Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Click the arrow next to their name on your Steam friend's list and select join game from the drop down menu?Nostalgic Nightmare said:B) all somehow trying to join a specific server like the old days of cod4?
Click the arrow next to their name on your Steam friend's list and select join game from the drop down menu?Nostalgic Nightmare said:B) all somehow trying to join a specific server like the old days of cod4?
Mr Sandman said:Just join a server then switch teams when you can. I'm not sure if there will be a party option that you can all join then it will throw you in a server. I doubt it seeing as finding a server with unbalanced teams will be harder since I imagine damn near all servers will roll with autobalance on. All those should be available, but allow certain perks. I think that is against server ToS or something, but I did see CoD4 servers having a no martyrdom rule but you never know. I think Treyarch is going to be a little more strict this time, though.
Mr. B Natural said::lol So, wait, you think the Ninja Pro perk is gonna change the community? You really think people are gonna play nice now? People aren't gonna grief because you have the bomb and therefore you are in the way of some kid getting his perk pro? He isn't gonna pray (and watch) you die...nah..why would he do that? Everyone isn't gonna have lightweight on so they can run for that bomb on the floor when the match starts regardless to how helpful lightweight may be for winning the round...nah. The community is fixed now that the pro perks are annoying to get. Well, I'm done. I guess thinking 1 step ahead is 1 step too many.
I've already sadly accepted the fact that it's what COD has become. For realistic guns and battles I go to battlefield games (battlefield 3 should be epic). For quick action that is fast paced and smaller scale I go to COD games. Sucks that they streamlined the game this way but what can ya do.PaNaMa said:Day 1, etc. Buuuuuuuuuuut I'm a little bummed about the complete, and utter lack of gun recoil visible in any of the MP gameplay vids. Basically the only time your gun kicks off centre is when someone shoots you. That was something i absolutely hated about MW2.
That and ever gun made the same "pishpishpishpish" sound when fired. At least Treyarch have the improved the firing sounds.
Still, I wish there was recoil balance. I liked when submachine guns had low recoil and high accuracy at short range, but smaller ammo clips .. and LMGs had high power/damage better penetration and more rounds, but at at the cost of accuracy and reload time.. and assault rifles were sort of a trade off of the two, but with better ranged accuracy than either. Somehow that formula got lost, and appears to still be lost.
divisionbyzorro said:There's always one who thinks he knows everything before playing even a minute.
-Pyromaniac- said:I've already sadly accepted the fact that it's what COD on consoles has become. For realistic guns and battles I go to COD on the PC
.Cosmo Clock 21 said:Those who already have the game, does multiplayer have any unscoped bolt-action rifles? Those were the best part of W@W.
Well yeah COD4 and WaW were good in that respect, but I meant new games =pcameltoe said:Fixed that for ya. Well at least for COD 4
WTF are you talking about. From a gunplay standpoint, COD hasn't changed in the slightest. It has never had remotely realistic weapon handling. It has always been a fast-paced, Quake-esque shooter with a realistic setting.-Pyromaniac- said:I've already sadly accepted the fact that it's what COD has become. For realistic guns and battles I go to battlefield games (battlefield 3 should be epic). For quick action that is fast paced and smaller scale I go to COD games. Sucks that they streamlined the game this way but what can ya do.
The gameplay was definitely streamlined, don't see how anyone in their right mind can deny this. The gun handling used to be a lot different, also the game itself seemed like a more normal pace. Now with the near-zero recoil and the quick gunshot animations and all that it seems the game is on speed at times.Stallion Free said:WTF are you talking about. From a gunplay standpoint, COD hasn't changed in the slightest. It has never had remotely realistic weapon handling. It has always been a fast-paced, Quake-esque shooter with a realistic setting.
Neuromancer said:Do we have 100% confirmation that the zombie mode only has WW2 era weapons?
Ah thats good news.Nemic77 said:I've seen videos where modern weapons are used.
Stallion Free said:WTF are you talking about. From a gunplay standpoint, COD hasn't changed in the slightest. It has never had remotely realistic weapon handling. It has always been a fast-paced, Quake-esque shooter with a realistic setting.
:lol-Pyromaniac- said:The gameplay was definitely streamlined, don't see how anyone in their right mind can deny this. The gun handling used to be a lot different, also the game itself seemed like a more normal pace. Now with the near-zero recoil and the quick gunshot animations and all that it seems the game is on speed at times.
Only games I remember are COD 3, 4, WaW and MW2.Stallion Free said::lol
Have you ever played Call of Duty 1 on PC?
:lol Then your opinion is even less valid. I have been playing COD MP since COD1 and weapons have always handled ridiculously easily.-Pyromaniac- said:Only games I remember are COD 3, 4, WaW and MW2.
Are you fucking sitting there and denying the fact that COD4 and World at War guns had more recoil and the game played at a slower pace? Because that's what I'm saying.Stallion Free said::lol Then your opinion is even less valid. I have been playing COD MP since COD1 and weapons have always handled ridiculously easily.
all good newsRainy Dog said:A guy on the Hey... message boards where they dig and create all the actual stats charts and whatnot has been messing about with the weapons and posted some interesting findings.
