LeMaximilian said:Wut wuuuut whaaaaaaaat?!
Yeah, he just played a few rounds online. Finally we can see the PS3 Version.
for new page:
It seems PS3 Multiplayer Servers are up.
LeMaximilian said:Wut wuuuut whaaaaaaaat?!
Sn4ke_911 said:Yeah, he just played a few rounds online. Finally we can see the PS3 Version.
for new page:
It seems PS3 Multiplayer Servers are up.
I think so. the console is in, so the config should be back too.kamspy said:There's only one thing I need to know,
can you adjust the FOV on the PC version. My purchase literally hinges on this one factor. Seriously. MW2 is unbearable on PC because of it.
In past COD games imo there has been a significant difficulty increase from normal and the hardest. Black Ops has 4 difficulties I believe, so if you're going for the last one, prepare for some heartache. Normal is basically not having too much trouble at all, just sifting nicely through the experience.dreamer3kx said:Normal vs hard, huge difference in cod series, moh was pretty easy even on hard, wondering about this.
Sn4ke_911 said:Yeah, he just played a few rounds online. Finally we can see the PS3 Version.
for new page:
It seems PS3 Multiplayer Servers are up.
MW2 was nearly 100% identical on both platforms (I played both a decent amount) so I'm not worried about this one at all.JB1981 said:It exists!! I just hope the game is on par w/ 360 ... getting PS3 version due to friends list ....
Yeah, I just missed it.JB1981 said:Holy shit Activision ninjas already closed that down! lol
-Pyromaniac- said:Absolutely not a single reason to worry about versions, they're all the same.
metareferential said:Yeah; my only concern is whether campaign co-op missions are in or not.
If they are, then 360 and pc version for me.
If they're not, just pc version.
johnFkennedy said:They're not. They never were
UFRA said:Anyone know what this Amazon "Laser Cell" gift is?
I pre-ordered this game a while ago on the website, and I just noticed today that they seem to have subtracted $5 from my total price (now $55) and it says I also get a special "Laser Cell" gift for pre-ordering and this deal is no longer available. Pretty cool but I don't know what it is.
Google image search just finds this picture a million times:
That's not a laser cell, just an Uzi type gun with a silencer.[/QUOTE]
Like an animation cel from a cartoon, I expect this to be some kind of glossy picture you get with the game, of that guy.
Edit: here's a better explanation
[QUOTE]Laser Cels are a lithograph technology where the image is actually printed on industrial grade Mylar. Unlike traditional animation cels and paper; Mylar will not fade, chip, crack or deteriorate. Additionally, this synthetic is immune to heat, light and moisture.[/QUOTE]
There's a different method of doing 3D that works on both the 360 and PS3. It's doesn't have as much depth but there's very little performance compromise. I think Crysis 2 is doing it the same way.bigjimmystyle said:Will there be any difference to the 3D supported on the PS3 as opposed to the 360? Apparently 3D is supported across all platforms, but I wasn't aware that 3D was playable on 360? So is it the same thing?
Neuromancer said:Like an animation cel from a cartoon, I expect this to be some kind of glossy picture you get with the game, of that guy.
Yeah not too shabby, may have to put it up in my office. I bet I'd get all the chicks coming around! :lolUFRA said:Ahhh that would make sense.
Interesting. Apparently it comes with a certificate of authenticity too.
Nice little freebie to get.
Please PM next time. You know damn well Treyarch Ninjas are in here.Sn4ke_911 said:
Neuromancer said:Yeah not too shabby, may have to put it up in my office. I bet I'd get all the chicks coming around! :lol
Kyoufu said:How do they go from co-op campaign in WaW to no co-op campaign in BO?
added on the final lineUFRA said:I can see it already...
*girl glances in office...double takes...walks in*
Girl: "Hey Bob...is that um...a laser cel of COD: Black Ops?" *sexy look on face*
You: "Why yes...yes it is."
