W Hudson said:Tremendous job by the OP. Question on care packages, anybody know if there are any killstreak rewards which you cannot get via the care package (such as nuke or emergency airdrop in MW2)?
Game looks to be a ton of fun, can't wait for the 9th.
BigBlackGamer said:Day 2 of 8 Days Of Black Ops is up. Today I focus on the Zombie mode. Here.
W Hudson said:Tremendous job by the OP. Question on care packages, anybody know if there are any killstreak rewards which you cannot get via the care package (such as nuke or emergency airdrop in MW2)?
Game looks to be a ton of fun, can't wait for the 9th.
Najaf said:So, after those initial multiplayer level walkthroughs from the old thread, what does everyone speculate to be a rough favorite three? Overall, the maps seem to be really impressive. My favorites so far:
Hanmik said:hmmm. good question... never thought about that.. But I remember reading something about the opposite.. that there are 2 weapons/killstreaks that can only be obtained from the carepackages´..?
Xater said:I guess someone gave in to popular demand.![]()
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Najaf said:Everything is in there. Just as in MW2 though, the odds are weighted heavily. So don't expect to roll a seat in the chopper for every ammo crate. Oh, how I hate the ammo crates.
Plasma said:So for zombies even on the new map you're using WW2 weapons?
Najaf said:So, after those initial multiplayer level walkthroughs from the old thread, what does everyone speculate to be a rough favorite three? Overall, the maps seem to be really impressive. My favorites so far:
dope4goldrope said:I'm still dying to know if it's possible to dive out of a window.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Re-posting for new page, in case divisionbyzorro wishes to add to his OP.
-viper- said:With the same WW2 weapons.
W Hudson said:Some yes, but there are other weapons I've seen (M16, Commando AR, others) which are in the mode and not WW2 weapons. Hopefully a nice mix.
divisionbyzorro said:It's in there, just really small, under the zombies section, clearly marked with a little bit of spoilers. Since it seems like part of the fun could be the discovery, I didn't want to drop it in right away.
Xater said:@Loxley: The first map "Kino der Toten" is definitely WW2 based. The others are not.
REV 09 said:Co-op is surprisingly lacking in BO. With no campaign co-op or spec ops, i expected a very fleshed out Nazi Zombie mode, but 3 maps (or is it 2) doesn't really whet my appetite.
REV 09 said:Co-op is surprisingly lacking in BO. With no campaign co-op or spec ops, i expected a very fleshed out Nazi Zombie mode, but 3 maps (or is it 2) doesn't really whet my appetite.
Scarecrow said:question about the killstreak update. It mentions that kills made by the streaks don't add to the tally that goes towards higher streaks. Does that also mean that if you use a streak, it resets and you have to earn back up to the killstreaks? or that you can kill some more people legitimately to make your way to the higher streaks?
Wallach said:What's the deal with the ICP looking guy in the second to last row of screens? :lol
LabouredSubterfuge said:Ah, my bad man, didn't see it. Great OP by the way.
As a side note: I wonder what else you can do with that computer?
E-phonk said:is there something similar to "Special Ops" in MW2?
I played those a lot with friends, and it might be my only reason to buyings CoD:BO
Lionheart1827 said:Pron in the heat of battle. Go go go. :lol
Hanmik said:3D..? I didn´t know that the game was palayable in 3D.. and why isn´t that mentioned in the OP..?
divisionbyzorro said:Because 3D really isn't on my radar. I'll throw in another bullet.
Hanmik said:aha... wtf new avatar..?
Nooo!divisionbyzorro said:Yep! So long Axe Cop!
Beautiful.divisionbyzorro said:Going Commando Is Out of Style
Yes, Commando is gone. In its place is the Ballistic Knife, a secondary melee weapon that fires blades in a straight line. You get one shot before reloading, and only two shots total. The days of teleporting super ninjas are over!
That would be pretty sweet. I really like him in The Force Unleashed.ezekial45 said:Is Sam Worthington doing the voice of the main character?