Says pretty much all the AR's have tons of recoil except the G11 which is balanced by being burst fire and the only attachments for it are Low Power and Variable zoom scopes (no Red Dot or Suppressor etc).
Aside from the M60, the LMG's actually have less recoil than the AR's. The M60 is the only LMG that has access to a Grip attachment to control its recoil a little.
SMG's initially appear to be the go to choice it were it not for the fact that only a couple have mag sizes above 20. All except the MP5 can be gripped to reduce recoil and the Rapid Fire attachment (even combined with a grip) makes them pretty much unusable at distances.
Really does sound like Treyarch have tried to re-balance the weapon catagories again, making all of them all useful in situations that they should be, but handicapped in those that they shouldn't. Good stuff.
Also, Ghost doesn't make you invisible against Dogs which I also feel is a fair compromise.
Do you play the games on consoles? Because there's your answer.-Pyromaniac- said:Are you fucking sitting there and denying the fact that COD4 and World at War guns had more recoil and the game played at a slower pace? Because that's what I'm saying.
I'm honestly BLOWN AWAY that anyone can deny this. I didn't think it was an opinion. I'm not saying it's some massive difference I'm just pointing out that I've accepted the fact that after 2 games in a row of recoil and a tad slower pace they've gone with no recoil and faster pace. I should say less rather than no, there is some.
I do indeed! Only played one of them on PC and it was very briefly.Stallion Free said:Do you play the games on consoles? Because there's your answer.
Recoil in the series has always been a joke with mouse precision.-Pyromaniac- said:I do indeed! Only played one of them on PC and it was very briefly.
maximum360 said:Some of the guns in these videos look terrible. I was looking at the video of the different maps and just kept getting distracted by the ugly guns.
ImperialConquest said:Will BestBuy or any other B&M store be having a midnight release?
NullPointer said:We need Spec Ops levels. Only then can Treyarch truly claim the mantle of COD development.
I'm hoping Ravensoft is working on that for a DLC expansion.NullPointer said:We need Spec Ops levels. Only then can Treyarch truly claim the mantle of COD development.
Rainy Dog said:Also, Ghost doesn't make you invisible against Dogs which I also feel is a fair compromise.
Seventy5 said:i was about to preorder this, mostly for zombies, but unless i pay an extra $20 now, I will have to pay for the WaW zombie maps that I already paid for? Yeah, fuck that. I'll wait for a used copy and a B2G1 powerup rewards coupon for Gamestop or something and get it used.
divisionbyzorro said:OP updated. Glad to see that Ghost doesn't protect against Blackbird; this makes the Blackbird actually a viable killstreak to choose now.
New weapons?Brian Fellows said:If you already have them why can't you just pop in WaW and play them?
I would rather have campaign co-op instead of Spec Ops. Still don't understand why Treyarch took two steps back on this one.NullPointer said:We need Spec Ops levels. Only then can Treyarch truly claim the mantle of COD development.
That's what he's saying, and he's right. When was the last time you actually played an older CoD, man? Just for reference, I still play CoD4 and WaW and I think you're misremembering.-Pyromaniac- said:Are you fucking sitting there and denying the fact that COD4 and World at War guns had more recoil and the game played at a slower pace? Because that's what I'm saying.
Either would have been fine to me too, but a lack of either really hurts. IW dropped the ball by not expanding upon that mode but I expected we'd at least see it in Black Ops.Neuromancer said:I would rather have campaign co-op instead of Spec Ops. Still don't understand why Treyarch took two steps back on this one.
Maybe you're right, my memory isn't that great. But my overall point still stands. I go to BF games for a certain type of experience and COD for a different typeaku:jiki said:That's what he's saying, and he's right. When was the last time you actually played an older CoD, man? Just for reference, I still play CoD4 and WaW and I think you're misremembering.
And CoD4 is extremely similar to MW2! Before I re-bought it about a year ago, I had memories like yours and I was really surprised when I booted it back up again... I think only 2-3 guns have idle sway, and when they do sway, it's a fake sway (gun moves, red dot stays in place). Most guns have zero recoil, or fake recoil (same as the sway). It plays just like MW2, just without massive amounts of shitty tactics or kits.
(One of these days, I'm gonna succeed at tricking a quickscoping hater to go buy CoD4... That'll be hilarious.)
NullPointer said:We need Spec Ops levels. Only then can Treyarch truly claim the mantle of COD development.
Ah yes, the old "here's one thing you want bundled with two things you don't" trick. Activision is a master of that one.NullPointer said:Either would have been fine to me too, but a lack of either really hurts. IW dropped the ball by not expanding upon that mode but I expected we'd at least see it in Black Ops.
I also hope for Spec Ops DLC. If the DLC was a bundle that included spec ops and multiplayer versus maps I think more of the audience would buy them.