a golem and some occuli stones. Was there anything else I didn't notice (some sort of Aurora healing spell)? Also, what is up with the 600+ combinations (I am only aware of 51)?
1. Does anyone know if there's DLC planned?
2. Are they going to fix the saved video and broadcasting sound bug?
I need more of this game.
1. I highly doubt it. The story was complete and there is already a NG+ mode.
Any differences between the XBO and PS4 versions?
Just the way you control your firefly companion. PS4 uses the touchpad and XB1 uses the right analog. It's been said in this thread that each one is better than the other. Personally I'm playing on Xbox and it controls great.
Is it worth using permanent stat boosts on secondary characters or should I just beef up Aurora? I'd hate to use them on characters that may leave.
I beat the game and enjoyed it for the most part. Frankly, the horrible and poorly rhythming dialogue ruined the story for me. To the point where I couldn't bear it and ended up skimming through the cutscenes. Did anyone else have the same issue? I'm beginning to think that I'm on the minority here.
Regarding the battle system, I thought if you attack or cast something on the enemy while they're in the cast section of the bar it should interrupt them or throw them back into waiting mode but it only seems to do that sometimes?
Regarding the battle system, I thought if you attack or cast something on the enemy while they're in the cast section of the bar it should interrupt them or throw them back into waiting mode but it only seems to do that sometimes?