You never know, that's what's always interesting with a new Nintendo system. But Switch is a much stronger IP at the end of its time than the Wii was. That console more or less fell off a cliff at the end while the Switch is still doing really well.
I don’t think these were the misconceptions. Even if they thought it was a controller for the wii, stupid things like a balance board sold well for wii so them thinking it's a controller for it they would have still shown interest in it to eventually find out it's not. The people interested in a Wii just weren't interested in what it was offering. They didn't want better graphics or a tablet controller. To them the Wii motion control was what got them to buy a Wii and what Wii U was offering was of little interest to them, a lot of them were not enthusiastic about "a better Wii" to begin with.The general public had 2 misconceptions.
Wii U was a controller for the Wii
Wii U was a Wii in HD.
Nether of these were a significant draw, so it just got ignored.
They already a lot of attention, they only need a constant flow of good games, like the Switch.Makes you wonder how they’re going to make switch 2 an enticing proposition. Better graphics and the numeral 2?
Based on conversations I had with Wii owners at the time, they were.I don’t think these were the misconceptions. Even if they thought it was a controller for the wii, stupid things like a balance board sold well for wii so them thinking it's a controller for it they would have still shown interest in it to eventually find out it's not. The people interested in a Wii just weren't interested in what it was offering. They didn't want better graphics or a tablet controller. To them the Wii motion control was what got them to buy a Wii and what Wii U was offering was of little interest to them, a lot of them were not enthusiastic about "a better Wii" to begin with.
No, I think Nintendo have done what I thought was impossible after the Wii and DS, they have managed to get the more causal crowd to buy games. The software sales on the Switch have been very good. I am expecting the Switch 2 or whatever it ends up being called, to do very well indeed.Do you think the same will happen with the Switch 2?
To be honest we are not really comparing apples with apples here, and Nintendo have laid out some impressive groundwork with the Switch brand. If you also look at the software sales with over 1.3 billion units sold up to now, then it looks like the rapid drop off with the Wii has been avoided. Plus you have to take into account the Switch is catering for both Nintendo's handheld and home console markets. And even with the Wii U and 3DS, Nintendo managed to shifes around 90 million consoles between them.I'm not sure either..
Nintendo sequel consoles have never sold as well as the originals.
SNES sold less than the NES
3DS sold less than the DS
Gameboy Advanced (I count this as the true successor to the GB) sold less than the GB/GB colour
Wii U was just an absolute disaster compared to the Wii.
Looking at the history, it would appear that the Switch 2 will sell less than the current Switch. However, it's not a guarantee. If Nintendo price it correctly and hit the ground running with some killer apps, plus get incredible first party support then they might beat their sequel trend.
To be honest we are not really comparing apples with apples here, and Nintendo have laid out some impressive groundwork with the Switch brand. If you also look at the software sales with over 1.3 billion units sold up to now, then it looks like the rapid drop off with the Wii has been avoided. Plus you have to take into account the Switch is catering for both Nintendo's handheld and home console markets. And even with the Wii U and 3DS, Nintendo managed to shifes around 90 million consoles between them.
I think we also underestimate the power of the Switch's online system, it's news network featre in particular is a great way to reach it's more casual existing userbase. Also Nintendo are keeping the hype levels at a maximum for their next console. In my opinion all they have to do is keep it simple, offer backwards compatibility, more power will be a given as it's releasing nearly 8 years after the original. I just can't see Nintendo missing with this one.
After this infamous presentation the WiiU was doomed no matter what it was called, the console had the same design as the Wii, the same colour, New Mario was like the one on the Wii, the Miis were like the ones on the Wii, it used Wiimotes, it played the same game as Wiisports, etc... it's normal that most of the public thought it was an expensive peripheral for the original Wii and not a new console, the launch software line didn't help either, Nintendoland was horrible and New Super Mario Bros U was too similar to the previous two.
I'm not sure either..
Nintendo sequel consoles have never sold as well as the originals.
SNES sold less than the NES
3DS sold less than the DS
Gameboy Advanced (I count this as the true successor to the GB) sold less than the GB/GB colour
Wii U was just an absolute disaster compared to the Wii.
Looking at the history, it would appear that the Switch 2 will sell less than the current Switch. However, it's not a guarantee. If Nintendo price it correctly and hit the ground running with some killer apps, plus get incredible first party support then they might beat their sequel trend.
After this infamous presentation the WiiU was doomed no matter what it was called, the console had the same design as the Wii, the same colour, New Mario was like the one on the Wii, the Miis were like the ones on the Wii, it used Wiimotes, it played the same game as Wiisports, etc... it's normal that most of the public thought it was an expensive peripheral for the original Wii and not a new console, the launch software line didn't help either, Nintendoland was horrible and New Super Mario Bros U was too similar to the previous two.
How'so? it outsold the 360 afaik3 didn't save the PS3 from being a catastrophe, so no.
11 years old at the time of the Wii U… mind blownI can forgive everything except the nintento land slander. That was my favourite game as an 11 year old
Kinda agree with this. Not sure if triple, but yes at least double. But yes, wouldnt had been nowhere near close as the OG Wii success. But yes, Ninrtendo IP side it was covered, i mean, some of the best sellers of Switch (Mario Kart 8, Zelda BOTW and Super Smash are in fact improved Wii U games, so....) Third party support wasnt the best, as usual...Ironically, Wii U had some triple A multiplattform franchises Switch lacks, like Tekken and COD.I believe it legitimately would've sold triple the units if they named it the Wii 2 and marketed it properly.
It was never going to match the Wii, but the system was not lacking at all in super high quality games from well established Nintendo IP.