Heading to TH8need to power barch to get the last few upgrades before it finishes... 8 days of build time though so should be sweet
Not actually a fan of how this company updates the game. I feel like it is all endgame content, while only a tiny fraction of the playerbase is high enough to actually play the new stuff.
Game should expand at sub 9/10 more. New features and shit would be nice.
I'm pretty addicted to this game but I am absolutely AWFUL at attacking. My troops never ever do what I want them to do. I watch videos of people attacking and explaining there strategies and then when I try to copy it my troops just go all over and get demolished in a heart beat. Only attacks that ever work are farming attacks with all barbarians and archers on bases that have full collectors on the outside and that doesn't take any skill... Anyone have any tips? I feel like I'm missing something but I'm pretty sure I just suck
Laboratory?I'm maybe 50% done w/ walls at th7. I can probably finish that off before the update, Skull walls are going to suck.
So where are all the excess lix gonna go if we can't use them for walls during th8?
The change back to wall upgrade is bullshit I didn't even get chance to take advantage of it.
This game is all about understanding unit UI and even then you have time pressures which causes you to mess up easy. An example is if a unit's preference is to attack something closest, it will go there no matter what. It doesn't matter how many cannons are shooting at it. The general strategy is to clear out surrounding structures and once you have a clear path to your opponent's wall, only then the majority of the units will go there. Takes practice, but once you get the gist of it, the game becomes quite fun.
- Level 12 Collectors at TH8
Faster production (and higher hp / max cap )
- DE Drill at TH7 (Great change)
- 2nd DE Drill at TH8 (Great! change)
- DE drills all have max cap increased
- Elixir can only be used to upgrade Lv9+ (the one after skulls)
The only bummer, but not as bad as removing the option all together (I maxed purp w/o elixir)
Is it known when this update will go live?
Early next week. It's really upsetting that Supercell greed is showing and they still won't allow you to use your heroes for war while they're upgrading. Next to impossible to be competitive in war if your heroes are out for 7 days after level 15+
Any tips on finding a good clan to join? I am TH4 about the upgrade to TH5. Just started a couple days ago.
Update is live, I eeked out another 6 purple walls but not sure how I will keep my builders busy tonight, I have 3 coming on line and the lab and a war starting, lot to do with no real elixir buffer. At work now so can't check again, do not like the graphical change to the unit rankings, I liked the stars but I guess they are getting to be too many.
Yeah super cell I'd trying to make everyone into a gemer.
The change to elixir only able to upgrade lvl 9+ walls is lame. Glad I made the most out of it while I could!
However, I am super excited about getting a DE Drill at TH7! So overall I am OK with this update.
Yeah dane asked for a war break and most people agreed.
Whats the GAF clan?
The only one coming up in search has 3 members...
Try searching again. We are invite only, and i dropped the trophy limit.
You may need to fiddle with your search options.
Let me in!