Is there a ps3 list of players or is a thread going to go up on the community side?
I'm interested in seeing what PS3 users think of the game's Move support.
Anyone else on PS3? I'm having a lot of fun with this. Good effort Valve.
Played for about 30 min tonight
Weapons tutorial is classic valve and hilarious
Gameplay is CS magic. It's just a shame the aiming is still shitty Valve console aiming. I mean, it literally feels just
Iike orange box, left 4 dead, and portal
Might give Move a try as I don't even have a KB/mouse anymore
Wait people are playing this on consoles? This isn't a console game.
I mean the whole pace and everything isn't designed around pad controls.
Cool man, I'm afk right now (well afc to be precise) but shoot me an invite anywayI'm downloading now on the PS3. I'm going to charge my mic, make some dinner and then hop on and see what's up.
Junkster, I'll hit you up if I see you on.
Give it a shot man
Im playing it on my PS3 so it kinda looks like it is.
Is the console version of Counter Strike: Go better or worse than Counter Strike for Original Xbox.
Reading through this thread, nobody seems to remember this fantastic game.
The Halo 2 of 2003.
It's probably going to be pretty humbling. Report back!I'm gonna try online now and see how terrible I am 10 years later
I'm gonna try online now and see how terrible I am 10 years later
Is the console version of Counter Strike: Go better or worse than Counter Strike for Original Xbox.
Reading through this thread, nobody seems to remember this fantastic game.
The Halo 2 of 2003.
If you want to, changing the cross-hairs back to old-style is as easy as changing menu options.AK47 Spray pattern is a little off... getting used to the new cross-hairs as well but having a great time with friends.
Wait people are playing this on consoles? This isn't a console game.
I mean the whole pace and everything isn't designed around pad controls.
Arms race pisses me off so much. Countless times I have the knife only to be denied because all my kills get stolen when im knifing them.
So is there a fix for the scope blur yet?
Really hoping this releases on XBL not much later than midnight. I got all excited today for no reason.
You can still navigate with numbers, I like the radial menu on PC better than the vertical layout anyway.As far as I remember CS:GO started off as a port of CS: Source to consoles and the buy menu is clearly designed for pads.
4-5am PST
are there bots too?
All rounds in matchmaking will always be 5v5. If someone drops out a bot will take the place until another player replaces.There is offline, not sure about online.
There is offline, not sure about online.
Any PS3 impressions?
I believe that's by design.
4-5am PST
It will put bots into an online game if there aren't enough players (at least on pc).
Really glad the Achievements moved over. Put about 50 hours into the beta. I'm excited to get home and play a bit more tonight.
Also, I found this pretty funny. Why are people so dumb?
What the fuck? Idiocy and entitlement should not be rewarded.
someone gifted a copy of the game to him... who was that idiot?
Isn't that usually the EST time, more like 2 PST?
hey, I just met you, and this is crazy but your Ikki avatar, it's awesome maybe.
Nothing has changed since Source, it's just random running around and spraying.