I didn't know this. Will do so next time.Why is everyone uploading gamepad images from their Wii U? You can upload 720p images right to imgur (or other photo hosting sites)
It's apparently the best looking game on the PS4, that's what was said during the GiantBomb stream.
This isn't a screenshot and it's not 1080p, but it is 60fps.
Also 6 megabytes
Damn...this thread is really making me want to jump back on Wind Waker HD. Need to finish it, but I'm stuck on a stupid puzzle that I can't seem to figure out. I refuse to seek help through YouTube, though.
Killzone looks WAY better than BF4, it's in a league of its own. The only thing that's comparable are the character models- the rest of BF4 looks pretty last-gen.Didn't they kind of dismiss KZ though? Personally, I think KZ looks a bit more impressive outside of FPS. There are only a couple of decent screens which you can use to compare in this thread, but:
Both look pretty damn stunning to me, but I think KZ has the edge.
Killzone looks WAY better than BF4, it's in a league of its own. The only thing that's comparable are the character models- the rest of BF4 looks pretty last-gen.
This isn't a screenshot and it's not 1080p, but it is 60fps.
Also 6 megabytes
WWHD's one of the best looking games out, period. I don't care what anyone says.
Makes me wish they bothered putting the next-gen version on PC.
My sword is bigger than yours.
Holy shit what the fuck oh my god whoever made that GIF has gotta get some more long form stuff.
I'll make more eventually. One issue is just that I'm recording 720p and 60fps on a 128gig SSD, so I've gotta be cautious not to get overzealous.
This isn't a screenshot and it's not 1080p, but it is 60fps.
Also 6 megabytes
Dat puddle
Sonic Lost World
killzone's art direction is incredible. GG should almost be in the business of planning and designing future city architecture.
Very impressed with the Wii U screens in here!
Killzone looks WAY better than BF4, it's in a league of its own. The only thing that's comparable are the character models- the rest of BF4 looks pretty last-gen.
My sword is bigger than yours.
Imagine this thread when Uncharted 4 and Smash are out.
I predict a lot galaxy stage pictures.I can't. I won't.
well there are already a lot of Wind Waker HD shots, but really, who can get enough of that game
Is flicker a good site to upload? I feel like the compression's too much.
I used abload.de for that but I do put my screenshots on flickr. not to post but just to have stored someone other than my computer's hard drive. I'll still keep certain shots saved on my hard drive though
Didn't they kind of dismiss KZ though? Personally, I think KZ looks a bit more impressive outside of FPS. There are only a couple of decent screens which you can use to compare in this thread, but:
Both look pretty damn stunning to me, but I think KZ has the edge.
Second quest Represent:
If flicker a good site to upload? I feel like the compression's too much.
Really? Aside from the compression artifacts it looks just like that on my PC. :\
It's Mighty Switch Force HD for Wii U.
In terms of graphics it may end up being one of the most timeless games ever made. Even before the HD re-release it held up better than any game that I've personally played.Might not be 'technically' the best, but WW seems like the prettiest game in this thread.
AC4 is confirmed to be 900P until the patch (unless that got released last night and I missed it). I haven't even fired up my PS4 copy yet but I agree that those shots aren't very flattering.I hope these 1080p AC IV shots aren't PS4....because they are not impressive imo. They don't look native 1080p either. There's a lack of sharpness, macro detail etc, then there's aliasing issues too. Lighting also looks quite flat, especially compared to games like KZ, Ryse, BF4, InFamous SS etc.