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Game Information
Game Title: Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition
- Xbox Series X/S (Apr 7, 2022)
- PlayStation 5 (Apr 7, 2022)
- Xbox One (Apr 7, 2022)
- PlayStation 4 (Apr 7, 2022)
- Nintendo Switch (Apr 7, 2022)
- PC (Apr 7, 2022)
Trailer: Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Edition Announce Trailer
Developer: Square Enix
Review Aggregator:
Metacritic - 77/100:

Opencritic - 75% Average - 58% Critics Recommend:

Critic Reviews:
Chicas Gamers - Álvaro Bustío - Spanish - Unscored
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition may remind us of remasters that Square-Enix has offered us in the past, such as Final Fantasy VIII or Final Fantasy IX, with almost the same extra options (speed up combat or have certain advantages) and an improvement renders/graphics, and being for the first time arrived to Europe, making it a must have whether you are a fan of the saga or not (especially if you like JRPGs). Apart from enjoying it with such a good facelift and with the extras it brings, you will be able to enjoy "Radical Dreamers" for the first time and get to know that prequel that never left Japan, in addition to the fact that both have been fully translated into Spanish.
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition includes quality of life upgrades making this the definitive version, bringing a game that was firmly stuck in the past to a new generation.
Eurogamer - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell - No Recommendation
Cross often feels like a visitor from a parallel dimension itself - sequel to an acclaimed RPG that's in practice more of a companion piece, reminiscent of the PS1 Final Fantasies but a very different beast on the battlefield. It's an engrossing epic, mixing sadness, whimsy and a touch of cosmic dread without, somehow, disintegrating into farce, and if the battle system can be a touch infuriating, coming to terms with it is part of the adventure. The remaster isn't a dazzling effort, but the game's revival in any form is something to celebrate. I am eager to read reactions to it from players who got into RPGs after the Chrono series went under.
GameGrin - Alana Dunitz - 9 / 10
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is a great game for anyone who loves JRPGs or wants to check out Chrono Cross for the first time, or again. The updated graphics and battle mechanics make this worth the lower price tag!
GamesHub - Edmond Tran - 3 / 5
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition represents two examples of game preservation with varying results. The sharper, more accessible, but poorer-performing Chrono Cross is both a blessing and a curse. But the debut of an official English translation of Radical Dreamers is a moment to celebrate as a Chrono and video game history fan.
God is a Geek - Lyle Carr - 9.5 / 10
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition brings possibly the best PS1 JRPG to Europe for the first time, and it simply must be played.
Hardcore Gamer - Chris Shive - 4 / 5
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition takes one of the great PlayStation RPGs and makes it available to new and returning fans on modern hardware.
Nintendo Life - Lowell Bell - 6 / 10
It's a shame that, with the release of Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, we likely won't see a comprehensive remaster or even a full remake of this underrated gem for a long while, leaving us with a somewhat underwhelming version on Switch that isn't much beyond a port. Regardless, the portability of the Nintendo's console and the inclusion of Radical Dreamers still makes this the best and most convenient way for fans and newcomers alike to play the 22-year-old classic and its pseudo-prequel. It's a good game and having easy access to it is a boon - just don't go in with more than modest expectations when it comes to the remaster effort.
NintendoWorldReport - Neal Ronaghan - 9.5 / 10
The speed-up and toggles for enemy encounters and battle boosts were welcome in this playthrough, mostly because I could toy with elements and characters more than I did in the past. While Radical Dreamers isn't much more than an alternate history curiosity, the fact it is actually localized and legitimately available outside of Nintendo's long inactive downloadable Satellaview network is incredible. Chrono Cross is a wonderful game - hands down my favorite PlayStation RPG - and the Radical Dreamers Edition is the best and friendliest way to play it.
PlayStation Universe - Timothy Nunes - 7.5 / 10
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition brings a beloved classic to the PlayStation 4, complete with its old pros and cons. Some of the limitations of the first game get washed away with the enhancements and features that come with this release, but they also create a couple of their own. Like a true classic, this edition is not without its issues, but classics have a way of outlasting their criticisms through the eyes of those who experience them.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 8 / 10
It's far from a best-case port, but Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition serves up a cult classic JRPG that deserves to be appreciated by everyone that hasn't had the legal means before now. The Radical Dreamers part is a very welcome bit of history given some genuine love from Square Enix, too. If you've already smashed out a Chrono Cross replay in the recent past though, you might be okay to skip this package for now.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 4 / 10
Parts of Chrono Cross really haven't aged well, but it's still a charming, characterful JRPG that evokes feelings of the genre's golden age on PS1. It's a game that deserves better than The Radical Dreamers Edition, which, at least at launch, is a dreadfully poor remaster. Crippled by frame rate issues, it beggars belief that a title from 1999 could run this badly on modern hardware. Unless you're desperate for the nostalgia, we strongly recommend waiting to see whether Square Enix releases a patch to improve the package on PS4 and PS5 before buying.
RPG Fan - Izzy Parsons - 95%
One of Squaresoft’s finest classics playable on modern hardware and, despite some setbacks, it holds up wonderfully.
RPG Site - Cullen Black - 7 / 10
The Radical Dreamers Edition brings back two classics for the first time since their debut, but the Switch version leaves a lot to be desired.
Twinfinite - Rebecca Stone - 4 / 5
Chrono Cross stands the test of time, and I implore anyone who enjoyed Chrono Trigger or other 90s JRPGs to give Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition a shot.
Wccftech - Kai Powell - 4.5 / 10
Despite being a masterpiece of split universes and the often futile attempts to fight fate, we're living in the timeline where the original source code for Chrono Cross was lost to the scars of time and the remaster that exists in this age wasn't given the focus that one of the greatest JRPGs of all time deserves.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 8 / 10
Chrono Cross is a weird little JRPG that is arguably hindered by its connection to one of the genre greats. It has a distinctive feel and style, an interesting plot, and the craziest cast of characters you'll ever see in a JRPG. Weak characters and many nagging PS1-era flaws keep it from being a hearty recommendation. If you've passed on Cross because it's not Trigger 2, it's worth a shot, and Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is probably the best way to experience it.