
Release Date(s):
- April 11th, 2017 (NA)
- April 18th, 2017 (EU)
- Vita: 04/24/2018 (NA)
Developer: Zeboyd Games
Publisher: Zeboyd Games
Platforms: PS4/Vita*/PC (Steam)/MAC
(cross-buy on PS)
Price: $14.99
Genre: Indie, RPG (turn-based/jrpg)
Store Links:
Steam Store Link
Humble Store Link
Playstation Store (PS4)

Official Soundtrack from Hyperduck Bandcamp
LRG Box Art:

System Requirements (PC):
OS: Windows 7 32-bit
Processor: Dual Core CPU - 2.6ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB of VRAM: Intel HD 3000 GPU / AMD HD 5450 / Nvidia 9400 GT
Storage: 2 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Core i5 3570, AMD FX-6300
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: 2GB of VRAM: GTX 750ti, Radeon HD 7850
Storage: 2 GB available space
The Game Features:
◾The best of classic and modern RPGs!
◾Brisk pacing that respects your time! Save anywhere!
◾No separate battle screen! Battles take place directly in the areas that you explore!
◾2D visual style straight from the height of gaming's 16-bit era!
◾Animated cutscenes reminiscent of the Sega CD & Turbo Duo era!
◾Soundtrack by HyperDuck SoundWorks (Dust: An Elysian Tail)
◾Over 100 minutes of music!
◾Innovative turn-based combat system that focuses on flow & strategy!
◾Your own spaceship! Recruit new agents to help your home base grow!
◾1080/60 with extremely minimal load times on the PS4
◾4 difficulties - Tourist, Agent, Heroine, and Super-Spy
The Story
Alyssa L'Salle is one of the top secret agents at the Agency of Peace & Intelligence on the Planet Araenu. But when she uncovers a horrible conspiracy, she has to go rogue in order to save the day! Can Alyssa save the galaxy when everyone (and everything) is out to stop her?
The Battle System
Combat takes place directly on the exploration maps (no separate battle screen). No random battles; everything is pre-set and some battles can be avoided if you manage to sneak past the enemies.
In combat, there's no MP. Instead, most abilities you have can only be used once until you use a Defend/Recharge move to restore everything.
As you choose abilities, your character's style score goes up and as that goes up, your abilities become more effective. There are also a few "Burst" abilities that you can use that will spend all of your existing style points for one massive effect. Every few turns, your characters will go into Hyper mode and abilities will deal double damage and ailments are more likely to work. Plan in advance to take advantage of hyper and style for combat success.

Additional Game Info:
Home Base:
At some point in the game, you get a spaceship which acts as your base of operations. There are a couple dozen NPCs you can recruit to join your spaceship "town" and they give various bonuses
Character Abilities:
Every character gets about 20 personal abilities. You can also use programs as abilities, based on which shield (armor) you have equipped. As an example, Alyssa can equip a unique shield that lets you do a special unique two-person combo with each other character. They're like equippable mini-classes.
Item Use:
You start out with 3 slots to equip items and gain more slots as the game progresses.
Early item examples:
Shield Breaker - Ailment: Vulnerable (Enemy takes double damage from the next hit)
Poison Mist - Ailment: Poison (Damage each turn. Only works on organic enemies)
Aegis - Target ally takes only 1 HP of damage from the next hit
Sunglasses - Target ally gains 40% style (style affects damage & ailment success)
Potion - Target ally regains 100 HP (Not reduced when ally is in desperate mode)
Pain Pill - Target ally can enter desperate mode once with no style cost (Desperate mode normally costs 50/100% style depending on difficulty level. Desperate mode means that when a hit would kill you instead you go into negative HP and only die if your HP is still negative at the end of your turn. In desperate mode, you get a damage bonus and most heal effects are halved)
Hyperizer - Target ally instantly goes into Hyper mode (Hyper mode occurs every X turns depending on the character and doubles your damage/ailment power for 1 turn)
Game inspirations:
Phantasy Star - Setting. Inspiration to make the game in the first place (I wish there was a Phantasy Star V... let's make the next best thing!)
Chrono Trigger - Late 16-bit style. Battles on map. Dual techs.
Lunar: Eternal Blue - Tone. Cutscenes. Music.
Suikoden - Intrigue. Base building.
The Characters:
Alyssa L'Salle