Girl: "Wow.....so uh, you doing anything tonight?"
You: playing black ops :|
:lol :lol-Pyromaniac- said:added on the final line
It does.luiztfc said:I'm seriously not trolling here, but will the pc version have dedicated servers (considering it's Treyarch doing it)?
How are we going to unlock the pro version of each perk?Brian Fellows said:I love that they are making the Pro versions harder to unlock.
3 different challenges for each perk-viper- said:How are we going to unlock the pro version of each perk?
-viper- said:How are we going to unlock the pro version of each perk?
Lightweight Challenges:
Escape death 5 times after being shot
Get 15 melee kills
Get 10 offense medals by killing ops near their objectives
Scavenger Challenges:
Get 2 kills without dying
Get 10 lethal grenade kills with resupplied grenades
Resupply 150 times with scavenger
Ghost Challenges:
Destroy 30 aircraft without killstreaks
Destroy 5 sentry guns
Kill 20 enemies while their spy plane or blackbird is up
Flak Jacket:
Plant/defuse 10 bombs in demolition
Survive 10 explosions
Throw back 5 enemy grenades
Earn and call in attack dogs
Get a 7 killstreak
Share 10 care packages with teammates
Get 30 kills through walls
Destroy 10 pieces of enemy equipment through walls
Shoot 200 bullets into enemy aircraft
Get 30 headshots
Get 50 one shot one kills
Get 50 kills with secondary weapons
Steady Aim:
Get 150 hip-fire kills
Melee 2 enemies consecutively 3 times
Get 100 kills after sprinting
Sleight of Hand:
Get 150 kills while ADS
Reload and finish off the enemy you wounded 10 times (shoot, reload, kill X10)
Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of reloading 30 times
Get 25 frag or semtex kills
Get 5 multi-kills with grenades
Get 150 kills using guns with two attachments
Capture 15 flags
Get first blood 10 times
Run 26 miles using marathon
Get 15 backstabber medals
Plant the bomb in search and destroy 10 times
Get 150 kills using the suppressor attachment
Second Chance:
Get 3 headshot kills in second chance
Get 20 kills in second chance
In second chance, kill the guy who downed you 5 times
Destroy 25 equipment or explosives using hacker
Kill an enemy with claymores or c4 25 times
Kill 25 enemies within jammer or motion sensor radius
Tactical Mask:
Kill 20 enemies that are stunned by your concussion grenade
Kill 20 flashbanged enemies by your flashbang
Kill 20 enemies poisoned by your nova gas
UFRA said:Anyone know what this Amazon "Laser Cell" gift is?
I pre-ordered this game a while ago on the website, and I just noticed today that they seem to have subtracted $5 from my total price (now $55) and it says I also get a special "Laser Cell" gift for pre-ordering and this deal is no longer available. Pretty cool but I don't know what it is.
Google image search just finds this picture a million times:
That's not a laser cell, just an Uzi type gun with a silencer.[/QUOTE]
Well here's my photo of it. Sorry not the best pic:
Dont ask why i got the pre order bonus on saturday. Had no idea i was getting the bonus and when i opened the package, for a split second i thought it was the game :lol
Gaogaogao said:I think so. the console is in, so the config should be back too.
StylusX said:Well here's my photo of it. Sorry not the best pic:
kamspy said:See I've read that much, but I've also read Treyarch employees completely dodge FOV questions. I've only found 2 Q&As that mention it and it get's dodged.It should still be in the engine. COD4 was easy to change. Gonna check WaW I guess.
If anyone can confirm custom FOV on the PC version, please let us know. If it's not there I swear I'm starting a Hubris and Bullshit thread that will dwarf the MW2 one. You read me Treyarch?
StylusX said:Well here's my photo of it. Sorry not the best pic:
Dont ask why i got the pre order bonus on saturday. Had no idea i was getting the bonus and when i opened the package, for a split second i thought it was the game :lol