Have any of you guys gone through the Weapons Course yet? There's a little timed challenge mode at the end with a par time of 35.2 seconds. I didn't actually manage to beat that (because I'm generally bad at CS) but some of my friends managed to get ~26 seconds on it. What's your best time?
Can I be your friend? :OCaved in, and bought it for myself and all my friends to play. Feels good man
Can I be your friend? :O
So there will be some kind of skill-based ranking system when the game launches, correct?
Yes the system was already in place in the betaAnyone?
Holy crap are you kidding me with this trophy list, Valve? Some of these seem pretty situational/luck based. :/
Those are all incredibly easy. Ridiculously so.
5 vs 5 seems bit suspicous, and the Valve support for consoles is one other thing what bothers a bit about the future updates for this release...
Win an Arms Race match without dying
The Cleaner
In Classic mode, kill five enemies in a single round
I dunno, man. Maybe I just suck at the traditional one-life-to-live/CS modes, but those seem like they're going to be impossible to get. :/
Huh? Why does 5v5 seem suspicious to you? It's typical for a CS game. Valve's support for consoles has been ruined by limitations put in place by MS/Sony.
You can play against Easy Bots...
I even changed the cvars in Arms Race to make all weapons AWP because I wanted awp practice and I still got achievements (I think at least)
I'm buying this on PC today. really enjoyed the beta, nothing to complain about.
really confused about all the whining/negativity in this thread.
Is it safe to buy? Not sure why its saying that, only have the beta.
Win an Arms Race match without dying
The Cleaner
In Classic mode, kill five enemies in a single round
I dunno, man. Maybe I just suck at the traditional one-life-to-live/CS modes, but those seem like they're going to be impossible to get. :/
I assume it's 5v5 because every bullet fired in the game is a physics calculation and, even on a heavily-overclocked PC, firefights cause a relatively large framerate dip.
Need backup!
Win an Arms Race match without dying
The Cleaner
In Classic mode, kill five enemies in a single round
I dunno, man. Maybe I just suck at the traditional one-life-to-live/CS modes, but those seem like they're going to be impossible to get. :/
You can get them in bot games, I got The Cleaner when I was testing some stuff.
Went ahead and bought it. Should I be downloading the beta to play it later today? Don't see a install option on the main game.
I assume it's 5v5 because every bullet fired in the game is a physics calculation and, even on a heavily-overclocked PC, firefights cause a relatively large framerate dip.
Bullets in CS are hit-scan. No physics calculations necessary. It hasn't been my experience that firing weapons drops FPS at all. Grenades, and smokes? Sure.
Really? Whats your setup? I was getting 120+FPS easy at 1080p @ 120hz and well above 60 @ 2560x1600. I know my machine isnt the norm by any means so I'm just curious. 5v5 seems meh but if this was the reason I guess I can see..
Went ahead and bought it. Should I be downloading the beta to play it later today? Don't see a install option on the main game.
Huh? Why does 5v5 seem suspicious to you? It's typical for a CS game. Valve's support for consoles has been ruined by limitations put in place by MS/Sony.
Again: There's bots on consoles? I haven't seen a FPS feature bots outside of Black Cops 1 on consoles in AGES.
I realise that (some calculations are made though, such as distance to target to determine damage), but I was referring to the actual bullet shells -- in CS:S, they're actual objects that interact with the environment dynamically (bouncing off walls, rolling down slopes, etc). However, I just fired up GO, and it seems they've done away with this; the shells just disappear into nothingness.
2600K @ 4.6GHz, 8GB DDR3-1600, 1.28GB 570. Judging from my quick and dirty test I just did to see if bullet shells were still in, I get around 260fps on de_aztec, with that dropping by about 40fps when I fire my weapon.
Oh ok so its still obviously extremely playable which is good to hear
Bots are available and trophies/achievements can be unlocked against them instead of playing against real people online.
3 hours before the unlock of the retail version.
Do you think there will be difference between beta and retail version ?
You still sucking ass through a straw in P4A?Well, I guess I know what I'm buying today... In the mood for a new shooter to supplement BF3 and since this has bots I don't need to suck ass through a straw for a few matches.
I realise that (some calculations are made though, such as distance to target to determine damage), but I was referring to the actual bullet shells -- in CS:S, they're actual objects that interact with the environment dynamically (bouncing off walls, rolling down slopes, etc). However, I just fired up GO, and it seems they've done away with this; the shells just disappear into nothingness. With this in mind, the player count should definitely be higher.
2600K @ 4.6GHz, 8GB DDR3-1600, 1.28GB 570. Judging from my quick and dirty test I just did to see if bullet shells were still in, I get around 260fps on de_aztec, with that dropping by about 40fps when I fire my weapon.
I don't know why so many other much smaller developers than Valve can comply with the terms set by MS/Sony...![]()