Yes, and tagging effectively stuns people when they get hit.
To elaborate a bit, you basically slow down A LOT and if you aren't right next to some cover it will be hard for you to make it there, unless you manage to kill the one shooting at you.
Yes, and tagging effectively stuns people when they get hit.
I used to play a little bit of CSS but I was never very good, and I do not get how the shooting in this works. I unload deagle rounds into a dude's head and he doesn't die but one burst from an AK or UMP drops me. Explain this to me please.
I used to play a little bit of CSS but I was never very good, and I do not get how the shooting in this works. I unload deagle rounds into a dude's head and he doesn't die but one burst from an AK or UMP drops me. Explain this to me please.
I only noticed last night when I plugged in my mic, but the game chat for PS3 is bewilderingly stupid.
After messing around with it some more, I don't think I like Demolition all that much. It's not necessarily a bad mode, but I really dislike being forced to use specific (read: shitty) weapons, like the Bizon. I mean, it's not unfair as everyone has to work through that one, but ehhh. At least select some fun guns for us.
pretty sure it does. "always show weapons" is what i think it's called. i like leaving it on though, especially for armsrace since i'm not too familiar with the models yet.PC version has the option to disable that. That would suck if the console version didn't have that.
pretty sure it does. "always show weapons" is what i think it's called. i like leaving it on though, especially for armsrace since i'm not too familiar with the models yet.
You should go into more detail. What's confusing you about it?
You do know that Casual mode allows both teams to talk to eachother, while competitive mode limits the voice chat to just your own team right?
because it's casual mode.It is confusing me why they thought it would be a good idea to allow everyone to listen to both teams in casual mode
I get the appeal of the game mode, but man some of those maps are just bad. Some people might harp on the fact that CS has basically used the same maps for like 12 years now, but there's a reason why. The classic set of CS maps really are some of the most well designed FPS maps ever. Kind of amazing most of them came from a mod community initially when you think about it.
You must be missing the head. CS:GO has much smaller hitboxes than CSS did.
It is confusing me why they thought it would be a good idea to allow everyone to listen to both teams in casual mode
because it's casual mode.
I mean the center dot on the reticule is dead on the head and they aren't going down. I'm getting multiple shots off too.
Could someone be kind enough to explain what tagging and flinching is, to someone not in the know? Guessing flinching is what it sounds and your aim is effected by getting shot?
forgive me for not finding enlightenment in your explanation
I get the appeal of the game mode, but man some of those maps are just bad. Some people might harp on the fact that CS has basically used the same maps for like 12 years now, but there's a reason why. The classic set of CS maps really are some of the most well designed FPS maps ever. Kind of amazing most of them came from a mod community initially when you think about it.
It's chill out mode. Talk to your friends on the other team. Taunt each other. Share strategies to practice for the real deal. Convince people to do dumb shit.
Otherwise, play the real deal.
I mean the center dot on the reticule is dead on the head and they aren't going down. I'm getting multiple shots off too.
options are good. play competitive mode instead if you want a more serious game.forgive me for not finding enlightenment in your explanation
If everyone keeps crying "I want 1.6!", why don't they go play 1.6 instead of cluttering this thread up with useless 1.6 posts? This isn't 1.6, this is CounterStrike GO!
I mean the center dot on the reticule is dead on the head and they aren't going down. I'm getting multiple shots off too.
Check this --
I just went into an empty server and emptied a DEagle clip into a wall. The bullet holes on the right show me spamming the fire button without moving crosshair. The bullet holes on the left show me taking a half second gap between shots.
Notice the difference?
When I took the time to space the shots out, all 7 of them landed in the exact same spot. When I was spamming the fire button, the shots were wildly inaccurate.
I mislike the term dated so much. I see it as more classic, pure form of FPS gaming.Never been much of a PC guy, but I used to enjoy the XBOX port of Counter Strike. Tried to play Global Offensive, but just can't get into for some reason. Perhaps I've played far too much Call of Duty and Battlefield, that I just can't jump back into the dated mechanics of CS.
So yeah, I wasn't really in the mood to play casual where other teams can see you while they are dead but man, I definitely need to get used to the maps first before hopping in to competitive.
I understand what you're trying to demonstrate, but using bullet hole decals is one of the worst way's to do it in the source engine. If you're on PC, look into setting sv_cheats to 1 and starting up your own listen server. Look up some console commands that'll REALLY show you where the bullets are going.
I don't disagree with what you're saying (don't hammer on the trigger), there's just better ways of showing it![]()
What sensitivity are you using? Share your setup.Ignoring allvof the vitriol and accusations, I picked up the game for ps3 and after fixing my sensitivity and layout am absolutely loving it. I played 1.6 for a long time and while the console controls are not perfect, the game is definitely worth the investment. I'd say the only thing that is jarring is the fact that the hitboxes have changed. Shots that used to count are now missing. Guess I just need to aim better :S
Any other cvars apart from sv_showimpact 1? The result seem pretty similar between showimpact and the bullet decals, to be totally honest.
What sensitivity are you using? Share your setup.
I mean the center dot on the reticule is dead on the head and they aren't going down. I'm getting multiple shots off too.
Sure they can see you, but it's not like they can talk to the players who are alive on their team and tell them where people are.
Unless you're on PC and using something like Mumble in the background.
They can't? So it's split between the dead players and the living ones on casual? lol Ok that's way better. I just figured everyone could always hear everyone.
I used to play a little bit of CSS but I was never very good, and I do not get how the shooting in this works. I unload deagle rounds into a dude's head and he doesn't die but one burst from an AK or UMP drops me. Explain this to me please.
You just have to be patient when you have the weaker guns. Pistol and shotgun only when the bots are in firefights with each other. If you fly through the rifle rounds properly, you should have enough room between you and any bots to really take your time. Only the knife round should be really difficult.
Possibly dumb question but does playing Casual affect ELO rank?
Original text menus were badass, had that thing memorized. Also kinda upset you can't do left handed model unless I missed something.
Got code for each version. Now which one to keep for review and which to give out? Hmm...
Got code for each version. Now which one to keep for review and which to give out? Hmm...
Game is broken on PC atm currently for me. DFS ad playing all the time, even on menus and a message "File blahblah doesn't match the server"
Got code for each version. Now which one to keep for review and which to give out? Hmm...
No auto aim is why which means you actually have to aim without anyone holding your hand. Also change the sensitivity to 1.30 on Horizontal and Vertical and the aiming becomes A LOT better.
Can you mod soundeffects? In 1.6 I modded the "Fire in the hole" to a recording of me yelling "AND AWAY IT GOES!"
That probably explains why I blitzed the field with a shotty. Either way, this is clearly a game for a nostalgia trip. A Retro game for ex PC players, no different to Sonic the Hedgehog. I cannot imagine the newer breed of gamer latching onto this unless they havnt experienced whats current in the market.