It's interesting to me that console gamers are complaining about the quality of a port they got
I don't even mean that in a "lol mastur race" way, I genuinely think that is fascinating
Idk I remember having more fun on the xbox game..Much better.
Especially once you realize that dead players can talk to alive players w/ headset.There are like 8 new maps.
Classic Competitive is the only proper gamemode, imo. The casual one is a mess.
Congratulations, you beat Counter-Strike.Hmm I got a 2 for 1 shot with the SSG and at that exact moment everyone but me was kicked from the server.. wtf?
Especially once you realize that dead players can talk to alive players w/ headset.
~ for console. Voice_enable 0how do you turn off chat
If you want to, changing the cross-hairs back to old-style is as easy as changing menu options.
Have to enable it in Game SettingsIs there a reason I can't open console?
I am mashing the `(~) key and it won't let me see it at ALL!
You have to specifically enable the console in the options before you can press `.Is there a reason I can't open console?
I am mashing the `(~) key and it won't let me see it at ALL!
I would rather go for the Rock Band 2 "Bladder of Steel Award" before that.has anyone tried to get the "win arms race without dying? trophy?
has anyone tried to get the "win arms race without dying? trophy?
I would rather go for the Rock Band 2 "Bladder of Steel Award" before that.
Anyone on the pacific wanna play?
ID: Japanator
Eh, it's casual mode. It's for shit's and giggles.
Have to enable it in Game Settings
You have to specifically enable the console in the options before you can press `.
That was really random running into you and TheExodu5 on a quickmatch tonight.
Anyone playing on PC feel free to send me a friend request, Steam ID is
Are partys fixed yet, cant join a game for shit if your in a party on 360.
No :/
What we've been doing is to have one person join a game until they find one with some slots open. Have as many ppl as you can join and then votekick people out to get your friends in. People are assholes and will usually vote yes lol.
No :/
What we've been doing is to have one person join a game until they find one with some slots open. Have as many ppl as you can join and then votekick people out to get your friends in. People are assholes and will usually vote yes lol.
has anyone tried to get the "win arms race without dying? trophy?
It was planned as a port of CS: Source so I don't see how it could be a port of a port, it is the Source engine after all.I think it's fascinating that PC players think CSGO is a PC port.
PC players tested it, but CSGO was planned as a console game from the start.
PC was added into the mix later.
yea I played Source casually, I was even an admin for a while. I never got into it because the game was too hardcore on PC. I like the n00b friendly console version. Some of the maps like Office and Italy are perfect for me. I enjoyed the hour of it I played, will play more tomorrow.
Have you played CS or CS:GO on PC? Console version is downright abomination compared to PC version.
Everyone was playing as if it's COD. There are no tactics, no teamwork, no planning. I could run past everyone into the office, rescue hostages and leave without shooting anyone. Most definitely people will get used to the maps if this is the first time they're playing, but it's very dumbed down. It's hard to explain but it doesn't feel right.
My patience of forcing myself into getting used to shitty controls has reduced drastically. I can't handle shit control anymore.
Oh and those that are saying there is no trigger lag, go to tutorial and try it out. Tap to fire and you'll notice some nice lag.
CS:GO on PC is also noob friendly. I hate the "1337" environment of CS:S or CS:1.6, so CS:GO is a lot of fun to play on PC.
Curious about this too. I tried CS 1.6 and source a while ago, but got frustrated at eing killed quite so quickly - often barely seeing anyone. Didn't feel like a firefight, felt like fighting unstoppable bots. So the potential for the console versions to be more 'friendly' is interesting to me.
Has anyone had issues running SLI? Whenever I shoot I get like massive lock/choke. I cant find anything on the steam forum except one thread with someone that has the exact same issue and running the same GTX570 in SLI. But no1 has answered unfortunately.
It works fine if I turn SLI off so im about to play around with setting CS:GO to only use one gpu(so I don't have to continuously switch between SLI and non-SLI) but I shouldn't have to keep it this way forever.
The game is not graphics intensive.
Also this casual gametype is kind of crap. You dont have to buy ammo
Its like the first fucking thing they shouldve tested to shit before launch.
If anyone have the time to answer my questions it would be much appreciated.
*Disclaimer* I'm not a PC gamer.
So anyways I haven't played CS since like 2006, saw that CS GO is out and decided to download it via Steam (first ever purchase on Steam). I just figure M/KB the only way to go with CS. Anyways long story short I can't for the life of me get the game to work. The first time I booted CS GO it felt very slow. So I tried to change the settings and put everything low and then it only got worst. When I try to join a game I get a black screen.
I'm trying to play on a pretty crappy lap top (I know it's not the way to go). However I figure even if the lap top is crappy it should at least be able to handle the lowest settings. I have no clue what even half the settings mean to me I don't understand all the PC-Gaming jargon.
So basically does anyone have a easy set up for me so I can play the game at a low settings?
It's a Dell Inspiron (no clue model)
Processor : Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00Ghz 2.00 GHZ
Installed memory (RAM) : 3.00 GB
32-bit operating system.
Also it's a 15 inch lap top that I have hooked up to a 17 inch monitor. So what resolution should I be playing at? The first two times I booted up the game I got into a game but it just looked terrible. Then I tried changing settings/resolution and I couldn't even get into a game I figured maybe it was because of the resolution change. Kind of regret not just buying the damn thing on console.
You haven't needed to buy ammo since 1.6
Is ELO working? Hasn't moved at all for me in ~14 hours of play.