mmmmm axes
lovely axes
You lose, Paris
That looks amazing!
mmmmm axes
lovely axes
You lose, Paris
mmmmm axes
lovely axes
You lose, Paris
how do I resolve the issue of not having enough goods to sell? It seems to make everyone abandon buildings. VERY BAD!
I wonder if it's possible to create ploppable buildings like the Flatiron Building in New York City, or the Shibuya 109 in Shibuya, Tokyo. You know, with roads running alongside it at an angle.
mmmmm axes
lovely axes
You lose, Paris
has this been posted before? if no, then this guy Drushkey is a traffic engineer in Canada and posted his amazing city with tutorial of traffic flow. if this is old then ignore.
The game finally got knocked off Steam's #1 top seller spot. Pack it up, people/s
Some civil engineers up in this ho.
Question: What does that tilt amount in the options do?
It controls the depth of field effect when you zoom in on things. I usually turn it off unless i'm taking city porn shots.
Is anyone getting weird lag when trying to use the mousewheel button 3 to spin the camera around? Might be the sunshaft mod. I might disable it unless i'm getting photos.
They haven't patched since they introduced one-way road reverse right? Is the growables limit bug still in play?
All of my plans to binge-game on C:SL this past week have been utterly quashed by grown-up responsibilities (adult banalities). Go away household repairs. A pox on you family calamities. Been hoping to complete the Export 50-year Challenge Game from Rentahamster's thread, but I've barely reached 20 years so far. Sucks. I can say one thing with authority: this is not a game that lends itself well to playing in half-hour bursts; way too much "okay, so what the hell was I focusing on last time?", not enough capacity for satisfying project conclusions. My Skylining time will most definitely take a further major hit once Pillars comes out too (albeit this being among the most welcome of malfortunes). What I'd give for a Teenager's Weekend right about now.
Your city is gorgeous sir. Dat 8 way roundabout is divine.
Thanks all, for the praise
I'll put that roundabout on Workshop, as it's quite the fiddly little bastard to build.
mmmmm axes
lovely axes
You lose, Paris
If you build the roundabout with a cross in the middle while you put in the spokes, it'll keep its shape better.
I see your skills go far beyond Minecraft![]()
Anybody had any problems loading games since the last update? My game just sticks on the loading screen with the chirper spinning round?
You shouldn't own a 2500k and not overclock it. Not only is it simple to accomplish, but the performance gains are quite significant.
Mine is running at 4.5
An i7 would actually be huge for this game due to the hyper threading.
Yeah it didn't boot at all. My PSU is probably the issue here. Oh well. Thinking about upgrading soon anyway![]()
I think one of the transport colour line mods has broken
so i probably need to figure out a better industrial highway offshoot, because the roundabout has some fucking thing where all my traffic stops to let traffic turn in because I can't figure out the traffic logic and it backs up like half a tile
oh and uh when a fire engine stops in the middle of the street the entire district basically shuts down
My current problem is educated citizens
also I want to make a university campus. This building is tiny!
Well here is my attempt at a smaller campus. There needs to be a modular university campus.
I'm at 1680x1050 and yeah, I find the UI to look a bit blurry, hard to read some of the text. Doesn't matter if I turn the ingame AA it just me or does the game look blurry in general? Not just aliasing but UI as well.
1440p fullscreen windows everything maxed with tilt shift turned to 0.
Well here is my attempt at a smaller campus. There needs to be a modular university campus.
That's beautiful man, you may be interested in the Campus Dorm:
Whereas my city is now large enough to bring my (once mighty) work PC to its kneesWoohoo my cloud saves issues have been fixed at work... I'll be able to play during my lunch.