Wow. That war was close. GJ guys!
Have these touch sensitive buttons on my phone right below the screen. Makes this game annoying as fuck sometimes because it will boot me out in the middle of a fucking attack.
I've had that happen to me before as well.
What is the best way to get your trophies up? I'm nearing 550 gems so it's time to get the achievement that gives 450 and get my fourth builder! Should I just use Archers/Barbarians and hunt for towns that have stray Town Halls? Or am I better off to go for 2 or 3 star wins than just 1 stars?
I've had that happen to me before as well.
What is the best way to get your trophies up? I'm nearing 550 gems so it's time to get the achievement that gives 450 and get my fourth builder! Should I just use Archers/Barbarians and hunt for towns that have stray Town Halls? Or am I better off to go for 2 or 3 star wins than just 1 stars?
Use a barb/archer (quick) army and go for town halls that are exposed.
Just use barch and poach townhalls.
When you run into a base with a lot of resources try to get two.
I got up to about 1500 at one point doing that at TH7. Though I nuked my ranking to make raiding easier.
I wont lie I was very surprised when I came back and saw that we have won
I am going to close additions soon. Then we can weed out the disinterested or migratory members.
It blew up to 40 before I even noticed.
My clan has pretty strict, but easy to follow rules:
- Only donate level 4 troops to farm requests unless otherwise specified (dragons welcome). We understand a Th 6 can't donate. We never look down on people who request a lot. Purp is cheap.
- Level 5 in war CC only.
- 2 wars/week, use all 4 attacks. If you do, you get elder
- Rule of thumb: In war, choose targets within +/- 5 ranks that you can definitely 100% 3 star. If you can't then you can expand that limit. Always go for the highest possible 3 star you can achieve.
- If you donate a shit-ton of troops consistently (>1,000/cycle), you get co-leader.
- Miss an attack, lose a rank. (co-leader to elder, elder to member, member to booted)
****Ranks in this game are stupid as shit. As long as you aren't in a clan of 12 year old babies then I suggest using ranks as activity logs. It shows leadership how active you are and how much you contribute.
Oh an the biggest rule, no rushed Town Halls. IF we see you rushing and you don't make an effort to fix it, then you're out. We are all about winning wars and nothing else.
We have 18 co-leaders and 37 wins. Never an issue with power-trips.
Thats risky.
We've had at least two elders go rogue and start kicking everyone out of the clan. Luckily we caught him within a few minutes.
I suck at attacking, I can't kill the goblins at Arrow Head.. I always get destroyed. Any help would be appreciated.
Just youtube strats. Best way to see what to do. At low levels you just wanna farm until you can make better troops.
My archer,barb,wiz,giant are all level 3.
Thats risky.
We've had at least two elders go rogue and start kicking everyone out of the clan. Luckily we caught him within a few minutes.
I'm upgrading to Town Hall 7, it should be done in 3 days, then I'll be able to contribute with troops for war, that's when you unlock better units right.
I'm upgrading to Town Hall 7, it should be done in 3 days, then I'll be able to contribute with troops for war, that's when you unlock better units right.
Lost a 50v50 war today, 128-124.
The dream is over. Had to boot a few people for inactivity. Not getting all 100 attacks is a sin.
Was trying to get there, kept getting attacked, now upgrading everything I can before I go up to TH7. Such a long painful wait.
(Today, 04:20 PM)
I'm thinking about playing this during my free time.
For those of you that are really far with their village in the game, is it possible to do a free to play playthrough as long as you are patient? Or does it REALLY nag on you for money?
I was looking for other threads on GAF about Clash of Clans, and came across this one:
Clash Of Clans Makes$654,000$2.4M in a day.
Holy fucking shit. I should have been an app dev.
It is easy enough to play for free. The main thing is saving up your gems so you can afford new workers. Playing with two sucks ass.
Ah. Is there a limited amount of gems you earn in-game without buying them?
No. You get gems from achievements and removing rocks/plants that pop up in your base.
Plants spawn every 8 hours. So over time you will always gain more.
Well it is limited on how fast you can get them. It is definitely a grind.
...but there is no point where you just won't get any more gems.
For Clan war move storages, get Wizard Towers more inside. That will do it.Juuust got to TH6 before this current war - thoughts on what I should aim to upgrade/change with my base?
I'm thinking about playing this during my free time.
For those of you that are really far with their village in the game, is it possible to do a free to play playthrough as long as you are patient? Or does it REALLY nag on you for money?
For Clan war move storages, get Wizard Towers more inside. That will do it.
I would love to get in the clan, but I am already in one that my friend created. Currently upgraded to TH8, been playing for 8 months.
There is absolutely no F2P Wall.
You can accomplish anything int his game if you wait long enough.
A friend of mine had been playing for over a year and never spent a penny and he was very very far along in the game. But here comes my other friend and I and we hit this game like a best and caught up to him within 5 months (we were throwing money at the game.)
The most important thing is to SAVE YOUR GEMS FOR BUILDERS. Nothing else is more worth it.
You can get your 4th builder in a month or so. Which is plenty. But if you want that 5th builder then you prolly gonna have to come out of pocket for that guy. But he's not necessary.