Our Heroine! At the start of our story, she is one of the top secret agents at the Agency of Peace and Intelligence. However, all is not as it seems...
Weapon: Cyber-Bo
Strengths: Versatility, Leadership
Dominant Element: Water
Chahn Kaneko

Close personal friend of Alyssa. Quite the energetic personality. Skilled in gunmancy - the art of summoning and controlling guns with your mind. Also skilled in the medical arts.
Weapon: Summoned Guns
Strengths: Healing, Backup
Dominant Element: Fire

Elite hacker for the Galactic Agency. Thinks he's cool but really isn't. Incredibly paranoid. Supports the team while impairing the enemy with his mad skillz. His unique Enviro-hack skill changes effect depending on the location it's used in.
Weapon: Tablet
Strengths: Debuffs, Hacking
Dominant Element: Lightning
Borisusovsky (aka Sue)

When you need brute strength combined with impeccable fashion sense, he's your man. Quiet and gruff but has a soft side that emerges from time to time.
Weapon: Fists
Strengths: Martial Arts, Combos
Dominant Element: Earth

An indie singer from the slums of Gehenna. A little shy... or is that just a cover?
Weapon: Force Daggers.
Strengths: Speed, Ailments.
Dominant Element: Wind

Proud member of the Araenu Police Force. Distant cousin of Alyssa. Wants to be taken seriously.
Weapon: Shotblaster
Strengths: Taking a hit
Dominant Element: Fire

Prominent member of the Astrea rebel faction. True name unknown. Proud and calculating. Accompanied by a floating seeing eye robot that feeds images directly to her visual display device.
Weapon: Explosive Beakers
Strengths: Technology, Eye Robot Minion
Dominant Element: Ice

Rogue robot agent. Was the smoothest talker around back before the incident. Ever since then, he's been a bit... odd.
Weapon: Rocket Boots
Strengths: Who knows?
Dominant Element: Lightning

Cybernetically-enhanced Psybe comes from the planet Rhomu, where his species builds its advanced hive-like civilizations among the ruins of jungle-like planet surface. A genius and fearless explorer, Psybe seeks justice for his planet and his people.
Weapon: Songs
Strengths: Support
Dominant Element: Earth
Orson Bolibar

Member of an alien race that begins life looking human before turning into ghosts upon maturation. Wears a special suit that amplifies his spectral powers. Private Eye on the Planet Nuluup.
Weapon: Colt Handgun formed from Spectral Energy.
Strengths: Elemental Magic
Dominant Element: Wind

Alien bounty hunter. Loves capes. Hard to kill. Doesn't talk much.
Weapon: Claws
Strengths: Brute Strength.
Dominant Element: Ice

Video Media:
2016 E3 Trailer
General Trailer
30 Minute Gameplay video
Vita Off-screen footage
PS Underground Preview video
PS4 Metacritic
PC Matacritic
Trophy List<Spoiler Warning>
Zeboyd Q & A
Some Q and As:
-When is the Vita version?
As soon as we can direct our focus back onto it, start testing the whole thing there and fixing anything that might need fixing (like the file size), and learning any new ropes on the back-end for Vita which itself takes time. But at the very least our game and engine runs super great on it.
-Potential for a Switch port?
We've been in touch with Nintendo so the possibility is there, but we can't even think about adding more platforms at the moment until we take care of the ones we've already promised.
-Limited Run Games physical edition when?
Once the PS4 and Vita versions have been out for a bit, and if there've been any patching to fix weird quirks along the way, that would be the time, given that doing a physical run we'd want any tweaks/updates to go along with the Disc/Card.
How Long is this game?
15-25 hours depending on play style

*Thank you to BGBW for another great banner!
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